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Vicente Beltrán Anglada

The Hierarchy, the Solar Angels and Humanity








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““To the One I have been bonded since the beginning of time”
-Vicente Beltrán Anglada




According to historical tradition, supported by the penetrating vision and perception of High Initiates who can read the Akashic records, the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet, the fifth Kingdom of Nature, was established on Earth approximately eighteen million years ago, during the second half of the Lemurian epoch. This is the most important event that has taken place in our planetary evolution so far; it began when the planetary Logos of our terrestrial scheme decided to take physical incarnation in order to fully manifest Himself .

The use of analogy –which is always necessary in order to understand esoteric ideas– will help us to become aware of the fact that a Solar Logos, a Planetary Logos, or a human spiritual soul can use physical bodies to carry out the great work of identification between Spirit and Matter, a process aiming to merge these two aspects –separated in time– within the eternal and absolute Unity pervading all.

When we analyze this process, taking into account its deeply hidden roots and penetrating into the vital breath of its cosmic dimensions, we see that the aim of the founding of the Hierarchy was the physical incarnation of a Heavenly Man, also called a Planetary Logos, or one of the Seven Spirits before the Throne, as referred to in the writings of the Old Testament. The process of incarnation, a constantly recurring fact throughout the ages, is identical in all beings regardless of the magnitude of their field of expression. It is the eternal bond that links Spirit and Matter, Life and Form, Space and Time.

Regardless of other secondary considerations, we can be sure that the founding of the Hierarchy on Earth came into being by “the significant decision of the Planetary Logos of our terrestrial scheme to take a physical body.” Eternally aware of the time cycles, the Logos knew the best time for this manifestation. This moment was related to a magnetic-cosmic conjunction and was influenced by Great cosmic Karma, being Himself a lofty expression of its power. In response to this great desire and due to certain relations or karmic links that are incomprehensible to us, a Great Initiate of the Venus Chain, known in our esoteric studies as Sanat Kumara, established contact and identified His spiritual aura with the etheric aura of the Planet. He practically united his consciousness with the Earth and INCARNATED on it. In this incarnation there was the pain of sacrifice, but also the joy of complying with the Will of the Great Planetary Being, resulting in an unimaginable bliss. As a consequence of this process of incarnation, the whole Earth blazed, all the kingdoms in nature raised their vibration, especially the nascent human kingdom that “raised its cup joyfully” to receive the “Celestial Soul,” as can be read in the Sacred Book of the Initiates.

The entire atmosphere was imbued with a sense of expectancy, like a magnificent symphony, reflecting the infinite reverence that Virgin Matter, eternally fertilized by the Sanctifying Grace, had for the Creative Power of Divinity. Sanat Kumara was accompanied by three of His great disciples, who had also been karmically linked to the life of the Planetary Logos for many eons. These four great Beings, Sanat Kumara and the disciples (known in the esoteric tradition as the four Kumaras, or the Lords of the Flame), represent for the planetary Logos what the human personality and its three bodies of expression represent for the Soul. The evolution of this exalted personality and His three vehicles that bind Him to the planet, constitute the evolutionary cycle of the Earth, with all its consequences.

There are three additional Kumaras whose high functions as superior centers of the Great Planetary Logos are not so widely known. Their mission is to assist Sanat Kumara in communicating with all that transcends the ring-pass-not of the planetary aura, that is to say, they facilitate His relations with other planets of the Solar System and with other solar systems. These Great Beings constitute the Center of that Great Brotherhood which is known as the White Hierarchy of the Planet, or the White Brotherhood. Their mission is clear and definite: to accelerate the process of evolution on Planet Earth.

Four important and transcendental facts took place on our planet as a consequence of the arrival of the Lords of the Flame. Every truly esoteric student should be aware of them in order to be able to judge his or her own spiritual situation correctly. Those facts are as follows:

1. The karmic link of the Earth to four Great Cosmic Lords who are known as the Lords of Karma, facilitated by the four Great Kumaras. Through this process, the Earth became a conscious part of the Great Solar Symphony and was directly related to the Great Cosmic Karma. As incomprehensible as this idea may appear, it holds an immediate key that will allow the disciple to understand the words of the Initiate Paul when he enjoined us "to take the Kingdom of Heaven by force.” The identification of planetary karma with solar karma, as measured in terms of energy, produced an acceleration of the Earth’s evolution. In this way, the Great Original Intention of the Planetary Logos began to unfold.

2.  The Solar Angels were introduced into the human frame.  These Angels are perfect in their essence because they reached the Adept Initiation in a previous Universe. Their role in our planet is to act as Great Intermediaries between lower man –the personality, which unfolds in three worlds– and the spiritual Triad, or the three aspects of the Monad or Spirit, an essential emanation from the Solar Divinity.

3. The introduction of the process of initiation on Earth, as a way to accelerate the evolution of this planet. Through the mediation of the Solar Angels –leading to the process of individualization– animal men were turned into human beings. Therefore, the process of individualization is also a type of spiritual Initiation.

4. A stream of highly evolved deva energies emanating from the Heart of the Sun penetrated into the planetary aura and began acting definitely upon the rarefied ethers that surrounded the planet, as well as upon nature itself. The Vedic phrase, “the entire Earth was set ablaze” refers precisely to the immediate action of these cosmic agents of planetary creation.

This is a brief outline of the founding of the Hierarchy, or Great White Brotherhood, on Earth. The great Ray of Power of the planetary Logos began to act on our planet and “the solar impulse began to influence and define everything on Earth.” The quoted sentences have been taken from The Book of the Initiates, and are used here intentionally. This Book is open to those whose minds work on higher levels.

Following this extraordinary initial process, a Hierarchical order was instituted, bringing about the distribution of planetary functions among the Earth initiates who had attained initiation on account of their tremendous sacrifices in the previous moon chain –the Buddha being the highest. The advanced disciples received a new creative impulse within their consciousness and began to act in a determined way, aided by the Devas. For them, the Great Brotherhood of Systemic Relationships became a clear and conscious fact. A special stream of deva energies from Venus were exclusively dedicated to infuse the vegetable kingdom. An unknown, majestic beauty appeared on Earth.

The planetary Hierarchy was fully established on Earth; the plans of its organization –as we now understand them– continue to steadily evolve. Three centers must be mentioned: an Inscrutable Centre, esoterically known as Shamballa, which is linked to the Solar Logos; the second center, directly linked to the Hierarchy; and the third acting center involving Humanity, whose mental capacities were just beginning to develop in those times when self-consciousness was dawning.

27 February 2011


[JB]  In this chapter, VBA provides a very synthetic overview of the founding of the spiritual Hierarchy on Earth. This historical sketch is necessary in order to set the stage for considering the current work of the Hierarchy  and how such work relates to the sacrifice of the Solar Angels.

As I have stated elsewhere (summarizing the work of others),

"Our current Root Race is the 5th or Aryan race (next to the right of the filled square in Figure 13.6) which emerged (R5.1) from the seed (R4.5) of the Atlantean race 4.5x106 years ago. The Root Race preceding the Atlantean was the Lemurian (next to the left of the filled middle square in Figure 13.6) when individualization ocurred 18.5x106 years ago. The Solar Angels (Agnishvattas) thus brought the Promethean fire of self-consciousness to the animal kingdom then. Shamballa's first (dense) physical plane enclave ocurred 17x106 years ago in South America (IBEZ), after Sanat Kumara had arrived on the Fourth Round of the Fourth Chain 21x106 years ago."

By contrast, we can observe how VBA prefers to paint a historical sketch rather than to technically describe a process. His intention is not to repeat what has already been stated --in much more exact detail-- in the Secret Doctrine and in Cosmic Fire, but to provide a simple but accurate historical framework for his personal account of the discipleship life in an Ashram. 

There is another reason for this approach in sharing his views about esoteric history. Sometimes, as will be shown later, they are literally his views of historical events. VBA was enabled to observe the reenactment of some historical events, aided by his Master, his Ashram and a highly evolved Deva assigned to his discipleship work. Furthermore, VBA was enabled to read the "Sacred Book of the Initiates" to document the planetary history. 

Please note that I say "enabled" and not "able."  VBA was in training for the third initiation and, therefore, did not have full access to the more secret sections of this esoteric source in the Akashic records. However, his Second Ray Master, through the Deva assigned to him, enabled VBA to read and share some sections of this book for the purpose of his immediate discipleship service. Later on (chapter 2), VBA refers to this book as the Old Commentary (as also does DK). 

This subtle but crucial point has confused some students, leading them to believe that VBA was "at least" a third degree initiate when he wrote his books, regarding him as an "infallible" source of esoteric teachings and even a Master at the end of his incarnation. I have lost the friendship of close coworkers by holding my ground on this point and by not allowing VBA to become another "occult authority."  Taking the "mist" out of myst-icism is not always welcomed.

The "four important and transcendental facts" introduced in this first chapter constitute the basis of what was progressively revealed to VBA as the ultimate objective of his discipleship work: the Three-fold Hierarchical Project. As we proceed reviewing this book, we will gain a better appreciation of how a Master slowly prepares the consciousness of an accepted disciple until his part in the one Work is revealed "sin pausa, pero sin prisa" (with neither haste nor pause) . -JB

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