Master Curriculum Proposed by MDR

 Version 1

101—Fundamentals of the Ageless Wisdom and Spiritual Occultism


102 — Esoteric Constitution of Man.


103 — Treading the Probationary Path Including a Preliminary Study of Maya and Glamour

104 — The Language of Energy: The Science of the Seven Rays and Esoteric Astrology in Relation to Fundamentals of Esoteric Psychology

105 – The Art Science of Meditation, Part I.

106 - ?


107-507 — Solutions for Humanity: The Art and Science of Service

201 – Kingdoms of Nature and Ecology


202 — Manas and the Fifth Principle


203 — Treading the Path of Discipleship



204 – The Science Esoteric Psychology


205 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part II.

206 — The Deva Hierarchy


301.1 – The Causal Body , The Solar Angel and Solar Fire

301.2 — Esoteric Symbology


302 — Magic and Practical Occultism — the Mental Plane


303 — Treading the Path of Initiation


304 – Advanced Studies in Esoteric Psychology


305 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part III.

306 — Esoteric Healing I

401.1 — Philosophical Cosmo-Conceptions, East and West


401.2 — Spiritual Numerals: Occult Numerology,  Esoteric Mathematics, Sound and Colour


402 — Magic and Practical Occultism — the Astral Plane



403 – Treading the Path of Group Initiation: Approaching the Ashram



404 — Lower and Higher Psychism; Senses: their Psychic Extensions



405 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part IV.




406 — Esoteric Healing II



501 — Shamballa, Will as Synthesis and the Externalization of the Hierarchy.


501.2 — Occult Cosmogony and the Creative Hierarchies



502 — Magic and Practical Occultism — Ethero-Physical Plane


Ceremonial Magic

503 – The Rays and the Initiations—Continued Ashramic Approach



504 — The Buddhic Plane, Laws of Union and Sex



505 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part V.




506 — Cosmic Triplicities, Quaternaries and Septenates: A Exploration of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire




508 — Thesis Research Completion:  Prepare, Present, Revise, and Finalize.


Detailed Description

101—Fundamentals of the Ageless Wisdom and Spiritual Occultism


This course is designed to give a broad overview of the basic tenets of the system of philosophy known as the Ageless Wisdom.


1. The nature and origin of the Universe. The Three Fundamentals of the Secret Doctrine.

2. Hylozoism—The Living Universe and the Unity of All Life

3. Life, Quality and Appearance; Spirit, Soul and Matter.

4. Fire, Energy and Matter

5. Macrocosmic Existences with special emphasis upon the Solar Logos and Planetary Logoi.

6. Shamballa, the Spiritual Hierarchy and Humanity.

7. The Creative Hierarchies and Kingdoms of Nature: Humanity’s Place within the Greater Scheme.

8. The Spirit of man—its nature, origin and purpose.

9. The Soul of man—its nature origin and purpose.

10.   The process of Individualization.

11.   The Process of Reincarnation

12.   The Personality of man—its nature, origin and purpose.

13.   The Law of Evolution and its relation to the human kingdom and human individual.

14.   Cosmic, Systemic, Soul and Natural Laws.

15.   The Buddha and the Christ and the Many Approaches to God

16.   The Paths to Freedom: The Paths of Aspiration, Discipleship and Initiation

17.   The Law of Karma and its relation to the Law of Evolution and the Paths of Probation, Discipleship and Initiation

102 — Esoteric Constitution of Man


This course is designed to give the student both a theoretical and analogical overview of human existence upon the cosmic physical plane, the vibratory domain in which human existence is primarily focussed. The objective of the course will be to help the student develop an appreciation of the different energetic structures that comprise a human being.  The relationship of these structures will be presented within the holographic world-view—"as above, so below"—highlighting the relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm.  Special emphasis will be placed on analogical thinking and the interrelatedness of all planes.

103 — Treading the Probationary Path Including a Preliminary Study of Maya and Glamour


This is the first of four "Path”  courses (see also Courses 203, 303 and 403).  After a survey of the different Paths (sutratma, antahkarana), the place of the Probationary Path with respect to the mystic and occult Paths, and in relation to the Paths of Discipleship, of Initiation and of Higher Evolution, will be reviewed for the purpose of providing an initial, methodical approach to conscious spiritual living. The requirements for the Probationary Path and the qualifications to be possessed by the Probationer (physical and emotional discipline, character building, the purification of the lunar vehicles, the practice of meditation, the capacity to serve, and the ability to pass psycho-spiritual tests successfully) will be examined in detail. The laws of personality integration and the contribution of rayology and esoteric astrology to that integration will also be carefully investigated.

104 — The Language of Energy: The Science of the Seven Rays and Esoteric Astrology in Relation to Fundamentals of Esoteric Psychology


This course will familiarize the student with the basics of the science of Astro-Rayology, which describes astrology as the science of the relations that exist between all living organisms in the universe.  The course encompasses a study of the fundamental nature of the seven rays and esoteric astrology—their relationship and interplay. The student will come to understand that human beings are part of a living, universal whole in which they can participate consciously. (A definite focus will be placed upon gaining a clear understanding of the energies, forces, impulses, rhythms, and cycles that govern and condition the “One Life”—the  “One in Whom we live and move and have our being”.  Upon completion of this curriculum, students will have a rudimentary but sufficient understanding of certain significant cosmic, systemic, and planetary energies and processes and their relationship to human development. Further, students will gain a basic ability to create, understand and interpret esoterically both Ray and astrological charts.  They will, thus,  be able to identify and apply some of the factors needed for an individual to take the next evolutionary step in soul manifestation.

105 – The Art Science of Meditation, Part I.


Since the future esoteric schools are intended to be schools of meditation a close study of the process of meditation is foundational. The first year’s study will focus principally on concentration, mind control and meditation proper—especially meditation with seed. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali will be used as a guide.

107 — Solutions for Humanity: The Art and Science of Service

Some of the subjects to be examined in this course are: natural disasters, ecology, the deserts, famines, disease, and volcanoes.  This course will be linked with related courses in the Brahmic phase of our study


207 — Solutions for Humanity

Some of the subjects to be examined in this year are: the sacredness of the environment—earth, water, air, electricity.  This study will be linked with The Kingdoms in Nature and Ecology Science and The Deva Hierarchy.


307 — Solutions for Humanity   

Some of the subjects to be examined are: technology, ideology, war, capital and labor, and comparative religion. 


407— Solutions for Humanity

Some subjects to be covered in this year are: cultural diversity, children, gender, and race issues.  These studies will be linked with Esoteric Healing II (406).


507 — Solutions for Humanity

Some of the subjects to be covered are: politics, the United Nations, money and the distribution of resources, peacekeeping.  This study will be linked with Politics, Economics and Business, and Shamballa, Will as Synthesis and the Externalization.

201 – Kingdoms of Nature and Ecology


This course is designed to relate esoteric and the exoteric understanding of the kingdoms of nature—the mineral, vegetable, animal, human, and higher realms.  Upon completion of this course, the student will develop a more holistic understanding of humanity’s stewardship of the lower kingdoms and a greater understanding of the interdependence between kingdoms so that truly balanced ecological solutions may be brought to modern challenges.

202 — Manas and the Fifth Principle


This course is designed to give the student an introductory understanding of Mind and the Fifth Principle.  It is a course that is foundational to any occult education, for the understanding and development of Mind is central to occultism.  Upon completion of this course, the student will have developed a strong conceptual understanding of Manas, from a microcosmic and macrocosmic perspective.  Most importantly, students will gain a deeper understanding of the nature and function of their own mental faculties, and how such faculties are instrumental in the perception and expression of Divine Thought.  The main subjects treated will be epistemology and its esoteric perspective; the nature and function of Manas; categories of Manas as related to the fifth systemic plane and its relation to atomic substance and other systemic principles; Manas and the Solar Angels; and the Ray of the mind and Soul.


203 — Treading the Path of Discipleship


This is the second of four "Path" courses (see also Courses 103, 203 and 403).  The Path of Discipleship specifically refers to the process of soul/personality fusion, and to the cultivation of the mind aspectboth facilitated through the demonstration of a life of increasing service.  The objective of this course is to give the specific criteria designating discipleship and provide methods to achieve these aims. Students will be assisted in determining: their approximate place on the Path; ray structure; lines of least resistance; strengths and weaknesses; service orientation; and an hypothesis regarding Ashramic affiliation.


Study will continue on the glamors to be encountered on the Path of Discipleship. The first three Stages of Discipleship (Little Chelaship, Chela in the Light and Accepted Discipleship) will receive due attention. The class will also focus on the meaning and nature of the Accepting Disciple and the Pledged Disciple as stages preliminary to becoming an Accepted Disciple.


204 – The Science Esoteric Psychology


This course is designed to introduce students to certain processes within esoteric psychology which are vital to their spiritual development and to the evolution of humanity as a whole. Special focus will be placed upon the Seven Laws of the Soul and the Seven Techniques of Integration.

205 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part II.


This course will continue the study of the mental nature in relation to developing proficiency in the Science of Meditation. Students will continue to consult the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali for guidance in this process.  One objective will be to achieve an understanding of meditative methods of inducing mental illumination and soul infusion.

206 — The Deva Hierarchy


With the coming in of the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic, the veil that has separated the parallel kingdoms of the human and deva since Atlantean times is beginning to thin, and the two evolutions are becoming more conscious of each other, and therefore more able to co-operate freely.  This course will seek to provide an overview of the nature and purpose of the relationship existing between the Human and Deva Kingdoms, and the responsibilities implied in their collaborative, conscious building in service of the Plan.


            The Builders of the system in their various grades will be studied:  from the Seven Great Devas or Raja-Lords who are the ensouling lives of a systemic or cosmic plane, down to the smallest of the evolving building devas.  The involutionary livesthe elementals of earth, water, fire and airwhich are the "essence of things" in the solar system, will also be reviewed.


The purposes and dynamics of sound, color and vibration as these effect the deva kingdom and produce the creation of form will also be studied.

301.1 – The Causal Body , The Solar Angel and Solar Fire

This course will focus on the study of the egoic lotus and the evolutionary history of the soul nature of humanity. The role of the Solar Angel as supervisor of the process of human unfoldment will be emphasized as also the nature of solar fire and its increasing role in the expression of the soul-infused personality.


301.2 — Esoteric Symbology

The aim of this course is to explore the use of symbols as an unusually effective method for developing a profound understanding of the Teachings emanating from Hierarchy. It is intended that the student gain a familiarity with the range and use of symbolic language and techniques presented by the Tibetan Master, and develop a sound empirical and experiential understanding of the purposes of creative visualization and of  the invocative/evocative process.  A further aim is to expose the student to a range of sacred or doctrinal symbols and symbolic traditions, and to stimulate an appreciation of the dimensions of meaning and significance they reflect.  It is envisaged that an intrinsic part of this course be focussed on experiential work in the nature of both selected and set research projects to be completed by the student


302 — Magic and Practical Occultism — the Mental Plane

      This course is designed to give the student an introduction to the principles of White Magic.  It is a course that is foundational to occult development, because all would-be occultists are striving to become white magicians.  This is the first of three courses dedicated to this subject, and it focuses on those Rules of White Magic which apply to the mental plane (Rules 1-6).  Upon completion, students will have developed a strong conceptual understanding of these Rules, and will know what is required in order to fulfill them.  In addition, they will have the necessary foundation for studying the subsequent Rules of the astral and etheric/physical planes.


303 — Treading the Path of Initiation


This is the third course on the evolution of human consciousness through the processes of individualization, illumination, and initiation. The Path of Initiation refers to thresholds of consciousness which, when crossed through occult penetration, provide new areas of service and new horizons of realization for the initiate.  This course will examine those aspects of initiation which pertain to the man as ego as well as those which pertain to the Solar Angel—"an initiate of all degrees." Inevitably, the difficult and profound subject of man as Spirit or Monad will also be carefully examined.. Initiation, Human and Solar, will be used as the principle reference for this course. Some reference to The Rays and the Initiations will also be necessary.

304 – Advanced Studies in Esoteric Psychology


This course will focus on the three Techniques of Soul Fusion (Isolated Unity, Inclusive Reason and Presented Attributes) problems of over- stimulation and the Diseases of Mystics. Attention will also be given to the Problem of Illusion and the methods of its overcoming.

305 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part III.


This course will focus on the understanding and building of the antahkarana as the bridge between the mental unit and the manasic permanent atom. The three preliminary stages of Intention, Imagination and Projection will receive due attention.


306 — Esoteric Healing I

      This course is designed to give the student an introductory understanding of the principles of esoteric healing.  It is a foundational course not only to all those  striving to become esoteric healers but to those who, in general seek the amelioration of human suffering.  It will focus upon the requirements and the understanding of the art and science of esoteric healing.


After a brief presentation of the art of esoteric healing, the art of soul infusion and a review of the most widely used techniques of healing, the rules and laws of esoteric healing, as given by the Tibetan Master, will be introduced.  The process of healing will be situated within the framework of the Constitution of Man, the major energy centers or “chakras”, and their purposeful, dynamic unfolding.  The role of karma, of the Seven Rays, and of astrology will be investigated and correlated with a deep understanding of exoteric and esoteric anatomy and physiology—all of these factors examined from the perspective of their influence upon man’s vehicles of consciousness.

401.1 — Philosophical Cosmo-Conceptions, East and West


This course will compare and attempt to synthesize the great religio-philosophical currents, which originated in the East and in the West.  The Eastern schools will be studied first by examining the Six Schools of Indian Philosophy: the School of Logic, the Atomic School, the Sankhya School, the School of Yoga, the School of Ceremonial Religion, and the Vedanta School of Non-duality. The Seventh School (that of “Atma-Vidya”) will then be studied as a synthesis of the preceding six. Some attention will also be given to Taoist studies and the fundamentals of the I-Ching. As well a study of Egyptian Initiatory philosophy will be seen to bridge Eastern and Western approaches.


The study of the principal Western schools of philosophy (and their origins in the East) will then follow. Attention will be given to such important philosophical topics as: thought and the theory of knowledge; the interface between metaphysics and modern scientific thought; and the philosophical consequences of various modes of perceiving reality.

Upon completion of this study, the student will be able to recognize and assimilate the essential contribution of a number of significant Eastern and Western philosophical approaches to realitytheir similarities and differences.


401.2 — Spiritual Numerals: Occult Numerology,  Esoteric Mathematics, Sound and Colour


This course offers seminal ideas on the esoteric significance and power of Number.  The numeral systems from several ancient cultures will be examined, and numerological terms elucidated. The esoteric significances of first ten numbers (monad, dyad, triad, tetrad, pentad, etc.) will be studied in depth. (The letters of various alphabets and their numerological value and significance will be examined in detail, with illustrations given on various techniques for reducing words to numbers.


There will also be a focus upon the significance of the esoteric relationship between vibratory intervals in music, in color, and in the zodiac. The relation of numerology to magic will also be explored.  Upon completion of the course, the students will realize that , indeed, God is a great Mathematician, and that Numbers are not merely abstractions but are qualified Entities.


402 — Magic and Practical Occultism — the Astral Plane


This course is designed to give the student an introductory understanding of the principles of White Magic, as presented by the Tibetan Master.  It is a course that is foundational to occult development, for all would-be occultists are striving to become White Magicians.  This is the second of three courses dedicated to this subject This particular course will focus on the Rules of White Magic that pertain primarily to the astral plane (Rules 7-11).  Upon completion, students will have developed a strong conceptual and practical understanding of these Rules, and will know what is required of them in order for these Rules to be fulfilled.  In addition, the student will have gained the necessary foundation for successful study of the subsequent Rules pertaining to the etheric/physical plane.

403 – Treading the Path of Group Initiation: Approaching the Ashram


This course will focus principally on the first seven of  the Fourteen Advanced Rules for Group Initiation. These Rules are necessary for those who would learn to work in group formation (in affiliation with an Ashram) during the Aquarian Age. Due attention will also be given to ashramic studies in general and Formulas III and IV in particular.

404 — Lower and Higher Psychism; Senses: their Psychic Extensions


This course will involve investigation into the area of psychism as well as the cultivation of astral and buddhic sensitiveness. A high degree of mental objectivity and discriminative perspective toward all phenomena will be cultivated by all students. The course will involve much experimentation and the student will train in maintaining an open-minded scientific attitude which is no way negates a growing psychic sensitivity.  The subject of psychism will be approached from the perspective of the transition (now in process) from the Atlantean (astral) to the Aryan (mental) racial consciousness. Methods of sensitizing consciousness to the buddhic realization characteristic of the Sixth (intuitive) race will also be attempted. This course is intended both to de-glamorize psychic perceptions as well as prove that they are useful sensitivities with which human beings can deepen their perception of the subtle dimensions of reality—sensitivities which are used more often, perhaps, than may generally be suspected.

405 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part IV.


This course will focus on the continued building and utilization of the antahkarana as the bridge between the mental unit and the three triadal permanent atoms. The three final stages of Invocation and Evocation, Stabilization and Resurrection we be the group focus, even though two of these stages are well beyond the grasp of any but initiates. Study will continue on ensuring the effectiveness of the stage of Projection.


406 — Esoteric Healing II


This course is a continuation of the Esoteric Healing I (306).  In this second phase, the practical implications and requirements faced by the practicing esoteric healer will be carefully examined.  A practical understanding of the soul as it comes to grips with the personality, and of the difficulties encountered by the personality during the process of soul infusion will be considered.  Upon completion of this course, the student will have a greater understanding of the dynamics of the soul and personality interaction preceding their fusion, will have developed a functional sense of esoteric group life, and will have gained some expertise in the management and redeeming of form.  Special attention will be given to the pitfalls encountered upon the Path of Discipleship, and the role of the Egoic Lotus in healing.  The relationship between the healer and the white magician, the dynamics of the processes of life and death, and the importance of group action in healing will be thoroughly studied and, put into practice where possible. The understanding of the Rules and Laws of esoteric healing, as well as the Seven Ray Techniques of Healing, will be penetrated and contemplated.  A major emphasis of this course will be devoted to the practical application of esoteric healing.

501 — Shamballa, Will as Synthesis and the Externalization of the Hierarchy.


The purpose of this course is to deepen identification with the energy of Will; to increase the understanding of, and alignment with, the Purpose held in the planetary center of Shamballa. 


Through a study of the predicted Reappearance of the Christ and the Externalization of the Hierarchy students will be assisted in discovering their Ashramic affiliation, with the intention of bringing new effectiveness to their planetary service.


501.2 — Occult Cosmogony and the Creative Hierarchies


The purpose of this course is to study the nature and functions of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, and their relation to solar-systemic processes upon the cosmic mental, cosmic astral, and cosmic physical planes.  The student will gain an understanding of the interrelation of the manifested and liberated Creative Hierarchies, and of the ways in which Hierarchies polarized upon higher dimensions express themselves through Hierarchies polarized upon lower dimensions.  There will be a special focus upon the Creative Hierarchies four, five, six and seven, which are most concerned with the origin, manifestation and evolution of the human Kingdom. The subject of the birth of the gods and their relation to the emergence of the various dimensions of the cosmic physical plane will also be considered in depth.


502 — Magic and Practical Occultism — Ethero-Physical Plane


This course is designed to give the student an introductory understanding of the principles of White Magic, as presented in Treatise on White Magic, by Alice A. Bailey.  It is a course that is foundational to occult development, for all would-be occultists are striving to become White Magicians.  This is the third and final course in a series of three dedicated to this subject (see also Courses 302 and 402) particular course will focus on the Rules of White Magic that pertain primarily to the etheric/physical plane (Rules 12-15). 


Upon completion, the student will have developed a strong conceptual and practical understanding of these Rules, and will know what is required of them in order for these Rules to be fulfilled.  In addition, students will have developed a synthetic understanding of white magic as presented by the Tibetan Master.  With this knowledge, their magical proficiency in the service of the Hierarchy will be noticeably enhanced.


The Study of Ceremonial Magic and its relation to the Deva Kingdom will also be included at this point.

503 – The Rays and the Initiations—Continued Ashramic Approach


This course will focus principally on last seven of  the Fourteen Advanced Rules for Group Initiation. These Rules are necessary for those who would learn to work in group formation (in affiliation with an Ashram) during the Aquarian Age. Due attention will also be given to ashramic studies in general and Formulas V in particular.


504 — The Buddhic Plane, Laws of Union and Sex


This course will attempt to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of the buddhic plane, its function within the solar system, and its role as the fourth cosmic ether.  The Law of Attraction will be studied as it operates throughout the cosmos, merging spirit and matter to produce the Christ force, Solar Fire, or Buddhi.  The role of man, the Fourth Creative Hierarchy and Divine Hermaphrodite, as he functions on his own plane, will be given particular focus.  In the microcosm, the way in which buddhi vitalizes, unifies and reconciles consciousness within the three worlds will be examined.  Through study, meditation, and experiential work, it is intended that the students will increase their identification with the buddhic principle as it infuses manas, experience more clearly their ashramic affiliation, and become more fully equipped to serve in the “Externalization” process.

505 – The Art and Science of Meditation, Part V.


This course will focus on the continued utilization of the antahkarana as a means of invoking the intuition and spiritual will. Due attention will also be given to the meditative stages of Contemplation, Illumination and Inspiration.


506 — Cosmic Triplicities, Quaternaries and Septenates: A Exploration of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire


Beginning with the One Boundless, Immutable Principle (considered as the Origin of the Kosmos), this advanced course will explore and analyze a number of triplicities, quaternaries and septenates imbedded within the various dimensions of the universal structure.  The course will focus upon esoteric astrology as the Science of Relations, and will include an in-depth study of the essential numerological nature of cosmological and astrological thought, focusing upon the triangles and quaternaries in the principles and vehicles of both microcosmic and macrocosmic man. 


Consideration will be given to the fact that all relationships in our manifested universe are triangular and work out under law through the Science of Triangles.  The manner in which triangles express themselves through quaternaries (such as the three Crosses) will also be carefully studied.  The student will gain a synthetic understanding of threefold, fourfold, and sevenfold cosmic, systemic, planetary and human energies and processes, and their intimate, subjectively-linked relations through the Science of Triangles, and the three Crosses of the twelve zodiacal constellations.


 508 — Thesis Research Completion:  Prepare, Present, Revise, and Finalize.





