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Vicente Beltrán Anglada

The Hierarchy, the Solar Angels and Humanity








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“To the One I have been bonded since the beginning of time”
-Vicente Beltrán Anglada




The study of the Solar Angels attempts to unveil the great Mystery of the human heart. A Master said: “The matters related to the Solar Angels, or Fire Dhyans, are deeply mysterious. There are so many complex and occult legends about this topic that esoteric students fall into despair when trying to achieve the desired mental clarity.”

Nevertheless, we can find keys to unlock this apparent mystery when we attentively follow certain hints. One of them is the intermediary function lying between man’s personality in the three worlds and the Monad or Spirit, that immortal spark with all the powers and attributes of Divinity.

Human beings, subjected to the laws of time, would have taken many millions of years to reach their current state of evolution. As we have seen, in the second half of the Lemurian era they were half-animal, and in that state it was quite impossible for them to realize their planetary function and the purpose of their surroundings. They were performing a definite role within the planetary aura, but they were not aware of this fact. The intervention of the Solar Angels, vitalizing men’s rudimentary mental principle and "embracing them with Their mantle of love and sacrifice for an infinite period of time," produced the great miracle of the mind. They gradually became the center of human reasoning and animal man became a thinking, self-conscious being.

It is not our intention to fully describe this process, but to provide an overview that will make many readers more Self-conscious, using the intuition to understand some really transcendental internal events which, under the name of "spiritual experiences," are constantly occurring within human beings.
We need to consider two facts that occurred almost simultaneously: the coming of Sanat Kumara and His close collaborators, and the organization of the Planetary Hierarchy as a center containing and distributing a vast array of solar internal energies. The coming of the Solar Angels adhered to the same collaborative principle.

One of the great Solar mysteries symbolized by the Cup and the Word was materialized by the arrival of the mystical Solar Angels. The Cup or Chalice, prepared by suffering and desperation through endless periods of time, “produced a clear unique note which, tearing the ethers of space, came to the Lord’s attention,” as it is stated in The Book of the Initiates. In response, a motion or stirring took place within the solar sphere of action and “another Note, which this time came from the Solar Logos Himself, brought about an stream of life that filled the Universe.” The Solar Angels, or Fire Dhyans, perfect beings in their essence who lived in the Peace of the Lord, felt the call in some stratum of THEIR consciousness and prepared for the sacrifice. Like “petals of sacrifice torn away from the Deity’s Heart,” the Solar Angels left their celestial homeland and bonded Their life, one-to-one, to animal-men. They delivered Their consciousness as an illumined point within the rudimentary brain of the animal-men and began shaping their minds and conscious principles. The Solar Angels know about the pain of sacrifice--like Sanat Kumara and His disciples… but also like THEM, they know about the joy of fulfilling the Lord’s Will.

The rest is history, marked by the great Drama of Evolution. In this drama, it is necessary to acknowledge the intermediary function of the Solar Angels, or Angels of the Presence (as they are known in some esoteric treatises) and Their relationship to the human kingdom.

Everything is an eternal now; the real history of Humanity can only be found in the akashic records--Nature’s cosmic memory. Otherwise, history is a distortion of events, as truth can be conditioned by the opinions and interests of each observer. When the infinite and true potency of the akashic records is invoked, only one truth is revealed; we can sense it as historically real, as clearly demonstrated by the facts that we are able to witness.
Based on this, and as part of our ashramic training, when the time was due, the Master helped us to witness the meeting of the Solar Angels with animal men, who “with their Cup raised high were waiting for the arrival of the Lord.” In response to the Master’s mystical invocation, this drama was enacted in the astral light. We contemplated an event of an inexpressible beauty and dramatic quality. The solar OM was impossible to describe. In a sea of fire, the most powerful electrical discharges were tearing the ethers and were energizing all the different planes of evolution of the planet. Resounding everywhere we could hear the sacred OM, the Voice of the Solar Logos, reproduced by the Planetary Logos. We saw the arrival of angelic hosts (creators of new forms and situations) and the Solar Angels appeared “with their chariots of fire.”

While these Angels were performing their bonding mission between the animal-men and God Himself –represented by the Monad–, They kept their own peculiarities, facilitating Their ability –thanks to Their glorious karmic past– to express the Ray of Love of the Lord of the Universe. For endless centuries, They have been cooperating with the will of the Planetary Logos, "Who following His high destiny, made the most self-sacrificing and generous of all decisions: not to leave the planet until the last human being capable of responding to the Law has attained liberation." This is known as the Great Sacrifice, made by the Silent Watcher Who, age after age, presides over the fate of the Earth and, specifically, of the fourth, or human, kingdom. In turn, the mission of this kingdom is to "raise the vibration of lower or subhuman kingdoms, thus serving as intermediaries of the Logos, as the Solar Angels link human beings to the fifth Kingdom of Nature, the Planetary Hierarchy or Kingdom of Souls.

The Ray of Love of the Solar Entity is implicit throughout the process of collaboration or brotherhood among the Kingdoms. Solar Angels are an emanation of His infinite love, something that cannot be grasped by our little human minds. They always respond to the great call for spirituality or knowledge emanating from the Father Creator.  Humanity is called the Great Necessity and men are thus "the Sons of Necessity," or sons of Karma (as defined in the books of the Hierarchical Archives). Likewise, the Solar Angels are called "the Sons of the Great Sacrifice ", or Sons of Mind. Their most important duty in relation to the human kingdom is to provide the sons of men with adequate minds, having made the great sacrifice of leaving their comfortable heavenly abode. This may seem strange but we must silence our minds and look inward, becoming deeply receptive and expectant, so that our own Solar Angel can transmit the truth and the spiritual security we all seek.

After clarifying the role of the Solar Angels as Great Cosmic Intermediaries, having endowed us with minds through their divine intervention, the most important question to consider is the nature and purpose of their special mission in relation to human beings. This question can be answered by saying that the function of the Solar Angels (in relation to the human beings with whom They are karmically linked), is to preside over their spiritual life by transmitting more and more refined emanations from the Monad or Spirit to the three lower bodies in planetary evolution. For inconceivable periods of time, the Solar Angels have provided lower men with the cosmic knowledge needed in each one of the phases of their particular process. They have presided, so to speak, over men’s conscious karma and, during this extraordinarily long path, they have created the necessary situations whereby human beings can acquire self-consciousness, which is ultimately the consciousness of God.

In primitive ages, after the great event called Individualization, the link between human beings and their Solar Angels remained completely unknown. Only the "life thread," emerging from the Solar Angel’s loving heart, was tenuously linked to man’s mind. The loving warmth of this great, selfless being made the germ of mind grow and develop over time. The rest is a special process, but common to all, in which the lower soul of man, regulated by the power of mind, becomes aware of the existence of this great Entity at inaccessible levels (the higher Entity which for ages has given him life and the faculty of reasoning). The center of consciousness of the lower man, or soul, becomes increasingly concrete and definite and the process of spiritual union with the Solar Angel begins; the achievement of this inner union is the goal of many esoteric schools.

As the souls of men reach out towards their Solar Angels and become more aware of Them, great expansions of consciousness, called Initiations, begin to occur in their personal lives. The best known parts of this process have been explained in modern esotericism by Madame Blavatsky. The knowledge we possess of the Planetary Hierarchy, the Masters of Wisdom and Compassion and about the needed linking work of the human being with his Solar Angel (or higher self), is referred to as the Initiation into the Mysteries.

We consider the knowledge of this historical process –beginning eons ago when men were still half animal and which will continue until they become fully identified with the divine inner being–  very useful. This task will have a particular relevance in days to come, as more Ashrams of the Hierarchy externalize.

There can be no complete understanding of these events until we analyze the first contact of the Solar Angel –a petal of sacrifice torn from the loving Heart of God– with unevolved man. This primitive being was wandering in the dark realms of unconscious life –completely unaware of himself. Nevertheless, “he was raising his cup so that the Grail of Consciousness could be poured into it."

Whoever is able to penetrate the profound mystery of the Grail and the Word, will enter into direct communication with the Solar Angel Who guides his life.

In order to better understand this process, the purpose or goal of the Solar Angel must be made clear, once man has reached a certain stage of initiation in which he is "fully self-conscious." Those who have studied esotericism know that the causal body is the vehicle which relates the lower man to his higher self. Both are linked by a thin thread of light called the sutratma (also known as the life thread), along which communication becomes possible. It is stated in The Old Commentary that this gossamer thread is nevertheless "stronger than the strongest diamond." In more advanced stages of the process, it becomes the Antahkarana (technically called the consciousness thread), or the projection from the lower to the higher mind. At this point, the great initiatory process of conscious contact between the human self and the Solar Soul begins.

The permanence of the Solar Angel in man (while he is passing through this initiation stage) is the greatest of all sacrifices. For endless periods of time, the Angels live in the causal plane, "enfolded only with seven thin veils that cover Their Adept celestial bodies." Their vision is oriented towards the lower man, constantly meditating on the love impulses and the heavenly home from whence They come. This kind of meditation, which cannot be fully understood by man, is based on the infinite MEMORY of Their solar life, which helps Them to endure the pain of Their immortal sacrifice.

As lower man attains a fully integrated consciousness and progressively takes hold of his vehicles and integrates them into increasingly higher functions, the contact with his higher Soul or Solar Angel strengthens and becomes more definite. The causal body becomes a most beautiful sheath radiating the spiritual fervor of the indwelling Soul. It is a heavenly abode created by devas with materials supplied by the expanding human consciousness. It is a body of rare beauty holding the supreme symbol of the Cup and the Word. The Angel of the Eternal Presence resides in this chalice, which is so pure and transparent that it irradiates the essence of this Great Being. This invariably happens when a human being is fully aware of the Solar Angel and has integrated his three lower vehicles into “one mystical body of universal expression." This represents the ending of a very important stage of the process for which the Solar Angel incarnated: Initiation. After this, a crucial stage occurs in the life of the human being and also in the life of the Solar Soul. This occurs at the time of the fourth Initiation, as referred to in the mystical treatises.

At this stage in the evolutionary cycle, the Arhat, the one who was sacrificed on the cross through the tests of initiation and selflessness, establishes direct contact "body with body and soul to soul, with the One who has been the peace and light of his way from the very beginning." This phrase, taken from The Book of the Initiates, contains a message of liberation for the Solar Angel. This direct contact, this fusion of the fire of the three worlds with the solar fire, eventually determines the timing of the destruction of the causal body. Then, a distinctive Note is sounded that can only be heard by the finely-tuned immortal ears of the Solar Angel. It is the Voice of the Solar Logos Himself, transmitted through the planetary Logos, which says "Your mission is done. Son, return to your Father’s home.” And so, once again, tearing the veil of the ethers (as the Angels did millions of years ago when They came to the aid of the human kingdom by pouring forth the light and fire emanating from the mystical heart of the Sun), They return to Their source to rest permanently in the Haven of Love of Their Father, the Solar Logos.

Having merged his own fire with that of the Solar fire –making possible the destruction of the Causal Body– the Arhat starts a new life in which, for the first time, HE is the one and only master of His life and Path. Now, his mission is to tie the "loose threads" from the Monad and the pure and integrated personality, thus forming a new and immaculate, living entity completely free from human karma, known esoterically as an Adept or Master of the Wisdom.

The passage that leads one from Arhat to Adept concerns the cleansing of the mental body of the last remnants of the "causal body," the body in which the Solar Angel had lived for so many cycles of time. The final release, or entry of a human being into the Kingdom of God, comes exactly when "the last ashes of the solar body have melted within the mysterious crucible of the sons of space, a particular kind of devas assisting in all Initiation processes.”

The events that follow are already known: the Master of the Wisdom, or Adept, becomes part of the planetary Hierarchy as a conscious agent of the planetary Logos, as he has fused himself with the divine spark we call Monad, the essential spiritual Being. He is entitled to enter the Council Chamber of Shamballa and take in the vital electric breath of the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara. As a result of this energy, he can work with his Ray to carve out a path of light that many sons of men who “yearn for liberation" will tread.

With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius (a highly intuitive era as far as humanity is concerned), it became possible to give more specific teachings about the great cosmic Intermediaries, known under the esoteric name of Dhyans of Fire, or Solar Angels. The aim of these teachings is to accelerate human identification with their Solar Angels, in order to more clearly understand the hidden meaning of life and build new avenues of access to the glorious Entities known as the Masters of Wisdom. With Christ leading Them, backed by the fiery electric power of the Lord of the World, They constantly work for the perfection of the human kingdom and the redemption of other sub-human kingdoms. Later on, we will make reference to the Ashram, the Master, the group brothers, as well as the angelic hosts who, along with the human kingdom, take part in the overall evolution of Planet Earth. Our ultimate aim in doing this is to make readers aware of the infinite depths of the cosmic Being Who, eons ago, took charge of the evolution of men and led them through stages of grief, anguish and sacrifice to the present day when human beings, "aware of their spiritual destiny, are preparing to resolutely struggle against the lower tendencies of the personality."

It is also interesting to note that when a more or less definite contact with the Solar Angel has been established, then the instructions of any true esoteric school may be followed, as the Angel is our first and last Master. Their relationship with us transcend ages and the karmic periods of time, as Their lives emanate from the very Life of God, the Lord of the Universe.

We hope that all this information will help readers to have a clear picture of humanity’s destiny in this cosmic moment at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, aiding them to live from now on as disciples of the Master, with all the glory and difficulties that this implies. The Solar Angel guides us on this path of identification and perfection. It is not the time to disappoint the Angel; we must accelerate the pace of our spiritual life and thereby consciously contribute to our own liberation, with the understanding that by doing so, we are also liberating our Solar Angels from Their sacrifice, as well as contributing directly to the universal liberation of the planetary Logos.

If Initiation is one of the most important undertakings in the Solar Angel’s work, a study of the ashrams takes on a special interest and relevance as these are the places, in time and space, where initiation takes place and where lessons are given to aid us in our evolutionary process. A study of these topics is the task we aim to undertake with your help.

5 March 2011


[JB] As mentioned in a previous commentary,

VBA's intention is not to repeat what has already been stated --in much more exact detail-- in the Secret Doctrine and in Cosmic Fire, but to provide a simple but accurate historical framework... There is another reason for this approach... Sometimes, as will be shown later, they are literally his views of historical events. VBA was enabled to observe the reenactment of some historical events, aided by his Master.

This new chapter provides good support for such claim. Either VBA was endowed with a vivid imagination or he was able to actually witness a historical event stored in the akashic records. It is up to the reader to decide.

As we assimilate the information contained in this book, the following phrases may well be worth pondering on. I sincerely thank the co-disciple who shared her meditation on the keynote of the book, allowing the essence of its keynote to freely speak for itself.


“To the One I have been
bonded since the beginning of time.”


“To the One I have been
united since the beginning of time.”
“To the One I have been
joined since the beginning of time.”


“To the One I have been
woven since the beginning of time.”
“To the One I have been
interwoven since the beginning of time.”
“To the One I have been
interlaced with since the beginning of time.”


Does each set of phrases correspond to a major Ray of Aspect? If so, how would these two additional phrases fit into that correspondence?

“To the One I have been intertwined since the beginning of time.”
“To the One I have been
entwined with since the beginning of time.”

This English translation project has become a true GROUP endeavor. We are being assisted by co-workers.    -JB


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