Lead us, O Lord,
from darkness to light;
from the unreal to the real;
from death to immortality.

"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:1.)

Pentecost (from the Greek pentekonta, fifty), the seventh Sunday (50th day) after Easter, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples.

"The Festival of Easter and the Feast of Pentecost will be the two outstanding days of the religious year. Pentecost is, as you must well know, the symbol of right human relations in which all men and nations will understand each other and -- though speaking in many and diverse languages -- will know only one spiritual speech." (DN 151)

"The fact of the resurrection will be demonstrated during the next few centuries, and the Living Christ will walk among men and lead them onward towards the Mount of Ascension. The Pentecost will become truth. All men will come under the tide of inspiration from on high, and though they may speak with many tongues, they will all understand each other." (EOH 471)

"Pentecost. This event does not portray the triumph of orthodox Christianity (as the theologians believe and teach), but signifies the universal dissemination of the Christ consciousness throughout all time in the heart of every human being; to this the words and promise, "Lo, I am with you all the days, even until the end of the world," bear witness." (R&I 356)

[ References to the number 50 | Easter Season, Pentecost and New World Religion ]

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit and the Mother
[DK Quotes]

Icona de la Pentecosta del Museu de Montserrat

Salm 103 "Beneeix al Senyor, ànima meva"



Pentecost Communion Ceremonial Group Invocation

by HBH

June 8, 2014

(Adapted by JB for the VBA Study Center)


This is a ceremony ritual. While it contains meditative elements, it is more than that. It is designed to be an Invocation and a Spiritual Approach to Divinity.

This is designed to be done with two or more people. But it can also be done “seemingly alone” though never truly alone because of the linkage with other groups.

This ceremony will be most effective if read aloud, slowly, pauses, and a deep love and respect for the power and depth of ceremonial ritual (yet never with pomp). If you are alone, read it aloud or in a whisper, but in either case, the reading should be slow, measured, and rhythmic to allow time to invoke the energies, allow them to descend and register. Read as if inspired, read as if you are the Soul, and read with your invocatory voice – as the Soul. The prose, in the Invocation and Descent of the Holy Spirit section – most especially requires careful reading and intuitive interpretation.

With your trained imagination, music, invocation of higher energies, and inner group contact, there will surely be a response.



Enter your inner Sanctuary: a symbol for the Light, Love and Spiritual Will that exists around and within you.

Music to set a field of silence and prepare the Inner Temple

Massenet "Meditation" from Thais
(right click to open in new tab)

Annoint yourself with Holy Oil, Incense, or a Flame.

(A flame without gravitation)

Light two fires. The first fire is incense or sacred smoke. This fire purifies the atmosphere, sets a field for the sacred, links with the sacred ceremonies and rituals done throughout the ages, and invokes the high Angels who are dedicated to the work of the Great Ones and Who are helping to “Prepare the Way”.

Light a flame with intention to invoke the fire Devas (Angels) who then call on “others” who are related to the fiery planes. A “living flame” is both a symbol and an anchoring point for the Fires of God on earth as they are in heaven, and attracts the ‘high Angels’ that are most needed and appropriate for a specific ritual or ceremony. As you Light the flame, dedicate this Ceremony to ________ (The Revelation of Pentecost, to The Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy, to the Mother of the World, to the Holy Spirit, to the Father, or ….).

Note: All the above are optional and can be dispensed with if you are not accustomed to outer forms of sacred ceremony. It can be imagined in part or in whole in the sanctuary of your “heart in the head” – the true inner temple.

Take time now to join your mind and heart with the Living Soul by sounding the Sacred Word (Om) and then say or do your prayers, visualizations, words of power and/or invocations.

Align, and focus. Come into a conscious alignment with the group that has worked together during this process, and then, link with “the great potency of the inner groups.” We are now ready to enter the “upper chamber” - the Heart in the Head individually, and as a group.



Sound your sacred music (with an ascending, invocatory quality) that would invoke the living Spirit - the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Christ, the Mother of the World, The Lord of the World and the Angels that preside with Them.

Bach-Gounod: Ave Maria
(right click to open in new tab)

We gather together today in “the upper chamber” where all Aspirants, Disciples and Initiates will to meet in a true recognition of God Immanent – in each and every one present, for the purpose of Communion. In this upper chamber live only those energies that are resonant with Love, Goodwill, Understanding, and the Light of Truth.

We dedicate this Communion Pentecost to the Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy.

With one great invocatory movement, we will invoke “the Christ, the Eldest of our Humanity in a great family of brothers” to Be with us again and lead us on towards the Mount of Ascension. It will be in the Presence of the Christ energies, that we as a group can invoke still higher energies, the Universal fires of God’s Love and Direction (or Will).

In our unity and sacred expectancy, it is our will to “come under the tide and inspiration from on high”, to be visited by the Divine Flame of the Holy Spirit – “to understand each other” anew, to Prepare the Way for the Coming of the Lord, and to walk the earth as Living Souls.

Bach-Gounod: Ave Maria
Violin and Piano
(right click to open in new tab)

Entering “The Upper Room”, the Chamber

As a group, we ascend, and enter the “upper chamber” of a large temple.

Upon entering the room, we see a large oval table. The table is beautiful, made of a stunning, pure crystalline light, translucent in nature.

We learn the table is made in part from the purest crystals found deep within the earth, and in part from etheric substance fashioned by the Angels of the Lord of Love. This amazing composition gives the table characteristics that are not entirely from this world, but also from the higher worlds - as we are about to find out.

N. Roerich: Most Sacred (Treasure of the Mountains)

Together as a group, we slowly begin walking toward the table, as if magnetically drawn to its purity and beauty. We arrive at the table about the same time and assemble ourselves around the table, each taking a seat.

We close our eyes and place our fingertips on top of the table. As we do, we are immediately transported into an interior dimension, into a deep chamber of such a refined vibration that we are immediately brought into a rare state of unity consciousness. A voice from within says, this is the plane of At-One-Ment.

A few minutes pass, with no thought, as we adjust to the new vibration and allow the refining fires to course through our minds. We simultaneously realize that we are telepathic here, that every thought is known, and happily, we have all worked long and hard purifying our minds and hearts, allowing us entrance into this refined state of awareness.


Music: this music expands and fulfills the power and Beauty of God.

Bach: Air on G String
(right click to open in new tab)
N. Roerich: Signs of Christ

"When by human feet and human hands
the Temple will be built wherein will blossom the pistil laid by Me,
then let the Builders pass by My Way."


A resonant, golden Voice begins to sound in our mind, saying the following words as if in invocation. We realize at once, with a subtle thrill, that the process for which we have gathered has now begun.


Christ the Redeemer, Corcovado (Brazil)

“We have come with unified purpose, undivided, whole and pure.
From within the place of unity, we invoke a sounding call.

A great wide heart of love swells forth, unto the Lord of Love,
The Great Ones standing by and round,
The great Angels circling near.

The Lord of Love turns round to see, what and who is calling He,
His radiant face aglow with Joy, acknowledging our Divine Approach.
He sees the shores whereon we stand, readied for Service, goal-fit our brand.

Heart invoked, with Compassion He responds,
His Holy Hands raised high, reach in two directions,
With the one, the Holy Spirit He calls,
And the other He holds in blessing.

Like a great wind of moving fire,
the Dove of Doves - the Sacred Dove, descends,
Here … then there, … then everywhere
No boundaries, too strong, to hold
Cleansing, ….… clearing, …… blending ….. searing,
.… inspiring, ….. and then sealing.

Eyes now seeing with new minds, behold,
That no man can stand before God alone.
The Revelatory God of Love is One, Cosmic Being,
A verity now well known.

The heart re-awakened sees every flower, fresh.
The truth – not one but all are made Divine,
God Immanent in each and every one.

Stretching before our eyes of prophetic vision,
Our minds in wonder see a new world rising,
Spheres of beauty, and music and forms unknown,
Symphonies of color and sound, and truths of Home.

The Aquarian energies now nigh upon us,
Will draw forth scores of shining God-men –
To this we are confirmed, as sure as the Presence.

In our power to understand each other,
We vow to work in unified fellowship,
Our unity is firmly anchored, on this day of Friendship.

As swiftly as the Holy Spirit’s fire descended,
It re-ascends now through the gateway opened,
Returning Home unto the Holy Place.

The Christ, still with us, looks to one and all, With hands in Blessing,
We, His extended Body – Heart, Hands and Feet,
Hear His thoughts and words - understood by all:
‘Through You, Humanity will reach full stature – A divine expression of the Father –
And in Whom I Am Well Pleased.’

Holy, Holy, Holy - Lord God of Hosts
Thy Kingdom releases Thy Glory,
Increased are we in Thy power,
Here on Earth, As it is in Heaven: Light Supernal, Love Eternal, Peaceful Silent Will"




Music to distribute what has been evoked to Humanity and all the Kingdoms of nature.

N. Roerich:
Edvard Grieg: "Peer Gynt - Morning Mood"
(right click to open in new tab)

N. Roerich: St. Panteleimon the Healer

This mediation can be followed, as a White Magic process. And repeated as often as we are called to bring it into manifestation. Use it now, or make up your own to distribute the energies just received. This meditation can also be held in reserve until after the Full Moon of Gemini, in the distribution days.

General Assembly of the United Nations

Marc Chagall's Stained Glass
at the entrance of the United Nations Meditation Room

Meditation Room at the United Nations

“Let us imagine a day in September. It is Peace Day, and the ritual opening of the work of the United Nations is about to begin. All the world leaders have gathered around an enormous oval table (seating 190+ Nations). In the center of the table is a large chalice filled with pure spring water – the world communion chalice. The scourge of war has been eliminated. Now they are celebrating unity and brotherhood, and are recognizing one another for each nation’s achievements on behalf of world good. The atmosphere is one of respect, true dialogue and understanding, and pledges of support are being offered for each nation’s needs and bringing them to solution. This is a global communion celebration of Brotherhood – the Desire of all Nations - and a sign of world peace. The Presence of the Risen Christ is the spiritual keynote emanating from each and every heart. National leaders are committing to the good of all their people and the peoples of all nations within the field of this great unified Heart! Such is the Word spoken now on Earth – in one spiritual speech the language of unity through brotherhood is understood.”


A Day of Forgiveness and of Forgetting

"Danger lies in laying down rules and in making forecasts. These will only lead to premature activity and hasty procedure. If the work which is outlined here proceeds along the desired lines; if, through daily use of the Great Invocation:

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad
May men of good will everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at the time
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones
So let it be, and help us to do our part

the channel is widened and firmly established, and a day of prayer is duly organised; if the daily recognition of forgiveness in the sense in which St. Paul wrote when he said "Forgetting the things which are behind, press forward," becomes the rule among the men of good will, leading eventually to a world-wide day of forgiveness, then the task of the New Group of World Servers will go forward along constructive and fruitful lines, and will lead to success. Those Who seek to lead and guide on the inner side will also have reason to go forward with increased confidence, and the Christ will see the fruits "of the travail of His soul and be satisfied." (EP II, 648-49)

" ... a forgiveness which is based upon a recognition of the universality of human error in the past, and the fact that there is no blame to be apportioned to this or that group, nation or church, but that we have all made mistakes, have all failed to understand, and have all been guilty of lack of love and of tolerance. It is not, therefore, a forgiveness which is based on a spirit of magnanimity or a sense of expediency or superiority, but upon a desire to forget the past, and to push [Page 648] forward into the New Age and participate in the new social order, free from the ancient hatreds, relinquishing the memory of the old mistakes in policy, judgment and method, and ignoring the habitual barriers and our normal separative instincts." (EP II, 647-48)


Leaves of Morya’s Garden,
Book II, Illumination, 1925

II:V:5. The Star of Allahabad pointed out the way. And so We visited Sarnath and Gaya. Everywhere We found the desecration of religion. On the way back, under the full moon, occurred the memorable saying of Christ.

During the night-march the guide lost his way. After some seeking, I found Christ seated upon a sand mound looking at the sands flooded by moonlight. I said to Him, “We have lost the way. We must await the indication of the stars.”

“Rossul M., what is a way to Us, when the whole world is awaiting Us?”

Then, taking His bamboo staff, He traced a square around the impression of His foot, saying, “Verily, I say, by human feet.”

And making the impression of His palm, He surrounded it also with a square. “Verily, by human hands.”

Between the squares He drew the semblance of a pillar surmounted by an arc. He said: “O, how Aum shall penetrate into the human consciousness! Here I have drawn a pistil and above it an arc, and have set the foundation in four directions. When by human feet and human hands the Temple will be built wherein will blossom the pistil laid by Me, then let the Builders pass by My Way. Why should We await the way, when it is before Us?”

Then, rising, He effaced with His cane all that He had drawn.

“When the Name of the Temple will be pronounced, then shall the inscription emerge. In remembrance of My constellation, the square and nine stars shall glow over the Temple. The sign of the foot and the hand shall be inscribed above the Cornerstone.”

Thus He Himself spoke of the eve of the new moon. And the heat of the desert was great.

The Star of the Morning is the sign of the Great Epoch which will flash as the first ray from the Teaching of Christ. For who is to extol the Mother of the World if not Christ, the One so demeaned by the world. Give Us the Arch of the Dome, wherein to enter.

N. Roerich 

Joyous Pentecost!


O.M. = The Christ
A.U.M. = The Holy Spirit
(Mother - Matter- Moisture)

Christ Mass Day

VBA Study Center

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