Símbolo Nueva Era

Enlightened Goodwill


POH 15: It might be of value to study briefly some of the psychological adjustments which the nations must make within their own borders, because reform begins at home. Then let us look at the world picture and gain a new vision. There is a scientific basis for the old statement in the Bible that "where there is no vision, the people perish".

RI: The group, therefore, which "serves as Aquarius indicates" is the Hierarchy; the group which is "speeded upon the upward Way" is the New Group of World Servers. This group is ruled by Taurus, and to it that divine Taurian energy brings "illumination and the attainment of the vision." This group is, figuratively speaking, the "bull, rushing forward upon a straight line with its one eye fixed upon the goal and beaming light." But what is that goal? It is not the goal of Self-illumination, for that lies far behind; it is the goal of providing a centre of light within the world of men and of holding up the vision to the sons of men. Let this never be forgotten, and let the New Group of [Page 233] World Servers realise its mission and recognise the demands of humanity upon it. What are these demands? Let me enumerate them, and then let me ask you to take them in all simplicity and act upon them.

1. To receive and transmit illumination from the kingdom of souls.
2. To receive inspiration from the Hierarchy and go forth, consequently, to inspire.
3. To hold the vision of the Plan before the eyes of men, for "where there is no vision, the people perish."
4. To act as an intermediate group between the Hierarchy and humanity, receiving light and power and then using both of these, under the inspiration of love, to build the new world of tomorrow.
5. To toil in Pisces, illumined by Taurus and responsive in degree to the Aquarian impulse coming from the Hierarchy.

These objectives are not only individual objectives, but the goal for the entire group. All who respond to the life-giving force of Aquarius and to the light-giving force of Taurus can and will work in the New Group of World Servers, even though they have no occult knowledge and have never heard of their co-workers under that name. Forget this not.

EH: I would start by reminding the general public of one important fact. This is that a focused, determined, enlightened public opinion is the most potent force in the world. It has no equal but has been little used.

The gullibility of the average citizen, his willingness to accept what is told him if it is said loudly enough and with sufficient plausible force, is well known. The well-turned phrases of the trained politician, intent on his selfish purposes, the arguments of the silver-tongued demagogue as he exploits some pet theory at the expense of the public, and the rantings of the man with a cause, a theory or an axe to grind, all find an easy audience. Mass psychology and mob determinations have been exploited down the ages, for the unthinking and the emotional are easily swayed in any direction, and hitherto this has been turned to their own advantage by those who do not have the best interests of humanity at heart. It has been used for selfish and evil ends far more often than for good. Of this tendency the negative and helpless attitude of the German people under the Nazi rulers is the outstanding example.

But this negative receptivity (which does not deserve the name of public opinion) can be as easily turned to good ends as bad, and to constructive measures as to destructive. A little planned direction and a wisely outlined program with this in view can and will bring about [Page 380] the needed change and make a sound and intelligent public opinion one of the major factors in world reconstruction. One of the most interesting features of this war period has been the direct contact which has been set up by some of the world leaders with the man in the street and the woman in the home, as witness the talks given by Roosevelt and Churchill. Those given by the Axis leaders are in a totally different category, for they have been directed to the male youth of their countries and to the man in uniform. Only the lesser leaders in Germany, for instance, talk to the people in their homes, and then only to give them orders, to foster hate and to misrepresent the truth. In all these cases, however, the value of mass opinion is recognized and the need to sway the mass mind, either bending it to the will of some leader, such as Hitler, or educating it in those principles which are of benefit to the whole.

[JB] So, how do we "toil" [RESIST] in Pisces, here and now?

A. The (Piscean) Facts:

1. The gullibility of the average American citizen.

2. The rise to power of a “silver-tongued demagogue” preaching populist nativism and American imperialism.

3. Hostile takeover of the Executive Branch of the US Government by racial supremacists.

B. The (Aquarian) Vision:

1. The LIGHT of factual truths, shed by a defiant free press, “prevents, negates and destroys” the glamour of “alternative facts.”

2. The WISDOM of the Judicial Branch of the US Government checks and balances the abuses of the Executive Branch.

3. The POWER of a “focused, determined, enlightened public opinion” seals the door where evil dwells, as it is now dwelling in a White House darkened by a Mad Man surrounded by evil ideologues.

C. The New (Agni) Yoga (applied to the worst crisis in American democracy since the Civil War):

A resistance without friction.
A power without limit.

This is, my friend,
The Yoga of the unfathomable Fire,
The Yoga of Shamballa:

From the resistance,

May the liberating Light of Lord Buddha,
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.


José Becerra

PS: Citations are from the Alice A. Bailey books The Problems of Humanity (POH), The Rays and the Initiations (RI) and The Externalization of the Hierarchy (EH) published by the Lucis Trust.

EH: You might here fall back on the trite religious platitude that the innate good in humanity and mankind's inherent divinity would eventually have triumphed, because naught can finally overcome the universal trend to good. You are prone to forget that if the evil forces possess potencies which can destroy form in the three worlds on such a wide scale that the souls of advanced aspirants and disciples, and those of initiates seeking incarnation, cannot come into outer expression during a particular world crisis, then you have direfully affected the time-schedule of the evolutionary process; you will have greatly delayed (perhaps for millennia of years) the manifestation of the kingdom of God. The time had come for that manifestation, and hence the powerful activity of the dark forces.

This attempt to hinder the planned progress constituted a definite menace and indicated a supreme danger and problem. The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite [Page 494] and unforeseen period of time; the plans for a closer contact with the evolutionary process in the three worlds and the effort to blend and fuse the two divine centres, the Hierarchy and Humanity, into one working, collaborating whole seemed doomed to destruction. Their fusion would have meant the appearance of the Kingdom of God on earth; the obstacles to this fusion, owing to the active tension of the dark forces, seemed at that time insuperable; we believed that man would go down to defeat, owing to his selfishness and his misuse of the principle of free will. We made all preparations to withdraw, and yet at the same time we struggled to get humanity to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly.

The necessity to withdraw was averted. I may not say in what manner, beyond telling you that the Lords of Liberation took certain unexpected steps. This They were led to do owing to the invocative powers of humanity, used consciously by all those upon the side of the will-to-good and unconsciously by all men of goodwill. Owing to these steps, the efforts of those fighting in the realm of science for the establishing of true knowledge and right human relations were aided. The trend of the power to know and to discover (a definite form of energy) was deflected away from the demanding evocative minds of those seeking to destroy the world of men, leading to a form of mental paralysis. Those seeking to emphasise the right values and to save humanity were simultaneously stimulated to the point of success.

In these very few words I have disposed of a stupendous world event, and in this brief paragraph I have summed up the working out of a specialised divine activity.

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Date:  2017.02.04

Editor:  José Becerra
Anagrama VBA