Solar Fire Observances

1. Gemini—forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius.
2. Libra—is related to and transmits the potencies of the Pleiades.
3. Aquarius—expresses the universal consciousness of the Great Bear.

-TSR III, 349


Science of Triangles
("Triple Sun")

It is the constellation Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control every one of the pairs of opposites in the Great Wheel. Gemini, therefore, forms with each of the pairs of opposites in the Zodiac a third factor, powerfully influencing the other two constellations, and thus forms, with them, certain great zodiacal triangles.

TSR III, 346-47

1. Libra-Aries.—The achieved equilibrium, at the point of rest, provides the mental impetus for soul control. Passion is transmuted into love and the initial desire of Aries becomes the full expression of love-wisdom. Desire to manifest becomes the aspiration to be.

2. Scorpio-Taurus.—The final victory of soul over form. Death and darkness demonstrate as life and light as the result of this energy relationship. The dark night of the soul becomes radiant sun.

3. Sagittarius-Gemini.—The result of this related pair of opposites is that there is one-pointed soul effort, spiritually directed activity and a demonstrated readiness for initiation. There is the waning of the power of form and the waxing of the life of the soul.

4. Capricorn-Cancer.—The initiate now chooses to incarnate and passes freely and at will through both doors. The pull of matter is superseded by the free choice of the soul. Form life becomes a conscious method of expression for service.

5. Aquarius-Leo.—Personality interests as an expression of the individual are submerged in the good of the whole. Selfish individual man becomes the world server. Heights of noted service are then reached in both signs.

6. Pisces-Virgo.—The form reveals and releases the indwelling soul. The Saviour of the world appears and nurtures the hidden souls in Virgo.

TSR III, Page 338-39


The rules for the Technique of Light have been adequately laid down in the Raja Yoga system of Patanjali, of which the five stages of Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation, Illumination, and Inspiration are illustrative...

GWP 195


In the five stages of meditation (as usually taught) you have the following: Concentration, meditation, contemplation, illumination and inspiration. These five stages are paralleled in the five strictly human signs of the zodiac:

1. Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.

2. Virgo—Meditation—Soul life, as sensed in man, the gestation period. The stage of the hidden Christ. Intelligent man. Personality, as hiding the Christ life.

3. Libra—Contemplation—Life of soul and form is balanced. Neither dominates. Equilibrium. An interlude wherein the soul organises itself for battle and the personality waits. This is the probationary path. Duality known.

4. Scorpio—Illumination—The soul triumphs. Experience in Taurus consummated. Astral glamour dissipated. Soul light pours in. The Path of Discipleship. The Disciple.

5. Sagittarius—Inspiration—Preparation for initiation. Soul inspires personality life. Soul expresses itself through personality. The Initiate.

I would here remind you that, though initiation is taken in Capricorn, the man is an initiate before he is initiated. This is the true secret of initiation.

 TSR III, 228-29


... the entire meditation process (in its three major divisions) can be divided as follows:

1. The Aspirant Probationary Path Concentration Maya
2. The Disciple Path of Discipleship Meditation Glamour
3. The Initiate Path of Initiation Contemplation Illusion

GWP 67

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