Reality cannot be found except in One single source, because of the interconnection of all things with one another. ... I do not conceive of any reality at all as without genuine unity. -Gottfried Leibniz, 1670Without this new theoretical model providing the necessary connection between things that exist, we can have no causal theory of knowledge, leaving the Sciences founded on Induction from repeated observation, which is always uncertain, rather than deduction from metaphysical principles, which is certain. -Geoff Haselhurst, 2005
1 Introduction: Modern Physics
1.1 Both light and matter exhibit a particle / wave duality.
1.2 Two main fields: i) charge / electromagnetic fields, and ii) mass / gravity fields.
1.3 Problem: different concepts without any clear understanding of how they are connected and related to space and time.
2 New Paradigm: Method of approach/objective.
2.1 Describe the path that Albert Einstein tried to unite these concepts from a common foundation (which he failed to do).
2.2 From the most simple principle founded on one thing --Space existing as a Wave Medium--, to demonstrate how we can finally unite these concepts in a meaningful way that describes Reality without paradox or contradiction.
3 Central Concepts of Modern Physics
3.1 Newton's Mechanics: Space. Time. Matter as Particles with 'Mass' [Force = Mass by Acceleration].
3.2 Continuous Electromagnetic Field Theory (Faraday, Maxwell, Lorentz, Einstein / Relativity): Matter as Particles with 'Charge'. Continuous Spherical Electromagnetic Fields. Light as Vector Electromagnetic Waves. Gravitational Fields (local theory - all matter interactions limited by velocity of light c).
3.3 Discrete Quantum Theory (Planck, Einstein, de Broglie, Schrodinger, Bohr): . Light as Discrete Particles (Photons). Scalar Waves. Probability Waves. Particle Wave Duality (Light & Matter). Quantum Entanglement (apparently non local theory - appear to be instantaneous matter interactions).
3.4 Einstein's error: to work with fields in space-time (mathematical) rather than real waves in Space (physical), largely because he did not have knowledge of the Wave properties of matter when he developed his Theory of Relativity. [Quantum Theory's discovery of the wave properties of matter did not occur until 1928, whereas Einstein's continuous electromagnetic field foundations were developed from 1905 to 1916 based largely on the ideas of James Clerk Maxwell (Maxwell's Equations, 1870s) and Lorentz's Theory of the Electron (1900).]
3.5 Central metaphysical error: to describe reality from the many material things we experience, matter 'particles'. (i.e. Science, which is empirically founded).
4. A Proposed Causal Model of Reality: Wave Structure of Matter in Space
4.1 Metaphysics has known for several thousand years that it is necessary to describe reality from one thing existing to explain matter's interconnection in Space and the Universe.
4.2 Proposed model: Space (and its Properties) as a Wave Medium for Spherical Waves that form Matter.
4.3 The discrete 'particle' effect of matter is caused by the Wave-Center of the Spherical Standing Waves.
4.4 The discrete 'particle' effect of light is caused by discrete Standing Wave Interactions / Resonant Coupling.
4.5 Time is caused by Wave Motion (as spherical wave motions of Space which cause matter's activity and the phenomena of time).
4.6 Forces / Fields are caused by wave interactions of the Spherical In and Out Waves with other matter in the universe which change the location of the Wave-Center (and which we 'see' as a 'force accelerating a particle').
4.7 Quantum Entanglement is likewise caused by the Interaction between the In and Out-Waves and all the other matter in the universe.
5. Conclusions:
5.1 By abiding by the central rule of Metaphysics (4.1, above) and describing Reality in Terms of One thing existing, Space (and its Properties) as a Wave Medium for Spherical Standing Waves that form Matter, we find a very simple solution to the problems of Modern Physics.
5.2 Matter is always subtly connected to other matter in the universe (i.e., matter is large, not small; we only see the Wave-Center and have been deceived by its 'particle' effect). However, Einstein's 'Locality' is correct, all matter to matter interactions are limited by the velocity of Waves in Space.
5.3 Einstein is also correct in stating that Matter is a Spherically Spatially extended structure of Space (i.e., there is no 'particle'). However, we have simplified Einstein's ideas,
from: Matter as Continuous Spherical Fields in Space-Time
to: Matter as Spherical Waves in Continuous Space.This rough diagram shows how the In-Waves and Out-Waves form a Standing Wave around the Wave-Center 'particle'.
5.4 We have now decreased the number of concepts from Einstein's 5 (continuous, spherical, fields, space, time), where there is no clear understanding of how they are connected, down to 4 concepts (spherical, waves, continuous, space), where we can clearly connect these four things back to One thing existing, Space (and its Properties) as a Wave Medium for Spherical Waves that form matter.
5.5 Of most significance (the real beauty of this solution) is that not only does it solve the problems of Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity, but it also solves the basic problems of Quantum Theory / Quantum Mechanics (founded on Wave Equations) and Cosmology (uniting finite matter & universe with infinite eternal space - The Big Bang Theory being founded on a basic error).
[Adapted by from
Geoff Haselhurst's page The Dynamic Unity of Reality ]Back to: Technical Notes | Integration Formulas and Identification Functions |
[Geoff Haselhurst] ... on the subjects of truth and reality. The central thesis is best stated in three parts;
i) We must know the truth to act wisely, and truth comes from physical reality.
ii) Our present and past societies are not founded on truth and act unwisely (overpopulation, destruction of nature, pollution, climate change, religious and economic wars, etc.).
iii) We now know the correct language for describing physical reality (all matter interactions are wave interactions in space), and this knowledge is critical for our future survival, being the source of truth & wisdom.So how do we prove that this is true? Everyone will agree that true knowledge of reality must explain and solve the fundamental problems of knowledge in physics, philosophy and metaphysics. To begin it is useful to read the Introduction & Summary to this Physics Philosophy Metaphysics Website.
Short Summary of Quantum Physics
The Quantum Physics pages show how this new understanding of physical reality (that all light and matter interactions are wave interactions in Space) explains and solves the central problems of Quantum Theory.
The mistake was to work from Newton's foundation of particles and instantly acting gravity forces in space and time (many things) and then have to add more things to explain light and electricity, i.e. charged particles, continuous electromagnetic fields and waves (Faraday, Maxwell, Lorentz, Einstein's Special Relativity).
Thus by 1900 the central concepts of Physics were;Matter as discrete particles with both gravitational mass and electrical charge properties (mass-charge duality).
Light as continuous electromagnetic waves (velocity of light c).
Continuous electromagnetic fields created by discrete charged particles (discrete particle-continuous field duality).
Local charge interactions limited by the velocity of electromagnetic waves (velocity of light c).Over the next 30 years Quantum Theory destroyed these foundations by showing the exact opposite, that;
Matter has wave properties thus a particle-wave duality (de Broglie Waves, Schrodinger's wave equations).
Light has discrete particle properties thus a particle-wave duality (Light 'quanta', Max Planck, Albert Einstein)
Continuous deterministic fields are replaced by discrete statistical fields e.g. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Niels Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation, Born's probability waves to predict the location of the particle.
Non-Local matter interactions (instant action-at-distance EPR Bell Aspect)The solution to this confusion and contradiction is simple once known. Describe reality from One thing existing, Space (that we all commonly experience) and its Properties. i.e. Rather than adding matter particles to space as Newton did, we consider Space with properties of a continuous wave medium for a pure Wave Structure of Matter. This is the Most Simple Science Theory of Physical Reality (despite many claims to the contrary, science does actually work, we just needed the correct foundation of continuous Space rather than discrete matter).
Most importantly, this Dynamic Unity of Reality provides simple solutions to all the 'strangeness' of quantum physics that has resulted from this discrete / disconnected 'particle' conception of matter.
i.e.Matter is a Wave Structure of Space - the Spherical Wave Center creates the 'particle' effect.
Light is a Wave Phenomena - however, spherical standing waves (matter) act as spherical resonators and only interact (resonantly couple) at discrete frequencies / energies which gives the effect of discrete light 'quanta'.
Reality is both Continuous (Space) and Discrete (Standing Wave Interactions).
Reality is both Local and Non-Local - matter is causally inter-connected in Space by its Spherical In and Out Waves (traveling at velocity c, i.e. Einstein's Locality). However (and very importantly), with relative motion these matter wave interactions form de Broglie phase waves that travel at high velocities (c2/v), explaining EPR and apparent Non-Locality / Instant-Action-at-a-Distance.
Reality is Causally Connected but Non-Deterministic / Statistical. The waves in quantum theory are real waves (not abstract 'probability waves') but lack of knowledge of the interconnected whole (infinite Space) causes statistical behaviour of matter (as Einstein believed).I realise this is a pretty abrupt / radical introduction to a new way of seeing things - that it will take some time to adjust. But the Wave Structure of Matter is simple sensible and obvious once known. Each Quantum Physics page has a short summary and important quotes, so it is easy to click around and confirm things for yourself. Enjoy! Think!
" The material Universe is solely made out of Aether "
by Gabriel LaFreniere.
This spherical standing wave system is an electron.
Milo Wolff's on the Wave Structure of Matter
The business of physics is the abstract quantification of facts observed in nature. The rules we form for reconstruction and expression of the observed facts are the Laws of nature and Principles of nature.
Since laws are obtained by measurement of nature rather than derived from other knowledge, they are by definition empirical and "of unknown origin". Therefore if we seek to find the origins of laws we cannot use the existing laws themselves but must use other observed facts together with logical deduction and established mathematics.***
The Space Resonance structure is obtained from three assumptions or principles: (1) a wave equation describing spherical scalar waves, (2) the Space Density Assumption , which leads to an energy exchange mechanism, and (3) the Minimum Amplitude Principle, which regulates particle interactions. The reader should be aware that he is evaluating a new basic proposal that all natural science results from just these three assumptions about the properties of space.
The discovery of these origins creates a radical new picture of the physical world: quantum mechanics and relativity are in a sense united, origins of forces are understood, puzzles and paradoxes are explained and, most important, relationships between microphysics (electrons and particles) and the universe (cosmology) are seen to be a result of an all-pervading "space" (the vacuum or ether) filled with oscillating quantum (particle) waves.The apparent inconsistencies between the point particle theory and the observed wave behavior of the electron are reconciled by an electron structure, the Space Resonance. Electrons or positrons can be described as a pair of spherical scalar waves diverging and converging at their center. This simple structure produces the observed properties of electrons. This basic charged-particle structure is then found to be the origin of the basic laws of physics, including quantum theory, relativistic mass increase, inertia, charge and electromagnetism.
Space underlies physical laws. The most extraordinary conclusion of the space resonance electron structure is that the laws of physics and the structure of matter ultimately depend upon the properties of space determined by the matter itself. Matter in the universe is inter-dependent. Every particle communicates its quantum-wave state with other matter so that energy exchange and the laws of physics are properties of the entire ensemble of matter. Mach's Principle is a law conspicuously displaying this particle inter-dependence.
Two Worlds within our Universe. There are two real and parallel 'worlds' partaking in the physical behavior of matter. One world is our familiar 3D environment, governed by the natural laws and observed by us using our five senses and their extensions as laboratory instruments. Its attributes are familiar material objects, events, and forces between objects, plus the related energy exchanges which enable us to observe the objects and form mental images of them. This world can be termed the World of Energy-exchange since energy-exchange is the unique attribute which allows us to observe this world.
A second World of Scalar Waves forms the structure of the basic particles, electron, protons, and neutrons which compose the material objects and the space (ether) of our world of energy-exchange. These waves in space are unseen by us. We only know of their existence when an energy (frequency) exchange occurs to stimulate our senses. Nevertheless this unseen scalar wave world is basic and determines the real action in both worlds. The waves obey the rules of superposition and interference.
The behavior of the particles (space resonances) in their interactions is largely due to their oscillating scalar waves which reveal their behavior to us via the rules of quantum mechanics and relativity. These waves (inward and outward) fulfill the requirements of matter inter-dependence.
One role of the scalar waves is inter-particle information exchange of their quantum states. This is usually unseen in our world but it is conspicuous in the mysterious EPR effect (Einstein et al, 1935). Information must be exchanged because partners of a future energy exchange cannot act until they have "knowledge" of each other's state. These information exchanges are usually hidden from our laboratory instruments because they are not energy shifts. Nature is a puppet master who allows us to see the puppets but not the orchestration behind the curtain.
Another role of the waves is as a universal cosmic clock which is a requirement behind Newton's laws. The clock is the fixed frequency of the IN and OUT waves pervading the universe.
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