Integration Formulas and Identification Functions
[Appendix: Technical Notes]

Rule XIII: Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery. Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation and may Transmutation disappear. Let the O.M. be heard right at the centre of the group, proclaiming God is All. -TSR V


I. Math background

How had hydrogen -a single electron orbiting a single proton- evolved into a system that could be aware of itself? How had the universe become conscious?

If consciousness is not some emergent property of life, as Western science supposes, but is instead a primary quality of the cosmos-as fundamental as space, time, and matter, perhaps even more fundamental-then we arrive at a very different picture of reality. As far as our understanding of the material world goes, nothing much changes; but when it comes to our understanding of mind, we are led to a very different worldview indeed. I realized that the hard problem of consciousness was not a problem to be solved so much as the trigger that would, in time, push Western science into what the American philosopher Thomas Kuhn called a "paradigm shift."

Mysterious Light: A Scientist's Odyssey


|3,2,2>+|3,1,-1> Orbital Animation

[transference function]


Discipleship Work
[esoteric senses]


[Physical Chemistry]



\left(-\frac{dN}{N} \right) = \lambda \cdot dt

N(t) = N_0 e^{-\lambda t} = N_0 e^{-t/ \tau} \,\!


Wave Structure of Matter  [1]
[As Above, So Below]

Telepathic Impression

u = A(z,t) \cos (\omega t - kz + \phi)\,

E = mc2


[electron transfer]
[God Trascendent]

[God Immanent]

Light in the Head

6 CO2 + 12 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

luciferin + ATP → luciferyl adenylate + PPi

luciferyl adenylate + O2 → oxyluciferin + AMP + light

While the total amount of light emitted from bioluminescence is typically small and not detected by the human eye, an ultra-sensitive CCD camera can image bioluminescence from an external vantage point. [1]

OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode): | 1 | 2 | 3 |


II. Integration Formulas and Identification Functions on the Path of Return to the Source


"You can see, therefore, how three important words ['three spiritualising processes'] convey the purpose
of the scientific unfoldment and the right direction of the centres:
 Transmutation. Transformation. Transfiguration."
-TSR IV, 216

Much of the true revelation since the time of Christ has come to the world along the line of science. The presentation, for instance, of material substance (scientifically proven) as essentially only a form of energy was as great a revelation as any given by the Christ or the Buddha. It completely revolutionised men's thinking and was—little as you may think it—a major blow struck at the Great Illusion. It related energy to force, form to life, and man to God and held the secret of transformation, transmutation and transfiguration. The revelations of science when basic and fundamental are as divine as those of religion... -Glamour, 187

Forget not that our planet is not yet a sacred planet, though it is close to that great transformation. The cosmic secret of this transforming process is one that Sanat Kumara is now learning, and when That which overshadows Him during this incarnation has wrought the needed changes through a process of transformation and transmutation, then a great Transfiguration will take place and He will take His place among those empowered to work through a sacred planet. -TSR V, 260

the work of transmuting the lower nature into the higher and desire into love, of transforming personality purpose into group livingness and being, has led to that complete transfiguration which makes the entire process of transmutation no longer needed. But—and this is the point to be emphasised—because of this achievement, the art of transmutation is now the instrument which the initiate can use and transmute that which is not himself, and thus consciously and with clear purpose further the ends of evolution. Transmutation "disappears" out of his own life, but the forces which have been transmuted into spiritual energy begin now to have a dynamic transmutative effect in the world of forms wherein he now chooses to work and serve, according to his ray and ashramic intent. -TSR V, 262

During the initiatory process preceding the third initiation, the mind works in a new manner. Its transmuting work with the physical body has been accomplished; its transforming work with the emotional nature has been successful, and now its transfiguring work with the personality as a whole is carried forward, making the initiation of the Transfiguration possible. It is of value to the student to consider these three activities of the mind. The transmuting agent in the first case is the lower or concrete mind; the transforming agent is the soul, whilst the transfiguring agent is the Spiritual Triad, working through the higher or abstract mind. You will here note the wonderful synthesis of the spiritual work. When this work is concluded, you have the initiation of the third degree made possible. This produces impelling and new contacts. It should here be remembered that when I use the word "new" I mean that which is new in consciousness, for the basic synthesis and fundamental relationship always exists in factual recognition, but is only progressively realised by the evolving spiritual man. -TSR V, 598


III. Agni Yoga: GROUP Revelation of the Purpose (THAT)

I am at this time carrying the current teaching upon initiation a step forward and am seeking to show that it is not essentially a process of soul-personality fusion (though that has to be a preliminary step) but of monad-personality integration, carried forward because of an attained alignment with the soul. Initiation is in fact the essential and inevitable process of transferring the primary triplicity of manifestation into the basic duality of spirit-matter. -DINA II, 258

They are definitely formulas of integration, both universal and individual. They present certain great creative patterns connected with the integration of lesser forms into a greater whole. -DINA II, 364

They are definitely formulas of integration... They are also formulas of revelation... -DINA II, 263

(DINA II, 277)...
(Glamour, 205)"


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