Three Ray Approaches to the Agni Yoga,
and their Words of Power
AAB-DK: "I am faced with difficulty in making these Words of Power clear to you, because essentially it is the Word made flesh or the soul in incarnation which at this point registers power; it is the symbol (the form aspect) and the power (the Spirit aspect) which acts as a great creative agency and bridges across all barriers and separative states of consciousness, thus establishing complete unity." |
First Ray Approach to the Agni Yoga
(Roerich's Agni Yoga Series books - Living Ethics)
[N. Roerich - Madonna Oriflama]
Word of Power: "I ASSERT THE FACT."A little deep reflection on these words will show that if uttered with an understanding of their meaning, they are of terrific potency. The disciple who utters them assumes and then asserts:1. The Spiritual Triad is a fact.
2. The relation between the fused and blended personality and the soul is a fact.
3. The antahkarana is also a fact.
4. The dual expression of the basic duality of manifestation—personality or form and Monad or Spirit—is a fact.
5. The will of the Monad is the factor to be evoked.
6. The knowing, purposeful One can be depended upon to contact the instrument of its will upon the physical plane.
7. The work is done.This factual assumption is not faith, but knowledge and conviction, and upon this realised conviction the disciple rests, acts and depends. It becomes an unalterable and unchangeable attitude. The meaning of the above seven-fold statement will become clearer if the disciple will ponder the distinction between faith and conviction. It is this divine assertion which holds the universe in being; it is this divine assertion which is the embodied summation of all knowledge and love, and the first ray disciple must begin to use this technique, resting back upon his divine prerogative of assertion. Ponder on this statement. It is the [Page 516] technique of Shamballa and the established right, prerogative and privilege of all first ray souls.Infinity I, 358. It is necessary to observe all sensations because it is so rare an attainment. I affirm, I affirm, I affirm!
Heart, 214. The guarantee of the Forces of Light is the greatest basis of the New Life. I affirm that it will be dusky for the dark ones. I affirm the Light of the future, which through various voices will ignite the entire world. I affirm the Teaching as the revelation of the New World. I affirm the most precious concepts as the steps of life. I affirm that no darkness can conquer Our signs. I affirm usefulness from the turmoil. I affirm the striving of the forces of the Subtle World toward the earthly plane. I affirm the hour of difficulties as a trumpet call. I affirm the salvation of all those who follow Us. I affirm the reunion of many divided members. I affirm that path to the sunrise whereon the decision is one. I affirm the date of happiness which destines salvation for the world.
Infinity II, 278. The centers of the Agni Yogi affirm all the cosmic fires. When an Agni Yogi hears a resounding, the link between the centers and the cosmic fires is manifested. This experience is the first achievement toward the establishing of a link with the far-off worlds. Therefore, the tension of the centers is very high and great caution must be manifested. It is a very important manifestation of saturation by Fire. Thus are We saturating the space. I so affirm!
Second Ray Approach to the Agni Yoga
(AAB-DK's "Technique of the Presence")
Word of Power: "I SEE THE GREATEST LIGHT."This statement has relation to the Central Spiritual Sun and not to the Heart of the Sun; it involves, if I might so express it, the most intense effort to see in the light the relation of the whole, and this is one of the most potent experiences to which the disciple can be subjected. It is not vision or even aspiration to see the vision. It is complete sight and of this the Masonic symbol of the "Eye of God," the "All-Seeing Eye," is the expression. It involves realisation of the light of the divine countenance; of this the light of the soul is the dim reflection. The disciple has learnt the significance of solar and lunar light (soul and form light), but this is something other. It is the great obliterating light of reality itself, revealing the fact of the higher Lighted Way which leads to Nirvana; Of this, the projected antahkarana is the stage first consciously realised by the disciple.
Ideas, when intuitively contacted by the disciple or initiate, via the antahkarana, must be brought consciously down to abstract levels of thinking where (expressing it symbolically) they form the blueprints, prior to the institution of the creative process which will give them phenomenal existence and being. I would have you, therefore, remember the three factors:
1. The Intuition - which contacts and reveals new ideas.
2. The Abstract World - in which they are given form and substance and which is to the thought-form eventually created what the etheric body is to the dense physical vehicle.
3. Concrete Thought - producing the concretizing of the thought-form and thus making the idea available to mankind.Here, in this simple summation, is expressed for you the process which the disciple will be able to follow when he is initiate; as each initiation is taken, the scope of the idea steadily increases, and its potency also, so that it might be said that the initiate - as he progresses upon the Path of Initiation - works first with the idea, then with ideas, then with the hierarchical Plan in a wide and general sense, and finally reaches the point where he comes under the influence of the purpose of Sanat Kumara. Then the will of the Lord of the World will stand revealed to him. -DINA II, 280-283
Word of Power: "PURPOSE ITSELF AM I"It is not easy for the disciple on this ray to achieve the necessary focal point of silence; his intense fluidity leads to many words or to great mental activity, frequently carried forward under the impulse of glamour. This lessens the potency of what he seeks to do. But when he has succeeded in achieving "mental silence" and is simply a point of intelligent concentration, then he can use the Word of Power with great effectiveness. The difficulty is that he has to overcome the tendency to use it with the idea of physical plane results in his consciousness. Always he works from the angle of that divine quality which characterises matter; just as the second ray disciple works always from the angle of quality and the first ray disciple from the positivity of spirit. But once he intuitively comprehends and factually grasps the concept that spirit-matter are one reality, and once he has achieved within himself the sublimation of matter, then he can divorce himself from all that the human being understands in relation to form. He can then utter the Word of Power which will make possible his complete identification with spirit, via the antahkarana.***
David Reigley: D.K. and Kalachakra
The Beacon, Jan.-Feb. 1991The Kalachakra system consists of three parts, termed outer, inner, and other, presented in a system of detailed correspondences. Outer is a detailed presentation of the cosmos, the macrocosm, including our planet earth. Inner is a detailed presentation of the human being, the microcosm, including its subtle bodies and energy systems. These two together comprise the “basis to be purified.” Other is a detailed presentation of the Kalachakra mandala, the initiations permitting its use in meditation, instructions on how to correctly visualize it with its symbolic inhabitants, and all the associated mantras. In brief, the Kalachakra mandala is a cosmogram representing the outer and inner worlds in idealized form, i.e., as they should be, free of imperfections. The Kalachakra yoga then, in broad terms, is meditative practice utilizing the correspondences presented in the system to allow the meditator, the microcosm, to identify with the macrocosm, and with their idealized form in the Kalachakra mandala, for the purpose of purifying the microcosm and the macrocosm.
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La Mente expectante y el
Corazón sereno,
en perfecta adaptación al Presente eterno.
[An expecting Mind and a
serene Heart,
perfectly adapted to the eternal Present]