Science and Occultism

1. One Fundamental Question: What is a FACT?

2. Two Basic Tenets:

a. Being: All is Energy (God is FIRE).

b. Becoming: Energy follows Thought (Evolution).

3. One GOD:

a. microcosmically Immanent, and

b. macrocosmically Transcendent.

4. Two (complementary) Approaches:

a. Esoteric: As Above, So Below (Deductive).

b. Exoteric: Scientific Method (Inductive).

5. One Truth: to KNOW is to BE.



"... the art of recognition ...
is the consummation of the practice of observation..."
-DINA II, 277

I. Definitions

A. [Science is ...]

B. [A cause is ...]

C. [Hypotheses, models, theories and laws ...]

II. Classifications

Categorical classification of science:

A. Objective-Empirical (Exoteric: separate observer as source of bias)

1. Natural Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology...
2. Social Sciences: Psychology, Sociology...

B. Formal Science: Mathematics

C. Subjective-Empirical (Esoteric: integrated observer)

==> Sine qua non: Science cannot exist in the absence of REPRODUCIBLE experimental results.

Functional classification of science:

A. Experimental

B. Applied


III. AAB-DK Compilations

"The great need at this time is for experts in the life of the soul and for a group of men and women who, undertaking the great experiment and transition, add their testimony to the truth of the statements of the mystics and occultists of the ages."  -TWM 41

"... when scientists are willing to recognise and to co-operate with the intelligent forces that are to be found on etheric levels, and when they become convinced of the hylozoistic nature of all that exists, their findings and their work will be brought into a more accurate correspondence with things as they really are. This, as has been earlier pointed out, will be brought about as the race develops etheric vision, and the truth of the contentions of the occultist is proved past all controversy. TCG 919

A. The Scientific Method: 

B. Seed Group of Scientific Servers
    [DK's "Letter to a Scientist" (Esoteric Healing, 386)]

C. Space (Etheric), Electromagnetism and Telepathy

D. Electricity and Healing

E. The Agnichaitans


IV. Preliminary Syllabus and Outline

"Exoteric science will be taught and practised by proficient teachers, and the lower mind will be developed as much as possible, and kept in check by the other ten teachers who watch over the proportional development, and the aptitude for correct meditation of the student."  -LOM 316

To avoid "the bare impartation of facts and the crude process of memory training which has been distinctive of past methods." ENA 83


V. References

1. Science
2. Scientific method 
3. Introduction to the Scientific Method [ 1 | 2 ]
4. Fields of science
5. Wave Structure of Matter
6. Mysterious Light: A Scientist's Odyssey
7. Toward a General Foundation of Metaphysics


1. Institute of Noetic Sciences
2. Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University
3. The World's Largest Optical Telescopes
4. CERN Large Hadron Collider


LHC First Beam

Aerial view of CERN site

"The scientist, as he discovers the nature of the atom, is putting himself in touch with these three types of solar energy, and is unravelling the central mystery of the system. As the triple nature of the atom stands revealed, so likewise the triple nature of man and of God gradually becomes proven." -TCF 921


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Some related excerpts
(from JB's work):

What is a FACT? A fact is an experience structured by some perceiving consciousness... If a concept is a unit of thought, a fact is a unit of conscious experience...

When teaching occultism, are we imparting our own individually realized FACTS to be considered by others as testing hypotheses, or are we asking others to memorize theories not yet scientifically proven to us as occult FACTS?  If we claim FACTUAL occult knowledge on something, is it scientifically REPRODUCIBLE by nondelusional means? This is crucial both for pedagogical and for authenticity considerations. (see: Ken Wilber's validation criteria of subjective truths  [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] )

The true Teacher, either the Master in the Heart or the Master in the Ashram, needs qualified Teacher's assistants. There is nothing wrong to teach the theoretical aspects of a surgical procedure learned from a book and practiced in a model as part of our training.  But we should always seek a trained and experienced surgeon to practice it in real life and on living people. Why should it be different in regard to the Science of the Soul?


A Mathematical Approach to Spiritual Discernment

The scientific method is a recursive process of inductive and deductive reasoning whereby we observe, infer and make statistical comparisons in order to assess causality. In the inductive phase, structured observations lead to explanatory models of reality. In the deductive phase, these models are used to predict expected observations. Discrepancies between the expected and the actual observations are used to refine the explanatory model(s) leading to subsequent predictions and observations.

This scientific process of inquiry can also be described in terms of the spiritual disciplines of Observation, Recognition and Revelation. We train ourselves in the discipline of spiritual observation in order to recognize patterns of events in life. These creatively discovered or “discerned” patterns “reveal” causal relationships among events to be tested by future experimentation.
(also: The Psychocentric Revelation, Appendix 3)


A New Scientific Method for a New Human Consciousness: Participant Observers, Predictable Causes and Uncertain Effects
[in The Psychocentric Revelation: Appendix 1]

Transcendental approach to causation

The transcendental scientist, as a participant observer, is no longer estranged from "objects" in the act of cognition. The act of cognition becomes the identification with the object's essential nature in the scientist's consciousness. It is a new and distinct awareness of a sense of simultaneous relationship between object, subject and the Whole which contains them. It is a timeless apprehension of the causal world.

As a parallel to the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, the transcendental scientific method postulates the Soul's Certainty Principle: the uncertainty (U) of causal knowledge decreases (in a mathematical scale from 1 to infinity) as the scientist's scope (S) and depth of consciousness increases (in a mathematical scale from 0 to 1).

U * S = 1

The resulting constant in this reciprocal relationship is the Soul's constant, the One (1). As the speed of LIGHT is a constant that has withstood the recent revolution in space-time concepts in physics, the Soul's constant is a symbol of that transcendent UNITY substanding whatever ephemeral impressions occupy the scientist's attention.

According to this fundamental equation of cognition it is only when S is maximized at unity (S=1 or "at-ONE-ment") that the transcendental scientist can wholeheartedly identify with the Soul's certainty of causal knowledge (U=1 or uncertainty minimized at unity). Conversely, unity or atonement of the part with the communal Whole is attained through minimizing uncertainty, such as controlling subjective bias. The transcendental scientist must become rightly integrated into the LIFE of the Whole to experience the certainty of the Soul and thus hold an enlightened judgment about the causal world.


Participatory Observation: the Discipline of Spiritual Freedom
[In The Psychocentric Revelation: Appendix 2]

Re-cognition of our spiritual essence may be the very original purpose of human existence. The seemingly perfect but flowerless bliss of pure Being is incomplete without the fruits of experience. The "descent" from pure subjectivity to objective manifestation provides the means to consummate unconscious bliss into recognizable, and thus necessarily conscious, experiences.

The "original sin" may well be represented by the "descent" from the blissful realm of Being to the painful realm of ex-peri-ence (i.e., beyond the peri-meter of pure essence). Somehow, we lost our "freedom of being" to become "enslaved" into the wheels of experience. But why does ex-perience need to be painful and slavering?

We will attempt to demonstrate that the answer to this fundamental question of human existence is related to two key questions about cognition (i.e., epistemology): 1) how do we conceive the world? and, 2) what is the structure of thought through which we relate to the world?


Electricity and The Great Invocation

"We shall talk and think increasingly in terms of electricity, of voltage, of intensity and of power." -Treatise White Magic, 334

The relationship between Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity may be illustrated by making reference to an electrical system model. The planetary Power source, the generator of electricity, lies in Shamballa. However, electricity needs to be regulated between the power source and a point of use. The Hierarchy of Elder Brothers, serving as a planetary rheostat ("dimmers"), regulates the flow of electricity to circuits throughout the planet. Lastly, Humanity completes the system by using voltage regulated electricity for service (work). Energy that is not used for work produces heat, a common problem in group work when heat (interpersonal friction) consumes most of the energy, and a common source of "evil" (misused energy) in the planet.

In electronic terminology, Light, Love and Power (Life) correspond to current, voltage and power, respectively. Resistance relates to Humanity's capacity to serve as conductor of electricity. Humanity may either transform energy into redeeming work and service (radiation) or dissipate energy into unredeemed heat (chaos). 




