Aquarian Service Activities


The Invocation of Devas

by Vicente Beltrán Anglada

The current world conflict, the social and political divisions among and within countries, and the utmost misery in which too many human beings live in the world today --while others live in luxury and comfort-- create an unhealthy environment on Earth.

The worldwide burden of diseases such as cancer, heart ailments and the increased susceptibility to nervous breakdowns due, in part, to the erosion of the protective etheric web of the planet, and to our increased sensitivity to the invisible worlds as we inevitably evolve and make contact with our inner spiritual Self, define a human need to be met.

So, there is an urgent call to collaborate in a joint effort to find a creative and dynamically harmless expression to these unredeemed human forces and the corresponding higher spiritual energies, to be correctly transmuted, transformed and distributed along three distinct lines of action:

i) the etheric or subtle physical plane, to heal diseases so far considered incurable;

ii) the emotional plane, to rightly channel and balance psychic energies, resulting in psychological wellbeing;

iii) the mental plane, to awaken the higher energies of intuitive perception and understanding in order to handle the [NT: "atomic"] power originating in the spiritual Soul of all human beings, a Soul belonging to the Great Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet.

So, it is evident that each worker could serve as both a receiving and transmission point in one or other of these levels according to his/her disposition. However, a single purpose should drive this joint effort: with intelligence and goodwill, to create a common distribution channel for the energies of physical healing, psychological realignment and spiritual understanding. Please note a Hierarchical plan in this "invocation," a plan to be slowly revealed as the work proceeds. [NT: possible reference to the Triangles work]

The New Age Technique of Invocation and Evocation is based on the fact that "the ears of God are always open to listen the earnest pleas of men." Christ has stated "Knock and the door shall open; ask and you shall receive," preparing the human minds and hearts for this new Era just begun.

The energies currently at our disposal --and within our reach-- are:

i) the First Ray, the creative Will of God, focused through the Avatar of Synthesis;

ii) the Second Ray of Love, Understanding and Wisdom, focused through the Spirit of Peace;

iii) the Third Ray of Intelligent Activity, focused through the Lord Buddha.

These are three types of energy, present everywhere and all powerful, to transmute, transform and transfigure karma, individual and collective. Please keep in mind that every human being has a source of inner power in his/her heart, a power that can move mountains, that can make and undo destiny, despite karmic tendencies, individual or planetary. The mysterious words attributed to Christ as He addressed Peter may shed some light in this regard: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven," a power that we all could invoke and implement.

The ignorance about the spiritual dimension of the human beings, where the "will of God" works out, has generated much doubt and uncertainty, as well as the false notion that destiny is fixed by the stars. True, cosmic cycles exert their inevitable influence on human beings but when aligned with the cosmic purpose, human beings can alter cosmic cycles and even determine new courses of action.

Joshua commanded: "Sun, stand thou still...And the sun stood still" [Book of Joshua, chapter 10, verses 12 and 13]. This is a poorly understood passage of the Bible symbolically portraying the immense power within us. There is a divine energy within our reach and which we can channel to produce a worldwide catharsis, to open up our planetary life to a new world where disease, pain and senility eventually disappear.


Outline of Work

Part I

We will work as a group inspired by the spiritual Hierarchy, and aided by the powerful energies of the Lord of Aquarius, to facilitate physical healing, emotional stability and spiritual understanding. Each one should choose the specific area of service to wholeheartedly devote his/her attention.

The Mantra of Unification [NT: Aquarian Mantra of Synthesis] will synthesize the joint effort to invoke the inner power needed for the work.

May the Liberating Light of Lord Buddha
The Infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace
And the Unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan of God on Earth.

It is a very powerful mantra, approved by the spiritual Hierarchy, whose specific purpose is to invoke the energies potentiated by the Constellation of Aquarius, for us to draw from that cosmic source the power needed to accomplish our work in the area of service of our choosing and according to the purity of our intention.

This mantra should preferably be used at 7 a.m. (local time). It should be pronounced three times, orally, if the etheric plane is the object of our service, or mentally, for the emotional or mental planes.

If purity of intention is present, the outcome is inevitable. A channel will be established for the Aquarian energies to flow and spread on Earth. These energies are on hold, waiting for the cyclic opportunity to be provided by humanity, as planned. A legion of devas, empowered by the Seal of Aquarius, are ready to act if humanity --with a spirit of goodwill-- joins in the increasing demand emanating from all the kingdoms of nature.

Simplicity is the hallmark of the Aquarian work. [NT: Profound attentiveness as each word is pronounced, vividly visualizing the outcome with serene expectancy, carefully adapting the energies to the need]

Visualize the earth surrounded by a golden aura, the etheric web, for those working on physical healing; or by a light yellow, for those working on emotional balance; or by a deep blue, for those working on spiritual wisdom.

Thus, we work with the three Aquarian colors. The golden, symbolic of the physical sun and effective on the etheric planes. The light yellow, symbolic of the buddhic planes and most effective in bringing peace and equilibrium to the emotional plane. The deep blue, symbol of the Love-Wisdom from Solar Logos.

We advise to devote a minimum of one month to create a power center, or field of magnetic forces, to serve as a reservoir of the threefold Aquarian energies needed to accomplish the work and thus make impact on the planetary aura. This mantra is very powerful; its potency is increased according to the power of our attention and the impersonality of our intention. Otherwise, the perils of "black magic" may haunt the selfish practitioner up to even self-destruction, according to the karmic law. Therefore, we must work as White Magicians, as Principals of the Good Law, as Christ did, Avatar of Love, Master of Masters, Angels and Men. Please be assured that this proposed work is part of His task as the Avatar of the New Age.

After a month of work according to these simple instructions, you will be empowered to work individually on specific cases, according to karmic law. It is a task of major significance for the planet Earth, despite its simplicity. If successful, three magnetic fields, well defined and vibrantly alive, will be the source of health, balance and understanding, three magic expressions of the purpose of Aquarius, as it relates to our planet Earth.

Part II

Here we will complete the outline needed for each type of work.

A. Physical Healing (invocation of the violet devas)

After saying the Mantra of Unification (at 7 in the morning), and after subjectively linking up with the individual to be healed, say the following mantra three times

May the Force of the Great Magic Triangle
And the Energies of the Healing Devas
Act upon [name]

while visualizing a golden stream of energy flowing through the diseased organ(s). Be patient and keep your hope. Persevere in your purpose even in the face of apparent failure.

B. Emotional Equilibrium
(to cure obsessions, epilepsy, habits, astral possessions, etc.)

After mentally saying the Mantra of Unification (at 7 in the morning), and after subjectively linking up with the individual to be healed, mentally say the following mantra three times

May the Force of the Great Magic Triangle
And the Energies of the Devas of Equilibrium
Act upon [name]

while visualizing a light-yellow stream of energy bathing the whole aura of the affected individual up and down, taking away all noxious impurities. With practice, the visualization may be so vivid as to actually see the person in front of the healer, while letting the pure energies of compassion flow between healer and patient.

C. Spiritual Understanding

This is a most impersonal service activity, reserved for trained esoteric workers. The mantra to be used by those intuitively called for this Hierarchical work is

May the Force of the Great Magic Triangle
And the Energies of the Solar Angels
Act upon [name]

A deeper and more sustained approach is needed. The mind should be maintained in an invocative state of profound, serene expectation, so that the Solar Angels (the living Force driving the evolution of the Human Kingdom) may use the path created by our intentions and visualizations to impact individuals, groups and organizations. The color associated with this activity is deep blue.

Sources (in Spanish): 




AAB-DK: Science of Applied Purification

A great part of the work to be done by the disciples who are emerging from the ashrams, and will continue thus to emerge, is of a purificatory nature at this time, and increasingly so for the rest of this century. On the Path of Probation, the aspirant is taught to purify himself and his three vehicles of contact; upon acceptance into an ashram, a large measure of the needed purification has been achieved. From then on, no emphasis should be laid by the disciple on the purification of his own nature, for this would produce too close and intimate a self-focus and tend to an over-stimulation of the personality vehicles. But the lessons learnt upon the Probationary Path will be found by him to be simply the foundation for the Science of Purification or—if I may use a word made familiar to you through the war experience—of De-contamination. This will be brought into full expression by the working disciples who will be responsible for the preparation of the world for the reappearance. This purificatory process falls into the following stages:

1. The stage wherein the tainted area, the hidden evil, or the diseased factors are recognised and duly contacted in order to ascertain the extent of the purificatory measures required. This is a point of danger for the disciple.

2. The process of discovering the magnetic areas, magnetised in past centuries, and even aeons, by Members of the Hierarchy. This is done so as to make available the transmission of energies there stored. In the cycle which is now close at hand, these magnetic centres will be largely tapped or utilised by the world disciples responsible for the purificatory work.

3. The stage wherein the disciple withdraws his attention from the source of difficulty and concentrates upon certain mantric usages and certain hierarchical formulas, thus setting loose the energies needed to destroy the germs of evil, latent or active, thus eliminating certain materialistic tendencies, and strengthening the soul of all that is to be purified and the life to be found within every form. It is wise to remember that, for instance, as the Master works with His disciples and strengthens the life within them and evokes their soul into potency from latency, every form and every atom within their various bodies is equally energised and aided. It is this fundamental process which will guide the disciples and the initiates in the coming work of world purification.

4. The stage of withdrawing of the purifying energies; this is to be followed by a period of stabilising the purified form and starting the life and soul within it on a new cycle of spiritual growth.

I have worded all this in such a manner that it will be evident that the work to be done is not confined only to humanity, but also to the forms of life in the other kingdoms in nature.

The study of this Science of Applied Purification is one which is engrossing the attention of all the ashrams at this time; disciples in the first ray ashram, in the second ray ashram and in the seventh ray ashram are peculiarly active along these lines, for the destruction of evil is the work of the first ray, and in so destroying its effects purity is achieved; the fostering of good then becomes possible and is the work of the second ray, of the Builders; and the bringing of spiritual energy into contact with substance, and consequently with matter, is the unique work of the seventh ray because it is now in manifestation. The rays which are active and in manifestation at this time and in this cycle are there in conformity to the Plan and in preparation for the externalisation of the Hierarchy and the reappearance of the Christ. These rays are particularly involved, and therefore the initiates and the disciples in the ashrams of the Masters are also particularly implicated.

The science of Applied Purification is also the Science of Applied Energy, with the specific objective in view of "eliminating the undesirable and that which hinders the entrance of the light, and thus providing space and entry for the desired, for the good, the beautiful and the true". In the application of this science there is of course no infringement of the human prerogative of free will. This ancient science is concerned primarily with the purification and with the redemption of matter, and it is entirely in the hands of human beings, under the direction of the Hierarchy. This direction may be consciously or unconsciously registered. The Science of Redemption (to which I have several times earlier referred) is in reality the applied art of esotericism and of spiritual living which is already being taught to mankind; they are steadily learning to redeem the bodies through which they function. It is in reality the art or science of relationship [Page 694] between the Life and the lives, as H.P.B. expresses it.

As far as the other kingdoms in nature are concerned, the purification is applied by the Hierarchy, through the medium of human beings, and this can be seen in process at this time. This present activity, carried on now largely unconsciously, will be redoubled and carried forward consciously by trained initiates and disciples, working through and with aspirants. It is this that is now being studied in the various hierarchical ashrams, and when applied—after 1975—will bring about great and important changes in world living.

Externalisation Hierarchy 691-95



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