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Vicente Beltrán Anglada

The Hierarchy, the Solar Angels and Humanity








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““To the One I have been bonded since the beginning of time”
-Vicente Beltrán Anglada


Reading over “The Hierarchy, the Solar Angels and Humanity” prior to its second edition, I have realized how much can still be said about each of the topics discussed in this book, particularly about the life and the relationships within an Ashram and the inner evolution of its constituent members. The levels of evolution among them reflect capacities of mental perception and of creative service, as well as a progressive initiation into the Sacred Mysteries of the Divinity. Such process of initiation is essential in the life of any Ashram of the Hierarchy, as it stimulates the initial polarization of disciples and their subsequent entrance into other, more highly evolved Ashrams along their corresponding RAY line. Some members, “following impulses from their Spirit,” achieve progressive access to first RAY Ashrams, and learn to focus certain monadic energies in order to offer Hierarchical service. In this way, they play a variety of Notes in the Great Planetary Symphony. In fact, all the Hierarchical ASHRAMS are getting closer to the “Secret Chamber of Shamballa” through their respective Masters. This implies an approach to that inevitable destiny of perfection which is only known, in its most mysterious and inner depth, to the Great Ruler of the World, SANAT KUMARA.

The concrete mind of many sincere spiritual aspirants will perhaps make them question why these ideas, which used to be secrets of initiation inaccessible to the immense majority of human beings, are now being openly revealed. People might think “the most prudent decision would be to keep silent about the Mystery of SHAMBALLA.” On the contrary, I believe this is the right moment to reveal certain spiritual truths. As Christ Himself said, "the facts of the Kingdom of God must be proclaimed from the roof tops.”

The polarization and tendency of certain members of an Ashram towards a higher level of evolutionary development is a natural and common fact. However, sometimes long periods of time may elapse and many lives spent within the same Ashram. In this way, the disciple can contribute to the dissemination of the Master’s teaching in the world. It must also be pointed out that the MASTER also evolves according to the qualifying RAY of the Ashram, gradually becoming more conscious of the energies from the Planetary Logos Whose Life is infused by that RAY. Any Ashram of the Hierarchy is a “center of magnetic radiation,” influenced at any given moment by a wide variety of universal energies. As far as our Ashram is concerned, I will mention the most important ones: energies coming directly from our Earth’s Planetary Logos through His Physical expression, SANAT KUMARA; energies coming from the Planetary Logos along the same ray line to which the particular Master belongs (in the case of our second RAY Ashram, the energies come from the Planetary Logos of Jupiter); energies coming from the CHRIST, the Avatar of Love in our planet, visible Head of the planetary Hierarchy and direct transmitter of the Second Ray energies of the Solar Logos; and, finally, we have the spiritual energies emanating from the Great Ashram of the Master Koot Humi (esoterically known as KH), as well as the energies that result from the interaction among the different ASHRAMS of the Hierarchy. As each of them is colored by one of the seven RAYS, their blending results in a magnetic conjunction and polarization of solar, electric and spiritual energies, which gradually become profoundly intricate and comprehensive.

The contributions of each and every member of the Ashram should also be noted, humble as they may seem from a cosmic perspective. Considering their human consequences, we realize how precious they are, expressing diverse initiatives in specialized fields of service. Each disciple is a vehicle through which the Master can carry out definite charitable, educational and social projects. The inner life of each Ashram flows through seven concentric circles of energy representing different evolutionary states of consciousness. They begin from the deepest Center within the Master’s heart and extend to the periphery of the last concentric circle. In this way, the Ashram expands and reaches the minds and hearts of an incalculable number of people.

Of course, it is not my intention to rewrite “THE HIERARCHY, THE SOLAR ANGELS AND HUMANITY” or to add a deeper analytical perspective. I am sure that readers are aware of the fact that evolution implies the change and improvement of human characteristics, progressively leading all of us to become increasingly observant, analytical and intuitive. We can thus say: "What has been written has been written, but the mind always looks forward." Let us also bear in mind that the greatest of the Mysteries, the one really revealing the heights or spiritual exaltation of any human soul, is the sense of humility and the sincere recognition of the fact that our work can always be improved, no matter how valuable it may appear to us or to others.

There are personal and societal goals of immediate concern standing before us, as we spiritually contemplate the far reaching vistas hidden in the depths of Mystery... Some ones  lose their way in the demanding thirst of personal affairs and their immediate concerns. Others, more deeply cognizant of a distant and unfathomable goal, renounce the fleeting pleasures of the immediate to be blessed with a vision of eternity, hearkening the distant cries calling out for human understanding and social mercy...

I sincerely believe that "THE HIERARCHY, THE SOLAR ANGELS AND HUMANITY" offers these two distinct perspectives simultaneously --the immediate and the distant-- and maybe that is why this book has been so widely read. In any case, although its contents is highly esoteric, I can affirm that the ideas contained herein penetrate deeply to the readers’ hearts without threatening their mental integrity. Such is the esoteric rule, beautifully expressed in the following axiom: "Truth convinces without binding, and appeals even without convincing.” Spiritual conviction is developed progressively as the aspirant, full of sincerity and good intentions, treads the Path and inwardly defines his destiny of light accorded by Divinity. Regardless of the particular spiritual or intellectual background of the readers, the story of my personal spiritual experiences, as told from an esoteric perspective, can help them in understanding and assimilating their own experiences.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have contributed to drafting, editing and distributing this book which, as I stated in the preface of the first edition, is not the work of a single individual, but is rather the work of many devoted individuals who have collaborated in its writing. They have offered their best efforts and provided the constant stimulation of their ceaseless prayers…

Vicente Beltrán Anglada Barcelona, January 1976


I consider this book to be fundamental for disciples in the world and for all members of the New Group of World Servers . Its clear, simple and synthetic approach to the real problems of humanity and its cosmic destiny addresses the efforts of the Planetary Hierarchy, or the Great White Lodge in Shamballa, to help mankind in its evolutionary process to perfectly become a new humanity.

Some topics are presented precisely and thoroughly, and studying them will clarify doubts, expand our knowledge, structure some conclusions and, above all, will lead us to adopt certain attitudes in our everyday behavior.

I was introduced to this work when I came across some articles published by Vicente Beltrán that called my attention. At first, his categorical affirmations about his Ashramic duties made me doubtful. The esoteric field is full of self-deception…. but when I penetrated deeply into the essence of his writings, I gradually became aware of their authenticity. My destiny took me far from my motherland and a key stop in my journey brought me to Barcelona, where I was able to confirm first-hand the authenticity of Vicente Beltrán's work.

For several months, I enjoyed the privilege of the author’s brotherly friendship, and I could see how he approached both aspects of life: the material and the spiritual. His way of life in both is a straight line of purity, love and constant sacrifice that never falters, in spite of the difficulties that life and its circumstances always bring. As Vicente affirms in his work, those who live in the eternal (as he does) and who have identified with the Solar Angel, neither know how nor are they able to live in any other way. Once the contact has been established, there is no way back.

October, 1972. Surya Chandra



The intention to write this book came about spontaneously as a result of the warm and enthusiastic response shown by a large number of readers to a series of articles published in the journal "Conocimiento" (Buenos Aires) under the common heading “THE LIGHTS OF MY ASHRAM.” In essence, this book is structured and based on those articles. There are other until now unpublished articles that serve as a bridge or connecting thread between the specific and diverse topics presented.

In general, these articles are an earnest effort and an Aquarian endeavor to present the spiritual life and its Mysteries as something actually present in our times and, therefore, accessible to all men and women of goodwill and of sincere inner intention who truly wish to resolve within their hearts the eternal questions that all intelligent human beings have formulated throughout the ages: WHO AM I? WHERE DO I COME FROM? WHERE AM I GOING TO?.

We are convinced that in the pages of this book some of our readers will find precise and adequate answers to a never-ending series of questions. If this occurs, the merit will not be ours for having written about such things, but will belong instead to the clearly defined intention of the readers themselves, whose deep and sustained questions evoked in us the subsequent and suitable response. Therefore, this book is not and cannot be considered an individual work, since it derives from the collective and innate desire of the human race to become consciously united with God to solve the infinite mystery of its spiritual life.

In this book we will often make reference to the words MASTER, DISCIPLE and ASHRAM, which are apparently linked to some previous mystical stages of humanity. When we do this, we follow a spiritual purpose that is still valid and alive today. Nowadays, amidst the profusion and, at times, the overwhelming impact of technological and scientific advances, these terms remain current, as do the spiritual methods of training that have endured throughout the ages and that have led many human beings “from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real, from death to immortality.”

The motto of the disciple is, and will always be, “LORD, MAY THY HOLY WILL BE DONE IN ME.” We should realize that anyone who sincerely tries to solve the mysteries of life, to acquire knowledge and understanding, and who wishes to share these treasures with others, can be considered a disciple. This devoted surrender to a higher Will, containing a most powerful dynamism, can be implicitly found throughout the pages of this book  in many ways, especially when we make reference to the contact of the human soul with the SOLAR ANGEL, that Glorious Being with Whom we have been spiritually bound since the beginning of times...

I must also state here my deep gratitude to SURYA CHANDRA, who carefully synthesized all the articles that I wrote for Conocimiento. He selected the articles for this book with a clear vision, an exquisite devotion and a deep patience, suggesting the writing of other articles that could serve to clarify and relate some topics, which, due to their complexity, seemed to be disconnected from the rest.

May the contents of this work be useful and inspire readers to make supreme efforts in their spiritual quests. This is our most humble and sincere prayer.

Barcelona, September, 1972

21 February 2011


Q &A: On the VBA books and the LC teachings

[A] (VBA's books) are also similarly compliant with the works of Master R/Lucille Cedercrans.

[JB] Thank you for the quotes and for the quest for synthesis.

As previously stated, I do not think that the VBA books reveal new spiritual teachings. There's no "spontaneous inspirational dialogue" or "New Thought Form" presentation or "ashramic projections" that results in or from a "group meditative process," as seems to be the case in the LC experience
(ref: http://www.sevenraystoday.com/lucille_cedercrans.htm ).

Of course, the Ashram may be defined as a meditative state of mind held by a group of disciples around a "point of spiritual tension" provided by the Master, but such experience is qualitatively different from meditating in group formation to attract or invoke the attention of a Master and thus serve as a precipitating channel for His energies (as done, say, by a group during the Full Moon meditation).

I approach the VBA books as a student having access to the laboratory notes of another student who has already passed an advanced chemistry class with high marks. The chemistry theory you can learn from authoritative textbooks. But the praxis, the struggles in the lab, how to improve your chances of a successful synthesis, what dangers to avoid, etc... the teachers are sometimes too far removed from the student level to provide such practical perspective.

Of course, reading VBA you learn about the deva world and the imminent Hierarchical project to merge both evolutions (and even this is already hinted at in the Secret Doctrine). But the real value of these books, for me, is more in the realm of personal experience. It's like reading an autobiographical account of the discipleship experience (after removing all personality stuff), as if you were seated yourself in the Ashram. It's "as if" for the reader, not for VBA, who was "there" for real. You can learn about the six stages of discipleship in esoteric textbooks. You can "see" these stages at work in the VBA books. After doing some "mapping of terms" (that serve as "blinds" for the unprepared) then you can say, Aha!, that's what DK meant by the stage of accepted discipleship, technically understood, as experienced in the life of a contemporary human being who loved and struggled like you are trying to do. That's what the VBA books mean for me.

Therefore, with these caveats, I can see how both works may be related and I wish you success in your quest for synthesis.



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