What is the soul of America and who represents it?by Michael D. RobbinsOctober 21, 2008I am interested in seeing politics as the soul would see, whether or not I can achieve this perspective--and the likelihood is that I cannot--yet.I ask myself, "What is the soul of America and who represents it?" "What is the meaning of Aquarius as the soul-sign of the United States?"Do I think the narrow, sixth-ray emotionalists on the far right represent the soul of America? Certainly not! They are blatantly exponents of the militant, sixth-ray American personality, and moreover, their level of evolution is not, on the average, high. From the perspective of soul evolution, they are the adolescents of America--even the children.At the same time, and in balance, I do not support rampant, atheistic hedonism and the culture of "abortion on demand" (by means of which we will undermine the possibility of illumined progress for the fifth root race.) In my view, abortion is an abomination--especially as practiced today. I am sure that the Manu cannot condone it. Yet, again, the will of the mother and father cannot be violated, though sacrifice is to be encouraged. Thus, the complexity.Do I think the message of sharing--sharing wealth, sharing energy, and sharing inevitable suffering, sharing as Aquarian 'meritocratic' distribution--represents the soul of America? Yes, I do. Selfish, personal people will detest such sharing.I ask, "What would Christ say?" Would He support the aggressive selfishness linked to a Capitalist-Calvinist (hardly Christ-like) view of the world, based more on social Darwinism than on the truly Christian message of brotherly love? I say, He would not.America has a second ray soul and a sixth ray personality. It is obvious to me that John McCain (with only partial willingness) and Sarah Palin (shockingly, with full and ignorant willingness) represent the sixth ray personality of America, which if allowed to continue in ascendancy will militate against the emergence of the second-ray soul of our planet through our second-ray country, through humanity and through the instrumentality of the Reappearance and Externalization. The Forces of Obstruction utilize the solar plexus and sacral center; they do not use the heart center and the centers through which illumination can pour. I am clear in my mind that the present Republican ticket does not represent the heart center of America. Those who think it does have not, in my mind, distinguished between emotion and love.I am appalled by the presence of Sarah Palin on the Republican Ticket (not because I hold anything against her as a individual, but) because she represents a willful retreat from the Great Light and from the inclusive Love which are the heart and soul of our great country. As for McCain, he is not an integrated man. I believe he is a fourth ray personality (probably first ray soul) and is in the midst of unresolved personality struggles which fuel an erratic and changeable approach to problems of dreadful import. In both cases, ambition far outweighs concern for the wholeness of America, and, more importantly, for the wholeness of Humanity!Therefore, I whole-heartedly support the Obama/Biden ticket, not because they are perfect human beings but because the note sounded by them is far closer to the note of the Soul of American. This is my perception. This is my intuition in this tremendously complex situation. I listen for the note, and do not want to see the thoughtless solar plexus of our nation, represented by the largely adolescent collection of sixth ray souls now on their way out of incarnation, overwhelm the higher principles--heart, mind and spiritual will--represented by thoughtful, though imperfect, individuals like Obama and Biden.I listen for quality, and for this reason will not support the ascendancy of lesser forces which must now be relegated to the past. The lesser lights must (according to occult law) be subservient to the greater. Selfish desire must (according to occult law) be subjected to the sacrifices which will transform it into love. There is pain in the process of transformation and the solar plexus seeks at all costs to avoid that pain--hence the mindless rage against greater light and the imminence of initiation. That pain is coming--and the solar plexus of our nation knows it. The heart knows it too, but is willing to embrace the pain as the only way to grow.The second ray/sixth ray contest in the United States, my country, is so utterly clear to me, that I cannot see how anyone who supports the emergence of the soul of our great nation can support those who obviously stand for the continuation of the dominance of its personality.Although these are my strongly held convictions, I support completely the right of anyone (in any arena of intelligent discourse) to argue freely and vocally for the opposite point of view. Thought and speech must be free and I love no one the less because of their sincere expression of points of view which I consider ill-founded or insensitive to the deeper values at stake.With Love to All,Michael#337[JB] I also support completely the right of anyone (in any arena of intelligent discourse) to argue freely and vocally for the opposite point of view. I also believe that expositions of principles related to what DK calls "problems of humanity" do not belong to toxic dump sites of low astral vibration where individuals vent their "personal feelings and opinions."I think that what MDR has written is as valuable as any of his commentaries on the Treatise on Cosmic Fire. They deserve the same level of respectful consideration, even if we disagree with his ideas. Examples of "intelligent discourse" in disagreement would be to argue in favor of more self-reliance against the welfare state typically promoted by Democrats, or less government "intrusion" into "free markets," or the refusal to recognize the international authority of the United Nations. Examples of stupid discourses would be to engage in partisan politics, personal attacks and conspiracy rhetoric.To the intelligent discourse requirement, students of DK must add the framework of His teachings. What was DK's position on these problems of humanity half a century ago? Have the essential points changed? How can they be adapted to the present circumstances?Can we make the enlightened discussion and meditation of these issues a laboratory where we practice what we preach, that is, right human relations and goodwill? I think so. Otherwise, the theory of the books will remain just another intellectual ornament worn at empty ceremonies.We can do better than that. We can do discipleship work in any field of service.-JB
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