
Tres siglas, dos en posición vertical (V y A) y una en posición horizontal (B). El trazado recto de la B sirve para demarcar dos ideogramas. [seguir enlace]



Vicente Beltrán Anglada

Devic Structure of Forms


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VBA (1986): "My first three books were a preparation to the Threefold Task and were entitled: The Hierarchy, the Solar Angels and Humanity (1972); The Mysteries of Yoga (1976) and Esoteric Conversations (public talks in Barcelona 1976-1980). 

The next two books represented an affirmation of spiritual principles.  Introduction to Agni Yoga (1981) is a practical exposition of the mystical but intensely dynamic life born in the heart when the mind stops reflecting its external circumstances and surrenders to its spiritual purpose. My Spiritual Experiences (1981) is an [autobiographic] account of mental and psychic experiences in the life of a disciple. The purpose of sharing such experiences is to develop a discerning attitude leading to right and decisive action among spiritual aspirants. 

The triptych An Esoteric Treatise on Angels (1979-1980), consisting of Occult Forces of Nature (1979), Devic Structures of Forms (1980), and Angels in the Social Life of Humanity (1980), represented my wholehearted embrace of the Ashramic task that I would specifically assume responsibility for.

The next book, The Mysteries of Shamballa (1985), was completed during my visit to Argentina, according Hierarchical plans. In that book some preliminary ideas are presented about this all-inclusive and inscrutable center guiding our spiritual evolution on Earth.

Finally, with the book Organized Planetary Magic (1986), I attempt to fulfill the third of my Ashramic commitments. Despite its simplicity, the book describes the basic [practical] ideas on Magic, a vital process involved in any human, planetary or cosmic act of creation."






Devic Structure of Forms

Table of Contents

I. The Magic Principle of Forms

II. Devic Language

III. Basic Structure of Forms

IV. The Awesome World of Forms

V. Etheric Forms

VI. Astral Forms

VII. Mental Forms

VIII. Guardian Spirits of Humanity

IX. Angels, Liturgical Ceremonies and Magic Rituals

X. Angels and Religious Liturgy

XI.  Angels and the Magical Ceremoniaes and Rites of Occult Societies and Esoteric Schools for Spiritual Training

XII. Angels and Parapsychology

XIII. The Mystery of Electricity

XIV. Angels and the Occult Life of Nature

XV. The Great Human-Deva Analogy


VBA (1986): "I hope to have done my small part in this great spiritual adventure, as inspired from the mystical center of the Ashram. Maybe it is not as vast and thorough as I would have preferred, but either the circumstances imposed a prudent silence, or my own limitations created an expressive "ring-pass-not."  Be that as it may, my sincere prayer and my warmest wish is that the ideas contained in all my books may shed some light --bringing some spiritual understanding-- to the minds and hearts of the spiritual aspirants who read them. May these books serve some useful purpose by impressing universal values into their personal lives."

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[Aquarius 2005z]