Initiations of Sanat Kumara
(AAB-DK Compilation)


TCF: A scheme, in its totality, corresponds to the Monad, or to the monadic auric egg, in connection with a human being and his forty-nine cycles.

A chain, in its totality corresponds to the body egoic of a human being, to the causal body with its seven great [Page 383] cycles mentioned elsewhere in these pages, and hinted at in certain occult books.

A globe, with its seven races corresponds to a particular series of incarnations in connection with a man, incarnate or discarnate, for all globes are not on physical levels.

A physical globe, in a chain corresponds to a particular physical incarnation of a man. The planetary Logos takes physical form in His planet and is its life and works out His purposes.

A root-race, simply is analogous to the "seven parts" (as Shakespeare phrases it) as played by the midget, man. In a root-race a Heavenly Man is simply living out His life, working through some experience in the great work of developing buddhi or corporate action, (for buddhi is the unifying principle of groups) and, in the process of experiencing and developing, He sweeps into His vibratory capacity all the cells in His body. In the case of a human being the cells in his body (the material cells) are involutionary lives, animated by the third Logos, co-operating with the second Logos. In the case of a planetary Logos, the cells in His body are evolutionary lives (deva and human units) animated by the life of the second Logos, co-operating with the first Logos, and utilising the activities of the third Logos for purposes of manifesting.



Initiation I. Birth. Freedom from the control of the physical body and its appetites.

Initiation II. Baptism. Freedom from the control of [Page 686] the emotional nature and the selfish sensitivity of the lower self.

Initiation III. Transfiguration. Freedom from the ancient authority of the threefold personality, marking a climaxing moment in the history of all initiates.

Initiation IV. Renunciation. Freedom from all self-interest, and the renouncing of the personal life in the interest of a larger whole. Even soul-consciousness ceases to be of importance and a more universal awareness, and one closer to the divine Mind, takes its place.

Initiation V. Revelation. Freedom from blindness—a liberation which enables the initiate to see a new vision. This vision concerns the Reality lying beyond any hitherto sensed or known.

Initiation VI. Decision. Freedom of choice. I have dealt with these choices in an earlier part of this book.

Initiation VII. Resurrection. Freedom from the hold of the phenomenal life of the seven planes of our planetary Life. It is in reality a "lifting out of or above" the cosmic physical plane.

Initiation VIII. Transition. Freedom from the reaction of consciousness (as that word is understood by you) and a liberation into a state of awareness, a form of conscious recognition which has no relation to consciousness, as you understand that term. It might be regarded as complete freedom from sensitivity, yet with a full flowering of that quality to which we give the inadequate name "compassion." More I cannot say. [Page 687]

Initiation IX. Refusal. Freedom from all possible forms of enticement, particularly with reference to the higher planes. It must constantly be remembered (and hence my constant reiteration) that our seven planes are the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane.

This goal of freedom is in reality the main incentive to tread the Path of Return. One of the most spiritually exciting things taking place in the world today is the use, in every country, of the word FREEDOM; it was that great disciple, F. D. Roosevelt, who "anchored" the word in a new and more universal sense. It now has a fuller and deeper meaning to humanity.



R&I 374: The Logos of our scheme, Sanat Kumara, will take a major initiation in the middle of the fifth round, but is preparing for a minor one at this time.

R&I 390: From the cosmic angle, the Masters are only beginners, and even our deeply desired initiations (from the first to the sixth) are simply preparatory initiations for those to be taken later on upon the Way of the Higher Evolution
[JB: "preparatory" to the initiations on the Cosmic Path; 7th and 8th as "minor" Cosmic initiations].

TCF 385: The solar Logos has for objective nine [cosmic] initiations, the third cosmic
[...] Initiation being His goal.

Our planetary Logos
[planetary 9th=1st major cosmic=3rd minor cosmic] has for objective seven [solar] initiations, the second [major] cosmic Initiation [=4th minor cosmic] being His goal.

Man has for objective five
[major planetary] initiations [3rd thru 7th], the first [preparatory] cosmic Initiation [planetary 5th] being his goal.

R&I 81: 3rd planetary initiation = 1st solar initiation
[solar initiations = minor cosmic initiations]

IHS 18: 7th. planetary initiation (Master) = 5th solar initiation
= 1st Sirian or Cosmic
[major] initiation



Some of the more obvious meanings of this seventh hint it might profit us to consider. Its significance is, however, something which will be revealed as a result of initiation; you can see, therefore, that a close study and a vital comprehension of Hint VI must normally precede any true understanding of this final hint which I have here given you. There are—needless to say—nine esoteric interpretations of this hint, corresponding to the nine initiations. This sentence both in its individual, tonic and orchestral sounding forth, carries information and illumination even to the planetary Logos when it is uttered during any cosmic initiation that the planetary Logos may be taking—and which He is Now doing.

... the perfected [Page 419] Personality of Sanat Kumara—focussed at present in His creative throat centre, Humanity—is reverberating to the orchestral effect of the formula which embodies this hint from the cosmic angle. To this I need not further refer, for you could not understand. Nor do I to any great extent, brother of mine, being but an initiate of the fifth degree. The reason lying behind all this is that the planetary Logos in this particular world cycle is undergoing an initiation which will shift His focus into the hierarchical centre, into that centre of energy which we call the Hierarchy; from that point of attained focus He will submit to the cosmic initiation for which His planetary work—creative and magnetic—has prepared Him. As He, in His Own essential nature, makes progress, every phase of His manifesting body, His expressive Personality, is involved, with the emphasis of the conditioning energies working out through the two centres at this time pre-eminently active; i.e., the centre which we call the race of men, Humanity, in which the energy of intelligence is focussed and critically active, and the centre where the love of God is demonstrated, the Hierarchy. In these two centres a great activity is on the move and a vital expansion or moving outward is taking place.

IHS 92: At the seventh initiation that One of Whom Sanat Kumara is the manifestation, the Logos of our scheme on His own plane, becomes the Hierophant. At the sixth initiation the expression of this Existence on an intermediate plane, a Being Who must at present remain nameless, wields the Rod and administers the oath and secret. In these three expressions of hierarchical government—Sanat Kumara on the periphery of the three worlds, the Nameless One on the confines of the high planes of human evolution, and the planetary Spirit himself at the final stage—we have the three great manifestations of the Planetary Logos Himself. Through the Planetary Logos at the final great initiation flows the power of the Solar Logos, and He it is Who reveals to the initiate that the Absolute is consciousness in its fullest expression, though at the stage of human existence the Absolute must be regarded as unconsciousness.
At the final two initiations many members of the Hierarchy who are, if one might so express it, extra-planetary, and who function outside the dense physical and the etheric globe of our planet, take part, but a stricter enumeration is needless. Sanat Kumara is still the Hierophant, yet in a [Page 109] very esoteric manner it is the Planetary Logos Himself who officiates. They are merged at that time into one Identity, manifesting different aspects.

R&I 658: Through the past civilisations and their eventual catastrophic destruction, the planetary Logos has gradually prepared the ground or planetary field for the "planting of the germ of Will"—the nurturing of which is a future part of human destiny. The seven major phases of the unfoldment of the human race (of which our modern Aryan race is the fifth) are in the nature of seven planetary initiations or unfoldments; the word "initiation" is not to be understood in the exact sense in which human initiations are understood and interpreted. Men are initiated into phases of the divine consciousness through applied stimulation, whereby their vehicles evidence readiness; in connection with the planetary Logos, it is He Who initiated a new process in seven phases, preparatory to the expected divine planting. It must be borne in mind that the use of the word "planting" is purely symbolic. Each phase brings the original divine purpose or spiritual project nearer to fruition, and it is for this that Sanat Kumara came into manifestation or incarnation.

693: From the angle of the supreme Masters on Sirius, our planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, is still on the Fixed Cross; He mounted the Mutable Cross in the first solar system; the Fixed Cross still holds Him in this solar system "fixed in His place"; in the next solar system, He will transfer Himself to the Cardinal Cross, and from "thence return to that High Place from whence He came."

TWM 379: We might here note the fact that the word Ibez is literally in the nature of an acrostic veiling the true name of the planetary Logos of the earth, one of Whose principles is working in Sanat Kumara, making Him thus a direct incarnation of the planetary Logos and an expression of His divine consciousness. These four letters are the first letters of the real names of the four Avatars on the four globes of our earth chain who have embodied four of the divine principles. The letters I B E Z are not the true Sensar letters, if such an inaccurate expression can be used of an ideographic language, but are simply a Europeanized distortion. The true meaning is only conveyed at the fourth initiation when the nature of the planetary Logos is revealed and His four Avatars are definitely contacted through the direct mediatory work of Sanat Kumara.



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