"Radiance are we and power. We stand forever with our hands stretched out, linking the heavens and the earth, the inner world of meaning and the subtle world of glamor.
We reach into the light and bring it down to meet the need. We reach into the silent Place and bring from thence the gift of understanding. Thus with the light we work and turn the darkness into day." [239]
United Kingdom: Soul-R1 Personality-R2 National Motto: I serve.
United States: Soul-R2 Personality-R6 National Motto: I Light the Way.
France: Soul-R5 Personality-R3 National Motto: I release the Light
Source: AAB-DK Destiny Nations
Note: The recently dissolved triangle spearheading the "Coalition of the Willing" substituted an R6 country, Spain (S-R6, P-R7) --whose national motto is "I disperse the Clouds"-- for the R5/3 of France. Such triangle was dissolved by a democratic mandate in Spain.
Hercules Tests in Scorpio:
U.S.A. 2004
“We rise by kneeling, we conquer by surrendering; we gain by giving up.”
Nine Heads of the Lernean Hydra
Dweller on Threshold Angel of Presence Sex Criminalize abortion. Distrust women. Prevent unwanted pregnancies. Freedom of responsible choice. Comfort Environmental assault. Cheap oil and labor. Freedom from want. Basic world needs are met. Money Capitalist greed. Corruption. Regulated free markets. Transparency. Fear Provoke terrorists and kill them. Armageddon. Freedom from fear. Prevent terrorism. Hate Fundamentalist crusades against infidels. Military imposition of American values. Goodwill. Plan of Love and Light. Spirit of Peace. Ambition Domestic fascism. American imperialism internationally. Democracy. Right human relations. Spiritual power. Pride Self-righteousness. Adjusted sense of right proportion (humility). Separateness The chosen people complex. American exceptionalism. Internationalism. Constructive U.N. reforms. Cruelty The sick and poor deserve their lot. Compassion. Equitable distribution of resources. Keynote
And the Word said: Let Maya flourish and deception rule. Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant. "The Hierarchy is now standing, and that is its duty at this time.
They are stopping their own moving forward; having done all, they are standing. It is for us to move forward. We are ourselves the burning ground." -AAB
Dissipating the Glamour of Self-RighteousnessIllumination and the light of knowledge can be regarded as synonymous terms and many glamours can be dissipated and dispersed when subjected to the potency of the informative mind, for the mind is essentially the subduer of emotion through the presentation of fact. The problem is to [Page 145] induce the individual or the race or nation which is acting under the influence of glamour to call in the mental power of assessing the situation and subject it to a calm, cold scrutiny. Glamour and emotion play into each other's hands and feeling runs so strong usually in relation to glamour that it is impossible to bring in the light of knowledge with ease and effectiveness.
Illumination and perception of truth are also synonymous terms, but it should be remembered that the truth in this case is not truth on the abstract planes but concrete and knowable truth—truth which can be formulated and expressed in concrete form and terms. Where the light of truth is called in, glamour automatically disappears, even if only for a temporary period. But, again, difficulty arises because few people care to face the actual truth, for it involves eventually the abandonment of the beloved glamour and the ability to recognise error and to admit mistakes, and this the false pride of the mind will not permit. Again, I would assure you that humility is one of the most potent factors in releasing the illuminating power of the mind, as it reflects and transmits the light of the soul. The determined facing of the factual life and the stern recognition of truth—coldly, calmly and dispassionately—will greatly facilitate the calling in of the flood of illumination which will suffice to dispel glamour.
As we are dealing with the problem of glamour and illumination, it might be of value here if I dealt with the particular glamour which I would ask your group to aid in dispelling. I refer here to the glamour of separateness.Source: Glamour, A World Problem
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