USA 2008 Presidential Election: A Rebuttal
[VSK] Question -- to anyone supporting Barack (I imagine there may be one or two here?) -- even if you aren't a US voter --
What has convinced you that Obama would be qualified to be president? Is there some executive or leadership experience he has?What have I missed? Obviously I don't get it. (And the massive negatives around him are a Big concern to me). Please, I'd appreciate being enlightened on why any of you are confident in his ability.[JB] There is not much that anyone can do to cure ideological or racial bias. Only time (and pain) can take care of it.Those who can't discern glamor from truth in a seductive Soccer Mom asking Joe Sixpack to "drill, baby, drill" claim to understand the Technique of Light, much less to assist others in using it.But most important, endorsing a candidate should be an informed, rational decision based more on principles than on personality, such as who's more correct on health care, the economy and international policy.
See ==> Barack Care Versus John Care: Health Care Under the Next President making their political choices, spiritual aspirants and disciples should map the presidential candidates' positions on substantive issues (such as health care, the economy and international policy) to spiritual principles supported by the spiritual Hierarchy, such as the greatest good of the greatest number.Would the Hierarchy support keeping 48 million Americans without health insurance? Would the Hierarchy support unregulated free markets? Would the Hierarchy support the violation of international law based on the illusion of national exceptionalism? These are the substantive issues at stake, not our personal likes or dislikes toward any personality.Hopefully, the tide has already turned. As of today (Oct 4, 2008), the victory of the progressive forces in the USA 2008 presidential election seems inevitable. Let's pray that no insane fanatic will delay the future with another anti-JFK/MLK/RFK bullet. A WW-III may be at stake (see PS below).
[VSK] In DK's time, the popular term for the "Progressive Era", circa 1896-1932 -- was a time of Republican dominance. Some context of what was the definition at the time of DK's writing may assist in determining what he meant by "progressive".[JB] We should prevent the spread of misinformation. In any political spectrum, the conservative position is associated with the past; the progressive position is associated with the future. It would be absurd to associate the word progressive with the past and even more incorrect to associate DK with such misconception.As the same reference provided by Vic shows,the isolationist, conservative (mostly) Republicans opposed (Democrat) Roosevelt's more enlightened WW-II position and the "socialist" New Deal. FDRoosevelt's position was the true progressive one supported by the Hierarchy. (Source: The Externalisation of the Hierarchy). As we all know, the conservative policy of neutrality during WW-II was denounced as selfish by DK. -JB I authorize the widespread dissemination of this message.
McCain on 'Bomb Iran' Joke: "Get a Life"[HBH] I would like to respond, at least in part, to your questions and dialogue with Jose by sending you the following thought piece by Stephen Dinan, and then in a separate email, three reviews to the recent VP debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.
JB's references to use Techniques of Light to discern between superficial glamours and deceptions and the deeper underlying principles that a man or woman stands upon, and to look for evidence of wholeness principles in thought and practice, are critical. I also look for evidence of the Triad - the Will aspect of wholeness - principles of good for all, love and inclusivity in thought and practice, and a beautiful mind of intelligence - in practical detail which for a presidency must represent the creme of our earth humanity.
A wholeness principle in reversal is what has happened to the republican party over recent decades, culminating in the nightmare of the 8 years of the Bush administration. This party has degenerated into a far right wing argument for narrow fundamentalist religious views (clearly non-progressive), a fight for the wealthy class to retain its materialistic hold and power, a hypocritical reduction of governmental interference (when it works for them they want it, when it doesn't they don't) which in the last 8 years of Bush policy has rolled back decades of environmental protection, the prevention of alternative energy development thereby retaining our dependency on oil (the US produces 3% but burns 25% of the world's oil), a destructive force in foreign relations because our government will not dialogue with and therefore help influence tribal consciousness leaders, prideful superiority with foreign governments as opposed to acting as if we are one world and one humanity, reducing taxes for the wealthy based upon a materialistic trickle down theory that as the rich spend their money it will trickle down to the vast majority of poor and middle class (which it has proven that it does not, and worse, has made the poor poorer), a hands off government from greed and corruption in the financial sector giving way to the recent global financial crisis, rollbacks in effective education for all, no comprehensive affordable health care for the majority threatening meeting the basics of human living - Maslows hierarchy of needs (food, shelter and safety where if basic human survival needs are not met, the spiritual dimensions are hard pressed to be fully explored and developed - DK talks about this). All this has been done by the hi-jacking of a degenerated republican administration. For these reasons alone we should vote for Barrack Obama, who, by the way, is more bi-partisan than party affiliated because he stands for and lives out the principle of Unity.
If your primary concern is experience, then the republican ticket will concern you greatly. McCain's mindset is military and therefore narrow. Sarah Palin is governor of a state of 700,000 people, a medium sized city. Listening to her debate was like listening to a high school teacher. She is one step away from the presidency if something should happen to McCain. The republican party was jubilant in the recent VP debate not because she was on top of national and world issues, but because she didn't make a major mistake or collapse - she accomplished this by speaking about her few areas of knowledge and interest, and avoiding the questions presented to her.
I will try to find you some articles about Obama that demonstrate his high development. His so called lack of experience is far outweighed by a presence and consciousness that stands for and invokes the future, where unity is a sounding note thereby invoking the better angels of humanity's nature - notice the appeal of 100,000+ people who showed up in Germany cheering Obama. Obama as president will surround himself with experts in their fields, not the least of which is VP/Senator Biden. Vic, if you want to see it yourself, view the presidential debate between Obama and McCain from a few weeks ago - you can find it on U-Tube. You will see and hear the difference. McCain's experience is as a military man, not as a wholistic, futuristic thinker. His mindset is archaic, from the past 100 year war century, and he swims in a war mentality. Read the following respectful, thoughtful, and insightful piece by Stephen Dinan.
Much Love to you,***
Barack: Hold the Higher Ground
by Stephen Dinan
[VSK] Question -- to anyone supporting Barack (I imagine there may be one or two here?) -- even if you aren't a US voter --
What has convinced you that Obama would be qualified to be president? Is there some executive or leadership experience he has?[II] I would say that his record shows plenty of leadership experiences. Some USA presidents were governors of a state before being presidential candidates. Among the rest, most do not have previous executive experience. Except for McCain's military experience, which scares me quite a bit, and the fact that he is older, I don't see him as having so much more experience than Obama. Maybe I'm missing something.
[JB] Agree. Also, Leadership = Will + Vision + Values
Values to live by:
A Love of Truth - essential for a just, inclusive and progressive society.
A Sense of Justice - recognition of the rights and needs of all.
A Spirit of Cooperation - based on active goodwill and the principle of right human relationships.
A Sense of Personal Responsibility - for group, community, national and international affairs.
Serving the Common Good - through the sacrifice of selfishness. Only what is good for all is good for each one.
These are spiritual values, inspiring the conscience and the consciousness of those who serve to create a better way of life.[JB] But most important, endorsing a candidate should be an informed, rational decision based more on principles than on personality, such as who's more correct on health care, the economy and international policy.
[II] That is the core of the issue. I don't need to add anything to your comment... crystal clear...
[PS] I couldn't agree more than 100% with JB's comments. The troubling side of ideological or racial bias is a perplexing human flaw: stupidity! a self-limiting disease that, as JB says, takes time (very long time) and pain (deep and perhaps even longer) to cure. Sorry folks, those who cheer the Governor of Alaska have the brain of a four-year-old child, and I bet they are glad to get rid of it while applauding wildly.
[LH] A relevant quote.
--------------AAB-DK: Like all young people, symbolically speaking, the people of the United States show all the characteristics of adolescence... are of the ages seventeen to twenty four. They shout freedom and still are not free; they refuse to be told what to do because it infringes upon their rights, nevertheless they allow themselves to be guided frequently by the inept, the partisan politician and by the inadequate; they are broadly tolerant and yet most intolerant of other nations; they are ready to tell other nations how to handle their problems but as yet evidence no ability to handle their own, as witness the treatment of the American Negroes and the withholding of equal freedom and opportunity from them. .. The fight between capital and labour will reach its climax in the United States, but will also be fought out in Great Britain and France.t he lesser nations of the world will be guided and conditioned [Page 27] by the result of this battle in the British Commonwealth of Nations and in the United States. POH 26
[HBH] I think the last sentence in the paragraph you quoted could very well be happening right now.
I also think that while there is truth in the paragraph you quote below by DK, certainly evidenced by US policy and most especially in the last 8 years, there are many exceptions to this mass majority, counting in the multi-millions. There is a group called the cultural creatives who number approximately 40 million people whose values are far more mature, inclusive, and global than what is stated below. This is good news.[LH] There is an amazing statement in EOH 297.
The typical man (in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically) foreshadows [Page 298] the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality—a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds. Coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil, and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today was Bismarck. Both men came forth within the same one hundred years, thus demonstrating the balance in nature and the constant interplay of the pairs of opposites.
Lincoln was the higher representative in the 19th century and Bismarck the lower; could FDR or Churchill have been the 20th century rep, and Hitler the lower? I strongly sense (based upon what I have seen of him and heard from him), that if Obama wins the US Pres. election, that he may well be the 21st century higher representative - and could Osama binLaden be the lower? L
[MDR] Fascinating...the Aquarian vibration was there for all three...two sun signs and Obama's rising sign. Aquarius, the soul of America.
[JD] Thanks for the links and text.
Here's a broadly related video I found:Jonathan Haidt:
The real difference between liberals and conservatives thought provoking data; he seems to have it about half-right, though its from purely exoteric perspective. What do you think? Probably the essence of all seven rays are part of the "built ins" that he names as five. And his thought likes real spirit but is nevertheless very interesting. Best Thoughts,
[JB] Great contribution!
The moral mind: five foundations of morality ("5-channel moral equalizer"):
1. Harm/care
2. Fairness/reciprocity
3. Ingroup/loyalty
4. Authority/respect
5. Purity/sanctityStepping outside the moral "Matrix:" from self-righteousness to moral humility.
If you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between "for" and "against" is the mind's worst disease. -Sent-ts'an, c. 700 C.E.
Moral psychology
[HBH] Thank you Jose, for posting this new group forum. Sheldon and I just viewed TED talk on moral psychology. It was very insightful. Sheldon adds that on the soul level, we can see how we would all support the higher values of each of the five mind morals. For example, what should be the new and true basis for respect and authority, e.g., might vs. the good for all? In business and organizations, we know the value of teams and have also learned how the in-group tendencies of teams can be overcome by uniting them to higher order values. Many more examples could be found. A worthwhile pursuit to bend the mind in this direction, like the hint to modify, qualify and adapt, thereby making a direct application of cooperation between humanity and hierarchy.
ROC 90: "The reactionary forces of the world -political and religious- desired the resurrection of the old and dead forms; they threw their weight and their influence (which is only another name for energy) against all that was new. This, they are still doing. The progressive forces fight only for that which is new, and seek not the preservation of any of the old forms, even if they could serve a useful purpose. Their energetic denial of all that is of the past, and the destroying energy which they direct against anything which is of the old regime are likewise handicapping the efforts of the Hierarchy. In these progressive forces, hope does indeed lie, but they sadly lack skill in action and have too great a love for destruction. The New Group of World Servers holds steadily to the "Noble Middle Way" (as the Buddha called it) and seeks the decent burial of old forms, the implementation of that which is new and the restoration of that which has, in the past, proved useful and good and which could form the living germ of the new creation."
[JB] The EQUILIBRIUM to be sought... The (vertical, mental) equilibrium between greater (higher) and lesser (lower) principles is found in the TIME factor, not in the neutrality of the "narrow, razor-edged path" between (horizontal, astral) pairs of opposites. As in "the [Page 471] narrow razor-edged Path between the pairs of opposites [JB: horizontal], forming later the [JB: vertical] antahkarana." (TSR V) The intuition (time factor) is the equilibrizing vertical agent of the mental plane; the mind is the equilibrizing horizontal agent of the astral plane. -JB
"... the sixth ray people are the reactionaries, the conservatives, the die-hards and the fanatics, who hold on to all that is of the past and whose influence is potent to hinder the progress of humanity into the new age. Their name is legion. They provide, however, a needed balance and are responsible for a steadying process which is much needed in the world at this time." -DN 29 (JB's emphasis)
05 Oct newsclips
Obama clinches on Rove map
Rove writes on “39 new state polls released in the first three days of October have given Barack Obama his first lead over the magic number of 270 since mid-July."
Political jujitsu
Branding his opponent as "erratic in a crisis," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is preempting plans by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., to portray him as having sinister connections to controversial Chicagoans.
Obama officials call it political jujitsu - turning the attacks back on the attacker.Palin: "This is not a man who sees America as you and I do"
Obama camp: McCain-Palin "would rather spend their time tearing down" Obama"We see America as the greatest force for good in this world," Palin said at a fund-raising event in Colorado, adding, "Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."
Palin cited an article in Saturday's New York Times about Obama's relationship with Ayers, now 63. But that article concluded that "the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called 'somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.' "
Several other publications, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic, have debunked the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship.
Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan called Palin's comments "offensive" and "not surprising given the McCain campaign's statement this morning that they would be launching Swift Boat-like attacks in hopes of deflecting attention from the nation's economic ills."
With Obama rising in polls while the country struggles in the grip of a financial crisis, Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign decided to shift attention away from the troubled economy and onto issues of his opponent's character, judgment and personal associations, the Washington Post reported.
Obama and McCain will meet for their second debate Tuesday night and will take questions directly from voters in a town hall-style format.David Brooks: "This economic crisis changes the climate of the country. We were in a conservative era where conservatives could win running conservative vs. liberal campaigns. Because of this economic crisis and a bunch of other stuff, we're no longer in a conservative era. You can't win that way any more. You better win the way of this new era. And I'm afraid the Republicans are not adapting to this new era." -
In an ancient scripture of India, The Bhagavad Gita, the disciple Arjuna stands faced with the same issue. He is involved in a great battle between two branches of the same family—really between the higher and the lower self—and he, too, questions what he shall do. Shall he go ahead with the battle and the test, and so triumph as the soul? Shall he assert his divinity and defeat the lower and the non-divine?
VP Debate
[SS] The VP Debate: Dishonest Foreign Policies
[JB] VP Debate Open: Palin/Biden (Saturday Night Live Parody)
Dear All:
1. It is the responsibility of the NGWS to provide a vision for the future based on the principle of goodwill and the law of right human relations.
2. In every country, the NGWS is comprised of both conservative and progressive individuals. Each political ideology has something to contribute to the common good.
3. As it happens with all polarities, there are cycles of expression for conservative and progressive forces in the world and in each country.
4. Spiritually conscious members of the NGWS who are affiliated with the spiritual Hierarchy can differ in their intuitive understanding of the time factor related to these cycles of expression.
5. When such "difference of impression" occurs, conflict is inevitable. However, among spiritually conscious members the NGWS such conflict should be based on principles and never on personalities.
6. The NGWS should not engage in *partisan* (low astral) politics. Political mudslinging and character assassination rhetoric is a violation of the procedures established by DK for the NGWS.
7. Any smear campaign against any of the contenders in the current presidential race in the USA should stop. The spiritually conscious members the NGWS should set the example. -JB
[LH] Yes Jose, as I heard one commentator say - it is not a good thing, when compared to the principles which Abraham Lincoln stood upon - or FDR for that matter. It is gutter politics and the response from your nation to the attacks, will help observers guage whether it has learnt anything from the 8 years of deceit and lies emanating from the Bush administration.
The New York Times | Politics of Attack
The New York Times: "It is a sorry fact of American political life that campaigns get ugly, often in their final weeks. But Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin have been running one of the most appalling campaigns we can remember. They have gone far beyond the usual fare of quotes taken out of context and distortions of an opponent's record - into the dark territory of race-baiting and xenophobia. Senator Barack Obama has taken some cheap shots at Mr. McCain, but there is no comparison."
[JB] The word is an instrument of magical service. No true disciple of the White Lodge should ever engage in the demagoguery of race-baiting and xenophobia. Such vice affects not only the individual but the group with whom s/he is affiliated. -JB
Community, 178. Let us recall the qualities absolutely inadmissible in the community; ignorance, fear, falsehood, hypocrisy, cupidity, usurpation, drunkenness, smoking, and obscenity. Someone may say, “Do you wish to collect angels?” We then shall ask, “Are all those on earth liars or drunkards? We know many who are courageous and sincere.” Again they will say, “The requirements are too high.” We shall reply, “Can it be that you have only foul-talkers and self-seekers? All these requirements are frightening only for the lowest citizen, who hides his wealth under his threshold. In the Himalayas, We have long ago found people to whom the above stipulations are no bugbear.
I advise to observe the community members. If someone cannot contain all the conditions, let him be deprived of all possibilities of cooperation. Let him act as a beast until he feels drawn toward humankind.
As long as the consciousness has not accepted the community, the smallest thing seems insurmountable. It is possible to renounce every weakness if the task of the future is clear. Think about being annexed to the future and fear of the present will dissolve. Do not take what has been said as a pompous phrase, but masons, square up your stony hearts. After the heart the brain petrifies.
Can one doubt that you would want to conquer your defects? For a beginning, do not lie, be not afraid, and learn each day. It is not necessary to repeat this to community members, but there can be pseudo-members, and these must be isolated as if infected with syphilis.
I wish that My counsels might reach the schools. I wish that children might remember the Friends who have dedicated themselves to the Community of the World.
[JB] For me, disarming the Middle East is the most important international policy issue to be decided on this presidential election. We need a serene, cool-headed, truthful leader, respectful of international law, open to new ideas where old ones have failed, mindful that the survival of the planet is at stake, and willing to save it. We have been warned that a WW-III will be the end of it. We must all work to prevent such tragic event. -JB
Disarming the Middle East —Shlomo Ben-Ami
A concerted effort is needed by outside powers such as the US and Russia, not to act as spoilers of each other’s policies in the region, but to create a WMD-free zone. Such a regional system cannot be built in a political vacuum
1 Nov
Dear All,
I have written a paper on the coming USA Presidential Election, in which I compare the ideologies of the Republican and Democrat parties to the Spiritual Plan for Humanity."The prize is the most powerful office in the world. Decisions made from that office affect the affairs of the whole of the human race. The integration of the consciousness of humanity into a collective whole has been so successful over the past decade, this has become a global election. The world is aligning with one side or the other, with one presidential hopeful, or the other. They are pinning their hopes on the American people, knowing that the outcome will have an effect upon their lives. Who will the Americans elect? The world is pausing slightly, waiting in anticipation for the outcome. This makes it a momentous occasion in the evolution of humanity...It is beholden upon aspirants and disciples, to carefully select the candidate to whom their vote will be cast. This is necessary to ensure that the ideology of the chosen party, will most likely support the Plan of God, and the Reappearance of the Christ (ROC) process. Otherwise, we pay lip-service to our spiritual obligations, and could be in danger of giving support to the Forces of Materialism."
If you would like a copy, email me directly at
Best wishes, Leoni
[JB] Thank you for sharing these ideas. Although we agree on many of them, I will focus this reply on two major points of disagreement.
1. "Military aggression is repudiated" [by the Hierarchy].[JB] The Hierarchy does not advocate pacifism. During WW-II the Hierarchy opposed pacifism and took sides with the Forces of Light. It's the unilateral use of force in violation of international law what is to be repudiated. I for one supported the U.N.-sanctioned military action against Afghanistan led by the U.S. forces in legitimate self-defense after 9/11. However, the illegal military invasion of Iraq based on lies and fascist propaganda by the neocons in the Bush administration is to be repudiated by all enlightened world citizens.
It's really a shame to the esoteric community that there are still some "trained" esotericist who believe that there were WMD in Iraq and forward conspirational material in support of such false belief. They have not passed the basic course on the Technique of Light and, in some cases, need rehabilitation from delusional thinking (such as those who see in Gov. Palin the "soul of America").
"Illumination and perception of truth are also synonymous terms... The determined facing of the factual life and the stern recognition of truth—coldly, calmly and dispassionately—will greatly facilitate the calling in of the flood of illumination which will suffice to dispel glamour." -GWP 145
2. Repudiate capitalism [by the Hierarchy]
[JB] The Hierarchy does not repudiate capitalism. Capitalism in one of the three legitimate ideologies supported by the Hierarchy (see R&I 744: Crisis of Ideologies). What D.K. has denounced is raw, unregulated, greedy capitalism. There is a spiritual side to regulated (Aquarius) free (Leo) markets (true capitalism ~ freedom, self-initiative, self-responsibility) that is part of the Plan.
Both the conservative and the progressive forces have a role to play in the Plan. The conservatives represent the past; the progressives, the future. But we cannot move into the future without a bridge to it. That's the "bridging function" of the NGWS, the middle group. The NGWS is not neutral but Janusian as it moves forward to the future. And forward does it move as it seeks the decent burial of the old order.
"The New Group of World Servers holds steadily to the "Noble Middle Way" (as the Buddha called it) and seeks the decent burial of old forms, the implementation of that which is new and the restoration of that which has, in the past, proved useful and good and which could form the living germ of the new creation." ROC 90
Light, Love and Power,
[LH] Dear All, please note changes (in red) to text of my paper, A Challenge for the World.
Greed flourishes under unregulated capitalism. The Bible says “You can’t serve both God and Mammon.” Matthew 6:19-21,24. Unregulated capitalism is the modern face of Mammon. It manipulates the world’s resources and wealth into the hands of relatively few.
Fiscal policy: Support a free enterprise system with government intervention + regulation; support progressive taxes to reduce injustice + provide services for poor; spend less on the military.
Support capitalism + the free market with minimal governmental interference, believe "trickle-down" effect will benefit lower classes, oppose progressive tax rates which target those who create jobs/ wealth, higher spending on the military.
Repudiate unregulated greedy capitalism and aggressive military.
[JB] Agree with the changes made in your text. Thank you for your efforts to protect the integrity of the AAB-DK teachings.
I've also noted that the VoiceYourself forum has gone underground (no longer a public forum). If permanent, we should consider its enclosure a step in the right direction to protect the AAB-DK work.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion but not to publicly disparage the AAB-DK teachings. A trained and licensed physician can't invoke freedom of speech to promote smoking as healthy or to declare diabetic blood sugar levels as normal. Such "freedom of speech" would represent bad professional judgement and result in malpractice suits and/or a revoked license.
The same principle applies to trained esoteric students. It is gross negligence and incompetence to declare the glamour of a country as its soul. Such error would amount to what M. calls an "abcess of falsehood." Nothing to do with freedom of speech but with bad judgement, an undeveloped esoteric sense that compromises the credibility of all trained esoteric student of the AAB-DK teachings.
Better to keep such misjudgements contained underground, like a toxic dump site. Anaerobic conditions should stifle its growth and make the Hercules's labor of cleansing the stenching Augean stables much easier later. [Not implying that all participants in that forum contribute to its toxicity. If fact, some members make earnest efforts to detoxify it.] If brought again to the surface, the material should be desinfected with the Technique of Light.
In some smoke-filled bars the following sign is displayed: no discussion of religion or politics is allowed. Should not the NGWS set a higher standard of transformation, transmutation and transfiguration of the lower into the higher and of the higher upon the lower? As above, so below.
Let's keep the work of the New Group of World Servers in the fields of religion and politics above emotions and personal opinions. Let's use the principles and standards of conduct recommended in the AAB-DK teachings for this purpose. Let's not allow these issues to descend to the polarization of the astral plane.
We must not allow for some students to drag down the consideration of religious and political principles so that these are banned from serious intellectual discourse as part of our esoteric study and practice. Those who fail to understand the principles should not be setting the standards of the discourse. Let's keep these issues at the level of mental principles applied by mentally polarized students of the AAB-DK teachings. -JB
PS: If the word "book" is replaced by the word "forum" in this AY-Roerich quote much may be learned. After all, a forum is a kind of diary book.
Community, 94. Often you talk about the imperfections in existing books. I say more the errors in the books fare equal to a grievous crime. Falsehood in books must be prosecuted as a grave calumny. The falsehood of an orator is prosecuted according to the number of his listeners. The falsehood of an author should be prosecuted according to the number of copies sold of his book. To fill the people's libraries with falsehood is a grave offense. It is necessary to perceive the true intent of the author in order to estimate the quality of his errors. Ignorance will be the worst basis. Fear and meanness occupy the next place. None of these qualities are befitting the community. To accomplish their removal in the new construction is a necessity. Prohibitory measures, as usual, are not suitable; but a discovered error must be removed from the book. The necessity of such removal, and the reprinting of the book, will bring the author to his senses. Every citizen has the right to prove an error. Indeed, one should not impede new views and structures; but incorrect data must not bring one into error, because knowledge is the armor of the community and the defense of knowledge is the duty of all the members.
No more than a year must elapse before books are verified, otherwise the number of victims will be great. It is especially necessary to stand guard over the book when its merit is shaken. The library shelves are full of abscesses of falsehood. It should not be permissible to preserve these parasites. You may propose to someone to sleep on a poor bed, but it is impossible to suggest reading a false book through.
Why turn over to a lying buffoon the best corner of the fireside? Precisely, bad books litter up the consciousness of children. The problem of the book must be dealt with![KSW] Dear Friends
Before our very eyes we saw a world leader being born!
Congratulations US and the world! And especially congratulations to all races and afro-Americans, who have suffered because of the color of their skin.
May the US overcome the difficulties they embrace right now - by working together and saying: "Yes, we can". It will not be easy for quite some time, but we now have a strong and humble leader who is walking up the Path in front of us and who is inviting every one to join in the work for the future!
In my lifetime I have lived through a war, where DK was occupied for five years by German forces. I remember May 5. 1945 as clear as yesterday and I will surely remember Nov. 4. 2008 for the rest of my days.
My oldest son was born in the US and is therefore also an American citizen - and he has a valid birth certificate.
[JB] It was a truly historic experience what we witnessed last night. It's the rebirth of a New America. Sen. McCain's concession speech rose to the ocassion. Noblesse oblige. President elect Obama's acceptance speech came straight from the SOUL of America, via its racial avatar Lincoln, inspired by MLK's "I have a dream", not for one race, but for us all, Americans and the whole world, to reach the promised land of FREEDOM (a Sirian keynote).
The main function of the NGWS is to provide a VISION. It's time now to WORK to materialize that vision, as ONE Humanity. This should be the goal of all education, including esoteric education.
Warmest regards,
The Mother and the Child
of the New America
It would be interesting to research the mother principle in Sen. Obama's natal chart. Pluto in Virgo square his natal Moon may be symbolically significant. Also, his Sun is in the 6th house... His grandmother died just a day away from his likely rise to the presidency.
Astrologers may do well to consider Feb 10, 2007 (~9am?) as a most significant date to analyze its transits and rectify and progress Obama's chart . Virgo (Sun) and Capricorn (Cardinal Cross) figure prominently on this progressed chart, a date chosen on purpose by Sen. Obama for its relation to the racial avatar Lincoln.
According to DK, Washington, D.C. is currently ruled by Cancer/Sagittarius. "The capital city, Washington, is ruled by Cancer and Sagittarius, and it is this fact which leads the United States to act like the Crab (Cancer) and be pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back and [Page 89] to vanish into hiding at the first signs of trouble. Because also the Sagittarian influence is strong, there is a potent determination to stick one-pointedly to any decision made. This its sixth ray personality enforces at times almost to the point of a fanatical blindness and to the detriment of the long range vision which is needed at such times as these." -DN
If the New America is to be built upon the ashes of the old materialism (matter/mother represented by Cancer/Virgo/Piscis), then Pluto in Virgo would represent a most appropriate break with the past and a launching pad into the Aquarian future. -JB
PS: In his book, The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital, David Ovason describes in great detail the astrological underpinnings of Washington, D.C. and its connection to the sign of Virgo and the ancient Goddess mysteries. Ovason stresses that the Masons, who were among the city's architects and planners and who were present at the groundbreaking foundation ceremonies, were knowledgeable about astrology. In the tradition of ancient astrologers, they would have recognized the link between the stars and the destiny of cities.
Dear All Esoteric Friends,
It is a great victory for the Forces of Goodwill, not only in USA, but all around the world. I have written articles in Danish about Obama and mentioned him in my teaching for years now. There are so many perspectives that show us how significant this result is. To mention a few:
- The appeal to hope, unity and unified vision has been a constant keynote all the way through.
- The ability to awaken youth and independent voters via the internet and a superbly modern way of campaigning.
- The belief in the grassroots, the change from "below" from the hearts and minds of ordinary people.
- The common sense look at "Washington"
, "tactics", lobbyism and power play. - The decency, "down to earth" mentality and reliable continuity of character.
- The demonstration of a new form of political leadership.
- The sense of seventh ray organising principles.
- The global outlook and insisting on reestablishing international credibility.
- The view on the war in Iraq.
- The eloquence and ability to unify and magnetize people.
A combination of second and seventh ray has been displayed. The soul of America has been evoked, as well as the seventh ray group mentality. Obama has emphasized that he will not be perfect, he will make mistakes, but he will be honest and open, do his utmost to accomplish results - as part of a collective effort.
Bye the way, I am deeply impressed by Michelle Obama as well. She has the ability to align with Barack, appeal to the hearts of people and comminicate as well. And Joe Biden is definitely not a bad choice of vice president.
It is a wonderful release after so long. It is a time of celebration. Nothing can annul this victory, no matter what. It is a greqat accomplishment and a great opportunity for a new beginning. From here and onwards there is much work to do, to unite the best in the democratic and republican parties, to mobilise the regrouping of energies, to make choices with electing people for a new administration, and to start planning for a new direction in USA and together with the rest of the world. In this process we all have a very important role to play.
Congratulations to the Forces of Goodwill - and the awakening Will-to-Good!
May we do our part,
With Love, Light and Power
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