JB on AAB-DK and the Jews
Messages to the New Light Forum
SEP 2002 to OCT 2004
How would I go about it? First and foremost, by expressing my deepest respect and heartfelt love to all my Jewish friends. Second, by letting them know that a thorough study will show that any critical remark against the Jewish religion in the AAB-DK Teachings is always well balanced with a spirit of goodwill and nonseparativeness. The AAB-DK Teachings are *not* anti-semitic, unless you quote them out of context (as proven by the fact that the AAB-DK experiment in the externalization of an Ashtram included Jewish disciples). Third, I would encourage the whole group to review all quotes on this subject in the AAB-DK books and, using the Technique of Light (Glamour, A World Problem), to foster a spirit of nonseparativeness and assist the Hierarchy in guiding Humanity in its preparation for the reappearance of the Christ (collective transition from the solar plexus to the heart center). I firmly believe that the reapperance of the Christ (related to the first initiation of Humanity --although there are discrepancies in the AAB-DK teachings about this initiation represents for humanity) cannot occur until the "Jewish problem" has been healed.
The transference from the solar plexus to the heart center should not be circumscribed to any one group. DK didn't say that only Jews had problems with the solar plexus. But in the same way that the New Group of World Servers is the planetary ajna center (and we all have individual ajna centers), the "problem of humanity" associated with the "Jewish problem" represents the planetary solar plexus. It is the basic glamour of separateness... from *both* sides, the Jewish and non-Jewish alike. We have to address it as *One* Humanity... thus becoming "whole" or healed. -JB
DK did *not* imply any antisemitism, as the Dark Forces (hit by the Light of His courageous anti-Zionist stance) have tried to distort His message by selectively abstracting quotes from His books that ignore the immense love and compassion that the DK and the Hierarchy have for the Jews in the world. -JB
[JB] A US representative had the courage to say; "If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this," said Moran, whose remarks were first reported by the Reston Connection newspaper. "The leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should." Do you know what happened to him?[CNN] Lawmaker under fire for saying Jews support Iraq war Moran apologizes; White House blasts comments
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Rep. Jim Moran, D-Virginia, is in hot water with Jewish groups for declaring the "strong support" of the Jewish community was driving the push toward a war with Iraq. The remarks, interpreted by some as anti-Semitic, were condemned Tuesday as "shocking" by the White House and labeled "offensive" by the leader of his own party in the House. Moran has apologized for the comments.
http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/03/11/moran.jews/index.html[JB] I believe Moran is partly right and we should question our blind support for Zionism in this country and our selective attack on terrorism in Muslim countries *only*... but we don't enjoy the freedom of speech in this country to openly and honestly discuss such an important issue without being branded "unpatriotic." I would have apologized only to non-Zionist Jews. Zionist Jews don't deserve an apology for such statement, because our misguided Middle East policy is the driving force behind our current world crisis.
There is an anti-arab bias in the US-media and its reasonable to suspect that Zionist forces are behind this modern brand of McCarthyism. -JB
AAB-DK and the Jews
AAB-DK: People know that there is "neither Jew nor Gentile", as St. Paul expressed it (facing two thousand years ago the same sad problem), and men and women in both groups have constantly and increasingly proved the truth of this statement. [105]
Such is the problem of the Jewish minority, given with a frankness which will evoke much criticism, but given in this way in the hope that because it is prompted by love, the Jews will shoulder their own responsibilities, will cease crying aloud to the Gentiles to solve the problem alone, and will begin to cooperate with a full sense of spiritual understanding and so aid the thousands of Gentiles who earnestly want to help. There has never been a time when the Gentile world has been more keen to do what is right by the Jew or more anxious to solve his problem and make restitution for all he has suffered. Changed inner attitudes are needed on both sides, but very largely on the side of the Jews; there is evidence that these new attitudes are germinating, even if the finding of the right solution may take much time. There are Jews who today are saying what is said here.
Dear Fellow Travellers of the Path:
DK's statements on the Jews are among the most controversial of the AAB-DK books. DK Himself was aware that they would evoke criticism, and still, He stood by them as a necessary part of the Teaching.
Elsewhere DK declares that Zionism is evil, that the creation of the state of Israel was a major initial mistake of the United Nations and that other nations should not have closed their borders to their return after WW-II, thus making it unnecessary to create a new state.
Furthermore, DK has identified the current Middle East conflict as representative of the planetary solar plexus center. Until a certain measure of peace is restored in this area of the world, the Christ --the Lord Maitreya-- cannot physically reappear, and the plan for the externalization of the Hierarchy is delayed. Thus, the major importance of this issue.
There's an opportunity for great service to Humanity, on behalf of the Hierarchy, if the conscious members of the New Group of World Servers, such as members of this NewLight Forum, unite to dispel the notion that DK's statements are ill-intended against the Jews and are thus dismissable as "antisemitic" rhetoric.
We may disagree with *any* of DK's statements. In fact, we are asked in the prologue to each of His books *not* to accept anything that is not either factually verified by ourselves or confirmed as true by our intuition. Moreover, the world situation is much different today --50 years later-- than it was when AAB faithfully transcribed the Teaching (DK reviewed everything that was transcribed and published by AAB on His behalf). It may be that the Hierarchy has modified its stance on the existence of the state of Israel (without changing Its stance against Zionism) and that a peaceful settlement with Palestine, as currently proposed by the UN, is the right approach to the *current* situation (without contradicting DK's idea that the *long term* solution to the conflict may lie in the *integration* of the Jews in all countries, *lovingly* accepted by all nations of the world). But, regardless of any disagreement with DK's position, it would be inadmissible to impute antisemitic hatred in a Master's heart.
*Law IX (Esoteric Healing)
The method used by the Perfect One and that employed by Good, is harmlessness. This is not negativity, but perfect poise, a completed point of view, and divine understanding. --TSR IV*
I have read DK's statements on the Jews many times. I've also read the many websites denouncing a Master of the Hierarchy as "antisemitic." I've been shocked by the distance --a kind of St. Peter's syndrome-- that Lucis Trust keeps from the words written in the books that they sell. I've been deeply moved by Michael Robbin's way to reconcile his Jewish background with DK's statements on the issue. I have been hurt by the smear campaign that, despite there being *nothing* in the AY Teaching against AAB, some HR devotees still hold to this day against AAB and which may be fanned by the same antisemitic charges. And through it all, I see a Master of the Hierarchy teaching us how to HARMLESSLY balance a true love for the Jews with a "frank" assessment of "their" predicament --which is the predicament of all humanity-- with "perfect poise, a completed point of view, and divine understanding."
If one unbiasedly reads *everything* that DK has written on the Jews, avoiding the temptation to quote Him out of context according to our own partisan views, one comes out with the firm conviction that it is not possible to hate the Jews (or any other minority) without hating Humanity. To hate one part is to hate the whole.
None of us is in the position to ascertain all the FACTS in the history of the planetary chains that support a Master's stance on any issue. We may not accept a Master's viewpoint and that's perfectly admissible, as long as we don't impute ill will in a Master's stance. But to betray one Master is to betray the whole Hierarchy. It would be preferable to hold one's judgement instead.
In the Service of the Light,
[Glen] The same could probably be said for just about every group in the world, for what tribe or nation has not "stolen" something from someone at some point, justifying it in a manner that suited them.
[JB] Very much agree, Glen. But most of that history happened before the 20th century. That's the reason, I think, why DK stated (TSR V): "Very few lands today are in the possession of their original inhabitants, and if restoration is made to all original inhabitants (which is not possible) an impossible situation would be brought about just as legitimate as the Zionist position. If the Zionist claims are to be considered (and they have been) they in their turn [Page 635] should realise that (if The Old Testament is to be believed) they originally took the land of Palestine away from its original owners nearly three thousand years ago, at the point of the sword and through an unprovoked aggression."
Earlier in the same book, DK had stated (439): "The area of difficulty—as is well known—is the Near East and Palestine. The Jews, by their illegal and terroristic activities, have laid a foundation of great difficulty for those who are seeking to promote world peace." Why would a Master of Wisdom say those harsh words and stand by them when criticized? DK is acting like an independent Judge making a controversial decision, a Judge Who is not bound by the interests of the parties in conflict and Who does not bend to intimidation by neither majorities or special interest groups, no matter how powerful they are. And the Zionists are indeed very powerful (634): "[The Zionists Dictators] worked through the same methods—terrorising, withholding information, browbeating their opponents, making false claims and bribing and corrupting. They were and are a minority, but a powerful minority because of their great wealth and their being in positions of power."
DK's position on the Jews merits the thoughtful consideration of all persons affiliated with the Hierarchy of Light and Wisdom. I consider the following full excerpt from the book The Externalisation of the Hierarchy as representative of His position on the Jews. I find in it "perfect poise, a completed point of view, and divine understanding."
[Glen] One either does so, and puts into action the inner work of healing, or one does not. Which is it to be?
[JB] The inner work of healing, of course. But a *reconciliation* with the *facts* is necessary before for-give-ness and healing (from "whole" or "holy") can operate fully and permanently.
I lack the vision/knowledge of a Master to gather all the historical/esoteric *facts* and render a fully fair judgement on the Jewish predicament, which is the predicament of all humanity. Thus, I trust DK's judgement on this issue (as in many others). My intuition declares Him right and I take personal responsibility for *my* decision to trust Him. Of course, others may disagree with DK's verdict (on behalf of the Hierarchy), but lawyers have a code of ethics that forbids them from indulging in the character assasination of the judge (or his/her secretary) when they lose a case. Bottom line: one may disagree with the verdict, but to label it as ill- intentioned "criticism" and "antisemetic" is not a standard of conduct for neither losing lawyers or those affiliated with the Hierarchy of Light and Wisdom. -JB
[JB] I did not say that I didn't have any facts about the matter. I did say that I did not have *all* facts at hand, as a Master would. The facts that I do have independently lean in the same direction that the Master suggests. And, yes, I do trust His judgement about the facts that I can't personally verify. What's the tragedy about trusting a Master?
Of course, I may always modify my views if *new* facts are presented. I have already stated my general position on the scientific method in this forum.
If you find anything "doctrinary" about it, please let me know.
I respect your right to opine about the source of such information. I have considered your hypothesis and ruled it out on the basis of my own experience with the AAB-DK Teaching. I can tell when AAB is writing, as in her Autobiography or Bethlehem to Calvary, and when it's DK. They are very different styles and vibrations. But, of course, you have the right to differ. I find nothing doctrinary about that.
I think that the AAB-DK Teachings on the Jews are an integral part of the Hierarchical revelations and that no one should feel intimidated by those who are ready to brand it as "anti-semitic." It should be considered impersonally --an attitude that apparently you are having trouble with-- and in a loving context, which is the true intention behind DK's words, regardless if we agree with His position or not. We may disagree with His position, but one should not impute an ill-will to harm, neither in DK nor in AAB. Let's practice harmlessness all the way, friend!
[JB] As far as I'm concerned, you do belong to this group. DK's statements on the Jews also do. Both belong to this forum, with equal dignity.
You are misreading my intention. Unlike other fora, as long as we observe the explicitly declared rules of this forum, we all have the right to discuss any idea without censorship. No one here should feel intimidated by anyone threatening to leave because this or that part of the Teachings is discussed. That would be coercion.
I have the right to freely declare what I think about AAB-DK and the Jews. You have the right to disagree and to open up another thread of discussion, ignoring what others say about AAB-DK and the Jews. We are both free to do that.
I do not want to argue with you personally. My life is too busy for that. My purpose in spending time on this issue is much more general.
I do believe that a key to the solution of the current Middle-East crisis -the planetary solar plexus-- lies in the loving and well-intentioned advise provided by the Hierarchy on this issue. The Jews (and all ethnic/racial/religious groups) need to stop considering themselves as the chosen people, separate from the rest of Humanity. That's the gist of DK's position on the Jews. The Old Testament is not a property deed for Palestine either. If DK had thought that such advise was irrelevant, and even counterproductive, He wouldn't have said it. If He spent time to dictate it, then we should not disregard it, particularly when the problem is still unresolved
Please understand that I do not literally apply today what DK stated 50 years ago. For instance, I do not propose the elimination of the state of Israel today (as would have been correct then). But a fair peace settlement with the Palestinians, mediated by the international community, is sorely needed. The United States should stop bailing Israel out with its veto power in the UN Security Council. It's up to the international community to mediate on this problem affecting the whole world. And the individuals affiliated with the Hierarchy, like you and me, should do our part to bring peace to this troubled area of the world. That's my true intention, brother.
If you can agree that the Jews should be less separative, and I can agree that the Gentiles should be more loving to all ethnic/racial/religious groups, including the Jews, we may begin to do our part in the One Work, through self-forgetfullness, harmlesness and right speech. If you can't agree on that, then open up another discussion thread in this forum and ignore anything that we say on this thread. That way we both enjoy our freedom of responsible speech. But please, don't leave. That's really not my intention.
The problem of evil and the field of science
[JB] The study of the "problem of evil" is applicable to the energies and forces exchanged (transference, transmutation, transfiguration) among the centers (chakras), in the human frame (the "problem of sex") and the planetary dimension (the "Jewish problem" related to the planetary solar plexus center).
[JB] I have already addressed the issue of taking the Teachings as maps that reveal the "relative coordinates" to orient us and not as "absolute values" upon which to base dogmas. No new gospels should be enthroned to be literally interpreted.
[JB] In my own experience with the AAB teachings, there are two major controversies related to two politically powerful groups: homosexuality and Zionism.
Intimidation is used when one calls "homophobic" or "antisemitic" any statement that conflicts with our long cherished views on those subjects so as to gag any dissenting opinion.
A Master does not speak to please diverging points of views. He speaks a Truth and it is up to the disciples to ascertain the concepts and the principles behinds His word forms.
DK has stated that Judaism is a religion whose good should be left behind; that Zionism is a good that should be left behind; that the Jewish sense of separateness as a chosen people should be left behind and that it is best if they assimilate into the country that they have made their new home. I see nothing hateful or condemnatory in those statements, Daniel. Of course, His choice, or rather, AAB's choice of words may leave a lot to be desired, but who's the "fundamentalist" when one focus on the words and not on the message?
DK loves Jews. AAB loved Jews. I do love Jews. Any misuse of His words by those who hate Jews is an act of perversion contrary to His intention and instigated by forces whose purpose is to defeat the work that He has initiated on behalf of the Hierarchy.
[JB] Re: Dissipating the Glamour of Self-RighteousnessIf the Teachings are not *applied* to our daily lives and to the "problems of humanity," what are They good for?
Thus aided, can we discern the CAUSES of the troubles that we are in right now?
How best to fight the evil of terrorism (both Islamic and Zionist)? Is it best fought with the world democracies divided against a common enemy? Or with the full support of the United Nations?
"The many controversial issues concerning Palestine and the path to peace for Israel are intensely debated among Israelis and throughout other nations -- but not in the United States. For the last 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticize any policies of the Israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices."
We thank Jimmy Carter for upholding the Hierarchical Teachings penned by Alice A. Bailey. True, he probably hasn't read the "blue books," but he has been able to articulate the Tibetan Master's position on Zionism in a most effective way.
Why do many remain timid and silent on this crucial issue for world peace? For a "nonpolitical and nonsectarean" purpose? Was D.K. "political and sectarean" when he objectively declared the Hierarchical position on Zionism?
Apartheid in Palestine must end in order to defuse terrorism in the region. Both Palestinian and Israel's state-sponsored terrorism are equally responsible for the escalation of the conflict. The United States must allow the international community to mediate in this conflict and stop using its veto power to protect Zionist interests in the region.
We fully support Jimmy Carter and his world service through the Carter Center here in Atlanta. Please join this courageous world server on his quest for world peace.
US-CollaborativeAtlanta, Georgia (USA)
Dear James: [...] On another note... did you notice the First Ray "words of power" recently pronounced in Darfur by M.'s disciple Carter?
By Alfred de Montesquiou
Associated Press
Thursday, October 4, 2007; Page A20KABKABIYA, Sudan, Oct. 3 -- Former president Jimmy Carter confronted Sudanese security officials Wednesday during a visit to the western region of Darfur, shouting, "You don't have the power to stop me!" at some who blocked him from meeting refugees of the conflict.
Washington Post
I loved it. By the way, I had the opportunity to shake Carter's hand a couple of weeks ago. He appeared from nowhere to greet his audience here at the Carter Center. I was in an aisle seat in the last rows talking to my son and my wife when I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a hand stretched in my direction. I shook hands before looking up. When I looked up it was Pres. Carter starting his way to the podium. I was speechless for several minutes. I usually attend his town hall meetings at the Carter Center here in Atlanta and always subjectively impress on him the Master's gratitude for his work. That night it was a bit more powerful, as I silently recited the Great Invocation to "strengthen his hands".
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