by Leoni Hodgson
October 2008
When it comes to politics and the involvement of aspirants and disciples, opinion is divided. There are those who wage in, in an attempt to interpret events esoterically, and those who hold the view that ‘spiritual’ people should not be involved in politics. The conflict is understandable if text relating to the activities of the New Group of World Servers, is taken out of context, with the entire body of Bailey writings. This paper is an attempt to gain clarity in this matter.
1. Points of debate
a. (i) The spiritually inclined stay completely neutral where both good and evil are concerned. (ii) The minute you find yourself “taking sides” you are not being spiritual. (iii) To take sides would only create greater separation than what already exists.(iv) A disciple stands in the middle always. Anti-anything is a polarized field - it means one is taking sides.
b. Disciples must exercise an unprejudiced attitude. Criticising someone creates harm.”
c. (i) There is no problem in the world that cannot be solved by Love. (ii) Just keep your heart open in love, stay aligned with the Hierarchy, and all will be well.
d. Disciples work on the higher levels only - in meditation.
e. The spiritually inclined, the New Group of World Servers (NGWS), do not get involved in politics. DK says so.
1a. “The spiritual are neutral, do not take sides they , stand in the middle always.”
True and False. The inner attitude must always be held high in the central position, aligned with the Soul. From there, coming from a point of inclusiveness, love, and an urge to unite, choices and activities in the outer world are determined. This may be to take sides with one group or another in the world. DK said that in this period of world crisis being neutral is an impediment to the Christ’s work, and that the Hierarchy chooses sides, and fights!
i. The men of goodwill stand midway between opposing groups where such exist, in order to create a condition in which discussion and compromise can become happily possible. They tread constantly the “noble middle path”.. the “narrow way” of love.. treading it by an expression of .. Goodwill. POH 120
ii. They hold out the hands of love and understanding to each other across the gulf of differences. They meet in thought upon the subjective level of the true realities—which are synthetic and eternal—and ignore all outer barriers, and separative differences in mental ideas and material ways of living. EP II 744
Quotes on pacifism and neutrality
i. Pacifism.. has no place in (the Hierarchy’s) ranks... The forces of death of .. the death of liberty, the death of free speech, the death of freedom in human action, the death of truth and of the higher spiritual values.. are abroad today.. I would say to those who preach a passive attitude in the face of evil and human suffering and who endorse a pacifism which involves no risks.. Will you use prayers for peace, and then patiently wait for the forces of good to fight your battle and for God to do the work?.. Are you going to issue forth from the safe security of your pacifist alibi and gratefully acknowledge what they have done and grasp your share of the gains which they have purchased at such a cost? EOH 233
ii. The Hierarchy is not neutral. It is one with the right element in every nation and set against all separative, isolationist and materialistic attitudes. DN 65
iii. The world is one world and its sufferings are one; humanity is in truth a unity.. Those who do not grasp this important fact, whether they are what is called belligerents or neutrals, will suffer deeply as a result of their non-participation in the fate of the whole. DN 65
iv. You will relinquish that attitude of futile negativity, smug neutrality or bewildered confusion which may distinguish you.. This will lead eventually to the disappearance of so-called neutrality upon earth—a neutrality in act, for there is never neutrality in thought. EOH 216
v. This isolationist spirit was one of the dangers to which the neutral powers were at one time prone, particularly the United States, and the physical warning as to this danger was given to them in the magnetic storms.. DN 65
vi. The isolationist (attitude is also found) veiled under beautiful words and misty idealism, of any neutral power [or person. LH] who stands aloof from the happenings of the present. DN 65
vii. “Many spiritually minded people.. stayed aloof from the struggle [of WW2].. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind.. Many.. believe that a position of complete neutrality, where both good and evil are concerned, was demanded of spiritually inclined people. (Such people fail to think clearly and confuse an unwillingness to take sides with brotherly love, forgetting the words of the Christ that “he who is not with me is against me.”) DINA I 784
viii. The Hierarchy endorsed the attitude and aims of the United Nations, fighting for the freedom of the whole of humanity and for the release of the suffering people. DINA I
ix. “the entire force of the Hierarchy is thrown on the side of the nations struggling to free humanity, and on the side of those in any nation who thus work. If being on the side of goodness and freedom is deemed detrimental to the spiritual issues, then the Hierarchy will work to change the attitude of people as to what is spiritual.” DINA I 785
x. There are those who are fearlessly and with true insight fighting humanity’s battle, and with them the Hierarchy stands, as it has ever stood on the side of liberty, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs. EOH 233
xi. Would you care to have your children subjected to the educational processes of the Nazi regime—with its crushing of all humanity, its emphasis upon pride of race and its cult of cruelty? Can you then stand idly by or simply resort to prayer and talk about the beauties of peace when the little children in the appropriated lands come under the soul-killing system of Germany? EOH 245
xii. Many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle... They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind. DINA I 784
xiii. [His] work has been greatly hindered by the sweet sentimentality of the unthinking Christian and by the well-meaning, but oft unintelligent, pacifist. EOH 476
1b. “Disciples must exercise an unprejudiced attitude. Criticising someone creates harm.”
True and false. Criticism, debate and argument, expressing ideas, are all sanctioned techniques by the Hierarchy, as man develops his mind and the discriminative faculty. Criticism made by disciples in world service work, is absolutely valid.
i. [Realisation] is brought about by the soul beginning to practise discrimination, at first theoretically and intellectually (hence the great value of the present era of criticism and polemical discussion, as it forms part of the planetary discriminative process). LOS 167-8
ii. A debate arose between your Master (K.H.) and myself. DINA II, 470 / It is a basic rule in esotericism to argue always from the universal to the particular / It is always legitimate to express ideas and make suggestion. DINA I, 49
iii. There are times when criticism is unquestionably a recognition of fact. This means that a criticising disciple has reached the point where his judgment is so based on love that it produces no personality effect in his own life or that of his fellow disciple. DINA I, 725
iv. I have sought to develop a group.. who would stand for spiritual values.. love all men.. foster the spirit of goodwill,... This has been interpreted by some of you as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship. EOH 217
v. [In this text, DK is referring to disciples who left his group]. A dislike of criticism eliminated others from the group. They could not stand the exposure of their faults, either to themselves or to the group. DINA II, 92.
vi. Would you have me at this time of planetary crisis refrain from direct speech, have me withhold from you who read my words the truth.. Would you have me deal with pleasant platitudes anent a future happy world, when perhaps the very possibility of such a world trembles in the balance? EOH 232
Critical debate over issues affecting humanity and the world is vital to offset the propaganda which sways the public, the emotional and unthinking, into wrong action
Focused, determined, enlightened public opinion is the most potent force in the world.. The gullibility of the average citizen, his willingness to accept what is told him if it is said loudly enough and with sufficient plausible force, is well known. The well-turned phrases of the trained politician, intent on his selfish purposes.. all find an easy audience. Mass psychology and mob determinations have been exploited down the ages, for the unthinking and the emotional are easily swayed in any direction, and hitherto this has been turned to their own advantage by those who do not have the best interests of humanity at heart.”EOH 379
However, when criticism is used, it must not be ‘personal’, it must be related to “the work”.
i. There is a basic distinction between.. constructive aid and the criticism which is based on a sense of personal superiority and a love of fault finding. DINAI, 729
ii. Learn to distinguish the spirit of criticism from the ability to analyse and make practical application of the analysis. Learn to analyse life, circumstances and people from the angle of the work, and not from the angle of your personality point of view; analyse also from the angle of the Ashram, and not from the angle of the executive or the schoolmaster upon the physical plane. DINA II, 705
1c. “There is no problem in the world that cannot be solved by Love.”
Potentially True, but currently False. True in the sense that we live in a system in which love is being developed, and one day it will be the most powerful force in existence. False because at humanity’s present level of development, there are not enough people who are able to love impersonally as souls, to bring about the needed changes. What most people interpret as love is actually selfish sentiment.
i. “The sixth ray expression of love is usually idealistic and fanatically applied; frequently, true love itself is lacking and there is the imposition upon others of what the person himself thinks is love.” DINA I 248
ii. “Love for many people is.. a mixture of the desire to love and the desire to be loved, plus a willingness to do anything to show and evoke this sentiment, and consequently to be more comfortable in one’s own interior life... It is this pseudo-love, based primarily on a theory of love and service, which characterises so many human relationships.. GWP 76-77
iii. Many people think that an emotional reaction and clamouring outcry of horror at what has overtaken the world (in WW2) indicates love and spiritual sensitivity. It is far more likely to indicate self-centredness and personal discomfort. EOH 381
iv. The keynote of Love in its hierarchical sense—free from sentiment, emotion and personal emphasis—a love that sacrifices and understands, that acts with strength and decision, and that works on behalf of the whole and not in the interests of any group or individual. EOH 555
v. The man who loves his fellowmen is mentally poised and intelligently working; he is mobilising all his forces for the service of the hour. A truly compassionate heart is not emotional. EOH 381
vi. Universal Love.. is, predominantly an identification with all beings. . it is that synthetic, inclusive grasp of the life and needs of all beings (I have chosen these two words with intent!) GWP 4-5
1d. “Disciples work on the higher levels only - in meditation”.
False. The goal of the Hierarchy is to “establish the Kingdom of God on earth”, and therefore disciples are asked to be active on all levels.
i. It is no doubt an undeniable spiritual truth that right thought can change and save the world, but it is also true that there are not enough people able to think to do this work. EOH 180
ii. There are esotericists who hold that to be an esotericist means that one holds oneself aloof from mundane affairs and that esoteric students should take no part in the affairs of humanity.. they should be active in spiritual and mental realms. If the physical plane and its affairs lie outside the sphere of influence of spiritual livingness, then there is something basically wrong with our interpretation of truth; if the goal of the spiritual effort is to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, then all physical plane events become the concern of all spiritual people everywhere. UA 292
iii. I have no use for mystical visionaries and esoteric students who love to wander in the high realms of abstract thinking and amass details of occult or mystical information, but who refuse to understand that the changing of the old order, the awakening of humanity to the new possibilities and the purification of the political and economic arena are today the factors of the greatest spiritual value. POH 247
1e. “The spiritually inclined, the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) do not get involved in politics. DK says so.”
False. The NGWS which is the main channel of expression for the Hierarchy, is composed all world disciples and working initiates - and naturally this includes politics. DN 20
i. It is a fallacy to believe that the main trend of Christ’s work is through the medium of the world religions.. There is now a shift of His emphasis and attention into.. world-wide education and.. government in its three aspects of statesmanship, politics and legislature. EOH 479
ii. On the physical plane, the initiates and the disciples working in the Ashram of the Master Morya are primarily occupied with the expression of synthesis in the world of politics and of government. EOH 663
iii. [During WW2] men and leaders were carefully chosen and picked disciples were placed in positions of power and of authority. EOH 476
iv. That great first ray disciple, Franklin D. Roosevelt. EOH 578 / Such inspired leadership is now being given to humanity by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt EOH 301/ In politics there are great and wise statesmen who are endeavouring to guide their people wisely.. of these Franklin D. Roosevelt was an outstanding modern example, for he gave of his best and died in the service of humanity. POH 173-4
v. The NGWS.. Their immediate group work.. will consist of a sweetening and a clarification of the political situation and the presentation of those ideas which will eventually lead to a fusion of those principles which govern a democracy and which also condition the hierarchical method—which is somewhat different. EOH 572-3
vi. I have no use for mystical visionaries and esoteric students who.. refuse to understand that the .. purification of the political and economic arena are today the factors of the greatest spiritual value. POH 247)
It is partisan politics and selfish nationalism which is repudiated by the Hierarchy.
Remember the previous quote “Many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle... They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood..” This quote gives us our correct instruction in this matter. Disciples are expected to be partisan for “ liberty, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs.”
i. [A good definition for partisan politics]. Those partisan and nationally minded persons who.. exploit the world situation for their own immediate ends and for the benefiting of their particular nation or group.. are selfishly motivated; they do not care for humanity as a whole and have no liking or interest in anything or anyone but their political party and the reactionary interests of some national group. They.. engineer moves which will benefit an individual, a class or a nation.. (to) attain their narrow ends, no matter at what cost to the rest of the world. EOH 460
ii. A virulent partisanship POH 132; violently partisan in their beliefs and comments EP II 748; aggressive nationalism and partisanship POH 180.
iii. [The following quote is from a co-worker who has summarised the problem nicely.] “There are some misconceptions about political service, one of the fields of service of the NGWS, and one which must be offered as a legitimate option of service in esoteric education. Of course, we must discern between partisan politics and discipleship work. Of course, we must discern between partisan politics and discipleship work. But if a scientific or a liberal arts education does not prepare the student to discern between good and bad science, or between high and low expression of art, then the purpose and effectiveness of such education should be questioned. Likewise, if esoteric education does not prepare the student to discern between the lower expressions of nationalism and the higher purpose of internationalism then it has failed. A well educated esoteric student should not consider Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms as partisan but as political expressions of a higher PRINCIPLE.. Service for the NGWS comprises seven fields, and political service is one of them. Partisan politics is not political service and we should not confuse them.. The Hierarchy is neither partisan nor politically neutral. The Hierarchy has and will always support the higher political principles and values, such as goodwill (over self interest); such as “the greatest good to the greatest number”. If we keep in mind the difference between partisan politics and the R1 political field of service (see quotes below), the glamour and illusion surrounding this field of discipleship service can be dissipated and dispelled. I think that this is an essential element of any truly esoteric education.” JB
What DK does say about the NGWS and Politics
i. The function of the New Group of World Servers is dynamically to “force” the energy of the will-to-good into the world. DINA II 38
ii. It is not a propaganda group.. It is not interested in [JB: partisan] politics, [JB: sectarian] religion or place.. EPII 667
iii. No [JB: partisan] political activity should be carried on in the name of the New Group of World Servers. Such action would continue the old methods and perpetuate the old hatreds.
iv. There must be no attack upon any party or group, and no criticism of any leader or national activity [‘in a personal and partisan sense’. Remember that DK widely criticised Hitler and the Nazis for their violations against humanity. LH]. The members of the New Group of World Servers, and those associated with them, stand for no party. [‘However, if there are human rights’ violations, or crises afoot, they will give their support to the leader or political party who stands for “ liberty, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs.” Find more evidence for this in the ‘The World Crisis from a Hierarchical Viewpoint’ section. LH]. They are at work balancing world forces, and fostering the growth of that group of men who stand for good will, understanding and brotherhood. EPII 674
v. Members of the New Group of World Servers are never to identify themselves with any [JB: partisan] political.. propaganda.. men of good will may be members of political.. organisations..(if so) they can refrain from breeding hatred and from active antagonistic propaganda, and ..interject the theme of brotherhood by living in a brotherly spirit, and by expressing understanding and love. EPII 680
2. THE WORLD CRISIS FROM HIERARCHICAL VIEWPOINT - and what we are asked to do. EOH p214-219
In the world at this time (there are) three groups who embody the three major views of the whole of humanity, plus the unthinking masses, swayed by propaganda, controlled by their governments, and the prey of the loudest voices.
1. The ancient entrenched forces of aggression, of material acquisition and pure selfishness, working through a pronounced cruelty which reaches out and grasps what it wants, irrespective of any other rights, historical and legal possessions or the will of anyone.
2. The forces of spiritual purpose, embodied in the will to protect the rights of others, along with individual rights; to end aggression and its consequent fear, and to throw the weight of their combined influence on to the side of the most spiritual values, of human freedom, of the right to think, and of kindness.
3. The force of mass negativity, as expressed today by the dominated people in the strongholds of aggression and by the neutrally minded people everywhere. They are all coloured by racial fear, by the instinct to self-preservation, and by short-sighted selfish interest...
Every nation has also within it those neutrally-minded people who fail to think clearly.. who refrain from any active participation in the processes of adjustment.. who refuse to share in the struggle (but who seek to profit from the efforts of others).. their thinking needs adjusting.
If you will rightly grasp the reality of the statements made above, you will do your share in the mental clarification which is going on in the world. These three groups are functioning today and are in conflict. The neutrally-minded group is definitely hindering the work of the Forces of Light. The realisation of this may enable you to grasp and shoulder your individual responsibility better. You will realise the need to ascertain where you stand.. where your nation stands.. and on which side you as a soul stand. You will then be able to work for (the higher) group ..
I have sought to develop a group of men and women who would stand for the spiritual values.. This has been interpreted by some as meaning that you must refrain from rebelling against the evil thing in your midst, and from all criticism and partisanship...
The situation might clarify if you answered .. questions:
Do you believe that the Hierarchy of Light, under the leadership of Christ, is on the side of cruelty, aggression and the slaughter of the defenceless?
Do you believe that the world can be saved by a refusal to think and by the shirking of individual responsibility, thus ignoring a situation which does exist?
Do you feel that there are no issues and principles which are worth fighting for and dying for, if need be?
Do you stand with the Forces of Light or with the Forces of Materialism?
What are you doing to aid the side which claims your allegiance, loyalty and idealism?
Are you governed by a sense of individual futility—that weapon which the Forces of Materialism are using now so potently to stun possible opponents into helplessness?
(There is) no excuse for slack thinking.. or shirking individual or national responsibility. The conflict is on. It is of ancient lineage. The issues are clearly marked between right and wrong, between cruelty and kindness, between aggression and freedom. To evade responsibility.. shirking participation in the struggle.. is wrong.. and is unworthy of the world disciples and aspirants. The Hierarchy of Light is seeking to arouse men everywhere.. to take right and cooperative action. The whole world problem will be clarified and the end of the conflict more rapidly reached when there are only two parties and not three. EOH p214-219
3. In Summary
1. The Hierarchy asks us to actively support the forces of spiritual purpose, and not to be neutral and therefore cause a problem for Christ. When the world is in crisis - as it is now (financial, war, terrorism, worldwide poverty, spiralling living costs, climate), taking, the neutral position, standing in the centre and refraining from taking action on human rights’ issues, is an impediment to the Christ’s work. The Hierarchy chooses sides, and fights for liberty, freedom, right understanding and correct attitudes in human affairs.
2. Criticism, debate and argument are all sanctioned techniques by the Hierarchy. Critical debate over issues affecting humanity and the world is vital to offset the propaganda poured forth by the material forces, to sway the public, the emotional and unthinking, into wrong action. However, when criticism is used, it must not be personal, it must be related to “the work”.
3. Love is not enough, it must be accompanied by intelligent action. There are not enough people who can love impersonally as souls, to bring about the needed changes. What most people interpret as love is actually selfish sentiment.
4. Disciples must work on both mental and physical levels. The goal of the Hierarchy is to “establish the Kingdom of God on earth”, and therefore disciples are asked to be active on all levels. There are not enough people who can think potently at the higher mental level, to be able to affect physical plane events in any potent way.
5. We are asked to ascertain where we stand and who we support.
1. The Material Forces - because we support bad leaders or policies through fear or material selfishness?
2. The Hierarchy and Masters because we fight for liberty and freedom for all human souls upon earth?
3. Or we stand uselessly in the neutral group, impeding Christ’s progress?
6. The New Group of World Servers are actively involved in politics. It is a critical area which needs urgent current support. It is considered to be so important, that the Christ has shifted His emphasis into government - statesmanship, politics and legislature. The NGWS which is the main channel of expression for the Hierarchy, is composed all world disciples and working initiates - and many work in political service.
The function of the New Group is to dynamically “force” the energy of the will-to-good into the world. It has formed to be a counter-balancing response to the forces which incite racial hatreds, cleavages and barriers among men, thus causing separation and war. It will heal breaches, break down barriers, and end cleavages. Whether we work in politics, or in some other field, we are asked to give our active support to its cause.
DINA Discipleship in the New Age
DN Destiny of the Nations
EOH Externalisation of the HierarchyEH Esoteric Healing
EP Esoteric Psychology
GWP Glamour a World Problem
LOS Light of the Soul
POH Problems of Humanity
UA The Unfinished Autobiography
[HBH] I found this paper to be an excellent piece of research and the interpretive commentary wonderfully elucidating (by Jose and Leoni). It clarifies that the role of the esotericist/disciple is to be involved and active in world affairs and on all levels of human living. Just a few days ago I received an email from a fundamentalist brother who believes that all I/we should be doing is telling people to get on their knees and pray to God to restore this country and that it is God who will pick our next president. This paper offers me excellent resources in how I will respond to him.
I'm including a brief attachment relevant to add to the topic under discussion, titled Definitions of the Word Spiritual. To be spiritually alive every day is to take our esoteric knowledge and drive it outwards into objective expression (and thereby balance the mystical tendency for introspection).
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