Esoteric Astrology - Pluto in CapricornLeoni Hodgson October 2008
1. Pluto first entered Capricorn in January 2008.
As esoteric astrologers know, this combination predicts the purging of corruption and greed from governments, corporations, and all large institutions which wield power and influence, so that they can serve the masses better. Pluto is also a ruler of the field of finance in the sense that it rules the 8th house - “other people’s money.” So its effect is especially felt in this area as well.
As we have seen recently, the “arrow of death” has been fired by the Spiritual Hierarchy at the corrupt practises of the capitalist system and its banking methods, and it is falling like the rotten construction it is. We have only seen the beginning of its work, necessary purification to prepare man’s consciousness to receive the Christ vibration around 2025. Many people will step onto the path at the end of this process. Many who are already upon the Path will take initiation.
For the last few months Pluto has retrograded back into Sagittarius. It moves back into Capricorn on 27 November. Instability will remain.
2. 2008. On the 27th December, Mars crosses Pluto and this is a volatile mix. There is anger and the possibility of violence. This aspect remains in effect for four days. It will likely affect the financial markets, but could also involve terrorist activity. It is fortunate that this occurs after the US Presidential election, but it will also come about before the new administration takes office. So it is a time of great instability.
3. 2009-2010. The first major aspect from one of the synthesising planets occurs in November of 2009 when Saturn squares Pluto. These major transits bring about the major changes.
Saturn is in Libra then, the sign it rules on a hierarchical level, so its effect will be for the greater good, and for the long term, bringing stability in both the financial field and in the world generally. But this may not be immediately seen for quite a period, as it will probably trigger another round of upheaval as crystallised edifices fall. This transit lasts until August 2010, and then things will settle for awhile.
4. 2013-2015. The next major aspect occurs from Uranus in Aries, square Pluto. This is an extremely volatile mix - much more powerful than that with Mars, and it will bring a further round of unpredictable activities upon earth. Uranus is related to Aquarius, and so the Water Bearer’s beneficial and wise effect will be working behind the chaos, to establish group/ soul consciousness on earth.
This really symbolises all out warfare between the spiritual forces (Uranus)
and the material forces (Pluto in Capricorn).It would be good if the conflict stays on the Mental Plane, and perhaps is confined to the reconstruction of the processes of government and business. But anything can happen. What is certain is that as a consequence of the fight, there will be definite changes to the way governments, banks and large corporations conduct their business. The period could see the final death of the Capitalist system in its unregulated form, and the seeds of this are being sown now. “Greed is good” will be a dirty phrase by that time if not already. Obstacles which stand in the way of all humanity getting a fairer deal, will be targeted for destruction. This transit lasts until March of 2015
5. 2013. For a few days in August, the first sign of imminent relief appears. While Uranus continues it s shattering effect, the other two synthesising planets - and beneficial Jupiter, form a Kite pattern with Pluto.
The Kite with these planets, is like the phoenix rising
- a beautiful new form will rise from the ashes and destruction of the past.Pluto sextile Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces. A Grand Trine between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Jupiter is in its exaltation in Cancer - this is most beneficial for humanity, blessings are coming to mankind. Saturn is in Scorpio - stern measures will be applied to prevent those who prey on the weak and innocent from ever having free reign again, and protection will be given. Neptune is in Pisces - the loving and compassionate presence of the Christ will be felt.
The angles are wide, and the pattern is only in effect for a short period. Uranus continues its work, chaos will occur, there is a lot more work to be done. It will take time, before the promise can be implemented. But people will feel this effect as if a rainbow has appeared, or that dawn has come, or the light at the end of the tunnel has been seen. They will start to feel more safe and secure.
In the meantime, be cautious in all business and financial dealings. Live a simple life. Focus on the essentials. Work with the Hierarchy in meditation and right-action, to bring about the needed changes to prepare the way for the Christ’s return - symbolically, the dawning of the true Age of Brotherhood, of Love and Wisdom.
Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 Months
Nancy Trejos, The Washington Post: "The stock market's prolonged tumble has wiped out about $2 trillion in Americans' retirement savings in the past 15 months, a blow that could force workers to stay on the job longer than planned, rein in spending and possibly further stall an economy reliant on consumer dollars, Congress's top budget analyst said yesterday."
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