JB's Blog
(in the Z-dimension)
September 2004
Any fair minded person of goodwill, even more if affiliated with the (spiritual) Hierarchy, who watched a Southern senator last night use fascist rhetoric against the United Nations at the Republican Party Convention should be *very* concerned about democracy and freedom in the United States, and in the whole world. 1 | ||
Multinationalism, collective decision-making, and the rule of law - these offer the best hope of achieving a stable and equitable world order, according to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. 2 3 4 | ||
The transcript of Miller's speech does not capture the hate in his enraged eyes and gestures, nor the frenzy of a mob chanting "USA!, USA!, USA! ..." evoked by his offensive discourse full of outright lies purposefully made to stir base emotions. 5 7 8 | ||
What we do need, and what is at stake in the coming presidential election in the U.S., is a NEW EQUILIBRIUM... That point of equilibrium needs to be shifted toward world citizenship, right international relations , responsible global leadership, more equitable distribution of resources, etc. 6 | ||
I suggest that websites such as Lucis-Goodwill/NY and UNA should *widely promote* these values and display them prominently as part of goodwill education efforts for the upcoming U.S. presidential election. 9 11 | ||
Another way to define the "middle path" is the Fiery Path of Synthesis where Beauty, Goodness and Truth stand. Between two choices of lesser good there is always a higher good (Law of Triangles). 10 | ||
This specific issue of macho warmongering over international union merits the full attention of all men and women of goodwill because it will prove a decisive factor in the upcoming U.S. presidential election and because it runs against the spiritual values we should live by. It is indeed another good which we should leave behind, forever. 12 | ||
In these times of uncertainty, when fear and scare tactics are used to manipulate public opinion in unprecedented ways, it was refreshing to mentally review AAB-DK Teachings on FDR atop Pine Mountain. May his spirit help us get through our current national (U.S.) and world crisis. His foreign policy of the Good Neighbor was much wiser than the current violation of the U.N. Charter by our current U.S. administration adopting a unilateral, pre-emptive foreign policy of aggression that has complicated even more the evil of terrorism. 13 | ||
The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter. A world disciple has stated a truth. Why remain neutral? Let's affirm the values we should live by. 14 | ||
Between a higher and lower principle the disciple always elects the higher. Compromising spiritual values is not allowed. Today, between world citizenship and nationalism, the disciple should elect the higher. 15 | ||
What does the empirical
evidence of the elected presidential temperaments tell us about the
personality/soul of the U.S. nation? What is the choice that we
are facing in the 2004 U.S. presidential election in terms of character
May the higher PRINCIPLE rule. 17 | ||
Mr. Carter is another World Server, the best U.S. ambassador for peace nowadays. He blasted current U.S. international policy with the best possible criticism: the Carter Center work as a peace broker worldwide. 18 | ||
When so many people worldwide see it so clearly, and we have even spiritual aspirants confused as to the difference between spiritual principles and personal opinions in politics, then we must consider if national glamour is operating and if the Technique of Light could be useful. 19 | ||
Let's accept the facts and move on to solve the problem with "the greatest good for the greatest number" in mind. There should not be any guilt associated with that principle, a *higher* (i.e., more inclusive) principle than the selfish profit motive that rules the world now. 20 | ||
The lower
expression of 6th ray (narrowmindedness, unilateralism, religious
fundamentalism) that we are observing in the United States cannot be
dismissed. These are glamours to be dissipated. According to my own
observations (from the R5 perspective), it's correct to say that 6th ray
personalities are the last to recognize their own glamours.
23 |
In the United
States, the two main political parties --Republican and Democratic-- have
represented the polarity around which its personality could be integrated.
(see below) I have found that two of the Keirsey/Myers-Briggs types, the Artisan (R4) and the Guardian (R7), may well represent this polarity. 24 (also, Wilber) |
The power of our united light prevents the appearance of the glamor of FUNDAMENTALISM. 25 26 27 28 29 | ||
According to this
Gospel of Fear, we need to unilaterally preempt any *potential* terrorist
threat, regardless of the international rule of law, minimizing the
"collateral damage," of course, as the civilian casualties are called
these days. And such Gospel is "right" because our national interest is
first and foremost.
30 |
October 2004 |
We are discussing these political issues in this forum for three reasons. First, as a practical application of the Science of the Rays, both individual and national. Second, to assess the stage of personality integration/soul infusion that the United States is facing in this crucial presidential election. Third, to apply the values and principles of the New Group of World Servers to the national and international arenas, which include the need to support the United Nations and to abide by its rule of law. 1 | ||
Mount Helens (political) eruption: Have we all observed the recent pattern of geophysical events in the United States? Unusual hurricane activity in Florida, tremors in California, followed by today's brief eruption of Mt. Helen? As if an abcess was drained during last night's presidential debate... Kerry (Rays 1,2,5) effectively smashed some glamours last night (in Florida). The plume of smoke (today) may have contained some of the Vulcanic (Vulcan) residues. 2 | ||
"Powerful volcanoes awaken; the fire seeks an exit. People know of it, but do not renounce a single habit. Likewise, it is difficult for them to transfer the consciousness to the heart. One should protect oneself against all poisons by the best armor. So, also, people do not foresee national events, but the sequel is inevitably propelled. The battle is not easy; one must gather in one's heart all courage. Only thus will you keep pace with Us." 3 4 | ||
All disciples in the world, in the United States and abroad, should invoke for the Light needed to let the truth shine forth, for the Love needed to unite us as a nation and as world citizens, and for the (Will) Power needed to choose wisely as a national soul-infused, integrated personality. In choosing the spiritual values that we should live by, we seal the door where the less enlightened vices and fears of the selfish personality --individual and national-- dwell. 1 | ||
It's very difficult
to measure symbolic relationships in a consistent and reproducible way.
But so are most intuitive insights, in part, because symbolic causation
implies a relationship in the time dimension that's not easy to map within
our 3-D space consciousness. There's a *psychological* dimension of time that does not directly translate into measurable hours and minutes. How do we measure antecedent and subsequent events in such multidimensional space-time continuum? Say, is Beauty a cause or an effect of Knowledge or Love? Jung struggled with these ideas and decided to place them in a pending folder: synchronicity (an acausal connecting principle). So do I (at my level of understanding). 5 |
Pluribus Duo: We do need "to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly," that is, to take ACTION on vital issues of right and wrong. Higher principles such as internationalism must rule over lower principles such as national arrogance and unilateralism. The current U.S. neoconservative imperialistic doctrine MUST be defeated (at the polls). 6 7 |
The problem is not Bush. The problem is the GROUP thoughtform fathered by Leo Strauss and nourished by Bush's "war cabinet": the so-called "vulcans." They are 6, and with Bush they make up the magical 7. Isn't there work cut out for us, practitioners of WHITE magic? The Technique of Light, of course! 8 9 10 11 | ||
The "common sense"
that we normally apply to choose a surgeon does not apparently work when
choosing a president of the most powerful nation on Earth. At stake is the control over the most powerful war machine in human history. Why do Americans shy away from an *informed* decision? Are we being duped by glamour? If so, what's our responsibility as spiritual disciples and members of the NGWS? FIAT LUX! 12 13 14 |
We need a president of the United States with a "determined facing of the factual life and the stern recognition of truth—coldly, calmly and dispassionately—." This "will greatly facilitate the calling in of the flood of illumination" for the United States and for the whole world. FIAT LUX! 15 16 | ||
In fact,
because the rich are already getting richer and the poor poorer in the
U.S. and worldwide, that's another reason not to reelect conservative
governments for now, despite my belief that both conservative and
liberal positions are needed to balance world affairs. (see
18 Furthermore, the U.S. conservatives usually believe that they are closer to God than the rest of society and that breeds fundamentalist sectarianism, of which we do NOT need more today. 19 |
Democrats and Republicans, both have valid principles of government on the HORIZONTAL axis of judgment. However, on the VERTICAL (nonpartisan) axis of judgment, where the more inclusive principle rules the less inclusive one, the principle of nationalism is ruled by the principle of world citizenship and right relations with the international community. Any decision or judgment based on the spiritual values supported by the NGWS should unambiguously oppose national, racial, gender, religious or any other sectarian supremacist doctrine. 20 | ||
Please note, however, that neither of these visions concede the right to invade a neighbor's home --without some sort of community consent-- on *presumptive* evidence of a non-imminent threat. Such "right of unilateral aggression" --different from the widely recognized right of self-defense-- would need to be granted to *all* neighbors in our communities. Doing so would *regress* us all to a state of lawlessness where the mightiest imposes his/her will. Each one would take the law into his/her own hands, as cowboys in the Old West. 21 | ||
* On freewill and karma (a philosophical framework to approach ethical issues such as abortion, divisive issues which emerge in support of the conservative agenda in this 2004 presidential election). 22 "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." (Mahatma Gandhi) Abortion as
Views from a Christian ethicist.
28 |
So many people in so many places, they can't all be wrong. Even our closest allies (United Kingdom) are asking us to reconsider our ill-advised foreign policy. Let's face it: we need new leadership in the United States. We need to remove the Vulcans from power! 29 | ||
Also see: |
"In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, the voting
rate among people living in families with annual incomes of $50,000 or
more was 72% — compared with 38% for people living in families with
incomes under $10,000." -Stephan Richter Are we (U.S.) an example of democracy to the world? http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Voter_turnout If not, what are doing in Iraq? 31 |
I have also heard what post-debate
"focus groups" have to say. Many want sound-bites, they don't want to read
detailed, well-informed answers to their questions. Being an "undecided
voter" is seen as a way to require candidates to address "my" needs and
concerns --forget about "others"-- with the best 30-second sound-bite
possible. We, the NGWS, need to keep fighting the real battle: for true democracy *in the United States* and elsewhere, *in that order.* 32 33 |
The Myth of the Gipper. Arbatov not only provides considerable evidence for the controversial notion that this change [in the former Soviet Union] would have come about without foreign pressure, he insists that the U.S. military buildup during the Reagan years actually impeded this development. 34 | ||
Explanations of the discrepancies reported among so many polls being thrown at us. 35 | ||
Is the Hierarchy Democrat or Republican? As an Independent voter I unreservedly encourage all members of the New Group of World Servers with the right to vote in the United States to vote for Kerry on this 2004 election for the purpose of defeating the neoconservative ideology that has hijacked the U.S. foreign policy under Bush. Such decision does not make us neither Democrat nor partisan, like the Hierarchy was not partisan when They sided with the Allied Nations during WWII. 36 |
The ethical implications "science over ideology" must also be considered. How should "spiritual values" guide scientific research? This should not become another example of "liberal Democrats" debunking of "traditional values" but not substituting some sort of "spiritual values" to fill the void thus created. Don't we (NGWS) have a "living ethics" (Agni Yoga) to speak about? How do we make it part of the "mainstream" discussion of ideas in the public debate about stem cell research? 37 | ||
Three major issues on which
the 2004 U.S. presidential elections will be decided are: 1) War on terrorism/Iraq, 2) U.S. economy/health care and 3) War on values (fundamentalism, abortion, gender roles, etc.). Isn't it interesting that each of the 9 heads of the hydra may be related to these three? This forthcoming Full Moon in Scorpio (~ Wed midnight) may be a pivotal point in the collective decision making process for the U.S.. How can disciples of the Hierarchy assist in "LETTING IN THE LIGHT?" 38 |
In supporting Kerry for the 2004 U.S. presidential election we are not nor do we need to defend his personality. He's on the higher side of critical principles in conflict. That's all that should matter to a disciple, always a world citizen. 39 40 | ||
We (U.S.) are facing a collective
decision --and test-- that will significantly delay our spiritual progress
(attached to old views that we should leave behind) or advance us toward
the Aquarian Age (our true "Manifest Destiny" as Lightbearers among the
nations of the world). The Hierarchy stands by, observing and inspiring us to make the right decision. We (NGWS) *are* the burning ground. May the fire of love --the goodwill and right human relations whichlead to peace-- consume us all as we say: "Spiritual warriors are we, and from *this* battle for *enlightened* DEMOCRACY we emergent triumphant!" 41 |
I can't imagine Alice and Foster Bailey assuming an indifferent or passive attitude to the "problems of humanity" as played out in the world today. In fact, AAB mentions that such practical approach to esotericism deserved the recognition of the Arcane School within Hierarchical circles. AAB herself held very strong views about redeeming all aspects of human life. 42 | ||
Neither the Dweller nor the Angel but the PRESENCE. 43 | ||
The "don't believe any, all are biased" proposition is a serious danger to democracy. The same call is heard from both the right and the left. Both are wrong, I think. Of course, all human opinions are biased. Error is human. But biases are NOT all equal in magnitude. 44 | ||
It's a battle of facts against fear... a battle for democracy. There is no religion higher than truth. That includes the "religion of fear." 45 | ||
Lunar eclipse in Scorpio.
If the Teachings are not
*applied* to our daily lives and to the "problems of humanity," what are They good for? Thus aided, can we discern the CAUSES of the troubles that we are in right now? How best to fight the evil of terrorism (both Islamic and Zionist)? Is it best fought with the world democracies divided against a common enemy? Or with the full support of the United Nations? 47 |
Dispelling illusion: "offense is the best defense". Soros probably has never read AAB-DK's book Glamour. He probably doesn't know the esoteric technicalities of maya, glamour and illusion. But he is responsibly *acting* as a Hierarchically inspired spiritual worker and is more effectively smashing glamour-illusion than the vacillating spiritual aspirants and esoteric scholars who opt for the comfort of neutrality during this world crisis. 48 | ||
Insensitivity to pain is not
good. Detachment, dispassion, discernment: YES! Indifference, Insensitivity, Neutrality: NO! It's harmful. 49 |
[1-Nov-04] "This is a kind of magical
moment that we get to in the last hours of the most blessed gift on the
face of the planet, our democracy, your vote," Kerry said. "You get to
choose and change the The polls are
still open.
50 |
And the polls closed last night, and the stocks (Dow Jones index) surged this morning on a presumed Bush victory... Now is time for the forces of karma to operate. From my part, all that I needed to say on this subject has been said. I firmly stand by those words. And thus I pray:
O Thou Who
givest sustenance to the universe, I appreciate
your attention to my message on this NewLight forum for the last couple of
months. Once this temporary assignment has come to an end, I need resume
my previous work elsewhere. |
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. -Goethe |
Dear Mr. Soros:
Thank you very much for your efforts
and most especially for your recent inspiring
talk at
the National Press Club (which I was able to listen on C-Span).
I accept your challenge. Let's go
together into that "Monastery" where you promised to be if Bush seduced
our nation to forget our roots and ask ourselves: "what's wrong with
Let's brainstorm about VALUES,
*spiritual* values we should live by.
Let's ensoul the democratic forces of
this great nation with spiritual values, such as,
These are spiritual values, inspiring
the conscience and the consciousness of those who serve to create a
better way of life.
Let's educate the American public
opinion about true spiritual values that transcend the religious
fundamentalist views of that enslave us all.
Never again should the
democratic forces lose a battle of values in the United States.
The battle for democracy in the U.S.
has just begun... and we will win, because the Freedom of Truth --and
the Truth of Freedom-- is with "us", the inclusive "us" of the SOUL,
inclusive of all.
# PS: "They" want to make "us" believe that a 51% majority (much of the 3.5 million votes from uncontested races in non-showdown states) is a "mandate," and to dismiss the stubborn fact that with only 100,000 more votes in OH (out of 115 million nationwide) Kerry would be president elect right now. The word "liberal" is now used to ideologically segregate 49% of the U.S. population as misfits and outcasts of a democracy, like "they" (White Protestant fundamentalist minority) did before the civil rights were restored to African-Americans. And, likewise, WE THE PEOPLE, shall overcome! We shall declare INDEPENDENCE from religious and monarchic rule, again, and remind "them" --the divisive ones-- that the root of the word "liberal" is FREEDOM, as enunciated by the disciple FDR in the Four Freedoms.
Latest projections for the 2004 U.S. presidential election
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/bush_vs_kerry.html http://www.econ.umn.edu/~amoro/Research/presprobs.html
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