Apprehension of cycles

AAB-DK: One of the secrets of initiation is concerned with the apprehension of cycles, and with their duration, and the following terms have to be appreciated, their duration recognised, and their antithesis (an intervening pralaya) duly considered before a man is considered a true occultist.
a. 100 years of Brahma An occult century. The period of a solar system.
b. One year of Brahma The period of seven chains, where the seven planetary schemes are concerned.
c. One week of Brahma The period of seven rounds in one scheme. It has a chain significance.
d. One day of Brahma The occult period of a round.
e. One hour of Brahma Concerns interchain affairs.
f. One Brahmic minute Concerns the planetary centres, and therefore egoic groups.
g. One Brahmic moment Concerns an egoic group, and its relation to the whole.   -TCF 792


HPB: "The sacredness of the cycle of 4320, with additional cyphers, lies in the fact that the figures which compose it, taken separately or joined in various combinations, are each and all symbolical of the greatest mysteries in Nature. Indeed, whether one takes the 4 separately, or the 3 by itself, or the two together making 7, or again the three added together and yielding 9, all these numbers have their application in the most sacred and occult things, and record the workings of Nature in her eternally periodical phenomena. They are never erring, perpetually recurring numbers, unveiling, to him who studies the secrets of Nature, a truly divine System, an intelligent plan in Cosmogony, which results in natural cosmic divisions of times, seasons, invisible influences, astronomical phenomena, with their action and reaction on terrestrial and even moral nature; on birth, death, and growth, on health and disease. All these natural events are based and depend upon cyclical processes in the Kosmos itself, producing periodic agencies which, acting from without, affect the Earth and all that lives and breathes on it, from one end to the other of any Manvantara. Causes and effects are esoteric, exoteric, and endexoteric, so to say.  -SD Vol.2. pp.73-74




:   Billion Million


Time Beat (TB = systole + diastole)
(sacred cycle of 4320)
4.32         x103

Kali Yuga (KY)
4.32       x105

Maha Yuga (MY)
4.32       x106  

Tetraktis algebra:
1KY + 2KY + 3KY + 4KY = KYx(1+2+3+4) = KYx10

Day of Brahma (DB)
4.32     x109    

Night of Brahma (NB)
4.32     x109    

Week of Brahma (WB)
60.48     x109    

Year of Brahma (YB)
3,110.40     x109    

One Hundred YB
(Maha Kalpa)
311,040.00     x109    


Hour of Brahma (HB)
360.00       x106  

Minute of Brahma (MB)
60.00       x106  
Precession Cycle (PC)
25.92         x103


Sandhi (S)
17.28       x105

15 Sandhis (15S)
25.92       x106  

2KY=Dvapara Yuga; 3KY=Treta Yuga; 4KY=Satya Yuga
1DB=One Chain Period; 100YB = One Solar System 

1Manu = (72-1)MY
(7Root+7Seed)Manu + (14+1)S = 1DB


Earth Scheme
[1 of 10 Schemes in the Solar System]

Source: John Berges. Hidden Foundations of the Great Invocation, Planetwork Press, 2000 (p. 232)


Space structure of a scheme: 7 chains of 7 globes each

Time periods of a scheme: 7 rounds per chain through the 7 globes

Duration of 7 rounds in a chain: 1,000 Maha Yugas = 1 Day of Brahma (planetary mantvantara)

Root Races per round in a globe: 7

Duration of one Root Race: 2 Maha Yugas (on average) 

A summary: In a scheme, there are 7 globes per chain per round, for a total of 343 globes (73). Our planet Earth is at the midpoint (172th globe) of the Earth Scheme (or the 25th of 49 incarnations of Globe 4 in our Scheme). According to modern science, the planet Earth is approximately 4.5x109 years old, twice the age stated in the Secret Doctrine (i.e., half-way through its planetary manvantara of one Day of Brahma, or approximately 2x109 = 2,000x106 years). According to Pratt, the discrepancy is probably due to a misinterpretation of the radiometric tests used by modern science.

Origins of the Kingdoms of Nature
(in years BCE)

Mineral 320 to 250x106
Vegetable 250 to 180x106
Animal-Human 180 to 120x106

Source: Secret Doctrine

According to the Secret Doctrine, the sedimentation of planet Earth in this 4th round began 320x106 years ago. In this 4th globe of the 4th chain in its 4th round (S4.C4.G4.Rn4), the 4th Root Race  corresponds to the Atlantean Race (filled middle square in Figure 13.6), which emerged 13 to 15x106 years ago. The evolutionary process of spiritual initiation (Temples of the Mysteries) was established in Atlantis.

The 4th subrace of this 4th Root Race represented the midpoint of the 4th round (S4.C4.G4.Rn.4.R4.4) and emerged 10 to 12x106 years ago. This was a crucial point in the planetary history as it reenacted the battle between the Forces of Light and the Dark Forces begun in the Third Chain (next upper chain from the filled middle square in Figure 13.6), the Lunar Chain, whose evolution was aborted by the conflict. Our current satelite, the Moon, represents the physical residue of that chain and is considered a dead, slowly decaying body.

Our current Root Race is the 5th or Aryan race (next to the right of the filled square in Figure 13.6) which emerged (R5.1) from the seed (R4.5, as shown in Part I) of the Atlantean race 4.5x106 years ago. The Root Race preceding the Atlantean was the Lemurian (next to the left of the filled middle square in Figure 13.6) when individualization ocurred 18.5x106 years ago. The Solar Angels (Agnishvattas) thus brought the Promethean fire of self-consciousness to the animal kingdom then. Shamballa's first (dense) physical plane enclave ocurred 17x106 years ago in South America (IBEZ), after Sanat Kumara had arrived on the Fourth Round of the Fourth Chain 21x106 years ago.

Known History and Current Science Estimates
(Bible sources: planet Earth is 6x103 years old)

Big Bang: 14x109 years ago

Solar System: 8x109  years old

Planet Earth: 4.5x109 years old

Evolutionary Timelines Years BCE:


Mesopotamia 6x103
Indus Valley 4x103
Egypt 3x103
China 3x103
Mayans 1x103
Greece 1x103


The Secret Doctrine firmly maintains that the human being did not evolve from the apes; a Lemurian ancestor is postulated, much older (18x106 years) than the fossil evidence discovered by modern science so far (~4 x106 years old). On the contrary, HPB unequivocably stated that monkeys and apes were the result of (sinful) intercourse between Lemurian-Atlantean humanity and the animal kingdom.

Sexually transmitted diseases originated during the Lemurian Race (15x106 years ago), as cancer and tuberculosis did during Atlantean times (12x106 years ago). TB became epidemic during the Aryan race as "consumption" (depletion of the astral/emotional nature). DK forecasts that TB will be the first of these three "planetary diseases" to be eradicated from Earth. 

Some references and suggested readings:

David Pratt: The Age of Earth [1]

Molecular Biology: Human Evolution

Phillip Lindsay: - Aquarius and the Fifth Rootrace: The Coming Sixth Rootrace
                              - Hidden History of Humanity


A1: The Earth chain and globe in the evolution
of the planetary Logos of the Earth scheme

by D.K.

The idea may be clarified for the student if it is stated that:

A scheme, in its totality, corresponds to the Monad, or to the monadic auric egg, in connection with a human being and his forty-nine cycles.

A chain, in its totality corresponds to the body egoic of a human being, to the causal body with its seven great [Page 383] cycles mentioned elsewhere in these pages, and hinted at in certain occult books.

A globe, with its seven races corresponds to a particular series of incarnations in connection with a man, incarnate or discarnate, for all globes are not on physical levels.

A physical globe, in a chain corresponds to a particular physical incarnation of a man. The planetary Logos takes physical form in His planet and is its life and works out His purposes.

A root-race, simply is analogous to the "seven parts" (as Shakespeare phrases it) as played by the midget, man. In a root-race a Heavenly Man is simply living out His life, working through some experience in the great work of developing buddhi or corporate action, (for buddhi is the unifying principle of groups) and, in the process of experiencing and developing, He sweeps into His vibratory capacity all the cells in His body. In the case of a human being the cells in his body (the material cells) are involutionary lives, animated by the third Logos, co-operating with the second Logos. In the case of a planetary Logos, the cells in His body are evolutionary lives (deva and human units) animated by the life of the second Logos, co-operating with the first Logos, and utilising the activities of the third Logos for purposes of manifesting.

Having pointed out these things, the place the Earth chain and globe play in the evolution of the planetary Logos of the Earth scheme should be clearer to the student. -TCF


Initiations of Sanat Kumara

A2: Esoteric History of Tuberculosis

by D.K.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been present in the human population since antiquity - fragments of the spinal column from Egyptian mummies from 2400 BCE show definite pathological signs of tubercular decay. -NJMS National Tuberculosis Center

The earliest unambiguous detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is in the remains of bison dated 18,000 years before the present. However, whether tuberculosis originated in cattle and then transferred to humans, or diverged from a common ancestor, is currently unclear. Skeletal remains show prehistoric humans (4000 BC) had TB, and tubercular decay has been found in the spines of mummies from 3000-2400 BC... Genetic studies suggest that TB was present in South America for about 2,000 years. In South America, the earliest evidence of tuberculosis is associated with the Paracas-Caverna culture (circa 750 BC to circa 100 AD).

Tuberculosis, which was devastatingly rampant at a certain stage in Atlantean times, is nevertheless a disease which has been generated principally in our Aryan race, and one which we are bequeathing to the animal kingdom and are sharing with them... The cause of this great white scourge is to be found in the fact of the shift of the life emphasis away from the emotional nature into that of the mind nature, producing a temporary starvation of the emotional nature. It is largely a disease of depletion... I realise the difficulty of grasping these statements. I can only give you these unsubstantiated hints. Later discoveries alone can prove the truth of my suggestions...

In the secret of right rhythmic living and in a right proportional accent upon all phases of life will come (and it is rapidly coming) complete immunity from tuberculosis.   " -TSR IV, 59-61

"...the science of psychology will, during the next two centuries, dominate modern medical science, except in the category of those diseases ... emanating from group life, such as tuberculosis, venereal diseases and cancer. Until the race is more definitely group conscious (something as yet far distant) it will not be possible to apply broad psychological generalisations to the diseases indigenous to our planet." 190

"As the ages passed away, humanity entered into the Atlantean stage of development. The conscious control of the physical body dropped below the threshold of consciousness; the etheric body became consequently more potent (a [Page 231] fact not oft considered), and the physical body reacted increasingly like an automaton to the impression and the direction of a steadily developing desire nature. Desire became something more than simply response to animal physical urges and to the primitive instincts, but was directed to objects and objectives extraneous to the body, towards material possessions and towards that which (when seen and coveted) could be appropriated. Just as the major sins of Lemurian times (if they could be called sins in any true sense, because of the low intelligence of the race) were through the misuse of sex, so the major sin of the Atlantean people was theft—widespread and general. The seeds of aggression and of personal acquisitiveness began to show themselves, culminating in the great war (as related in The Secret Doctrine) between the Lords of the Shining Countenance and the Lords of the Dark Face. To procure what they coveted and felt they needed, the most highly evolved of that race began to practice magic.

Life became tainted by the miasma of unadulterated selfishness and the very springs of life itself became polluted. Men only lived and breathed in order to be in possession of the utmost luxury and of a very plethora of things and of material goods. They were smothered by desire and plagued by the dream of never dying but of living on and on, acquiring more and more of all that they desired.


It is in this situation that we find the origin of tuberculosis. It originated in the organs whereby men breathe and live, and was imposed—as a penalty—by the Great White Lodge; the Masters promulgated a new law for the Atlantean people when Lemurian vice and Atlantean cupidity were at their most ruthless height. This law can be translated into the following terms: "
He who lives only for material goods, who sacrifices all virtue in order to gain that which cannot last, will die in life, will find breath failing him, and yet will refuse to think of death until the summons comes."

"... the karmic effect of the three planetary diseases: Cancer, Tuberculosis, Syphilitic diseases. Some day medicine will realise that behind every single disease (irrespective of the results of accident or war) lie these three main tendencies in the human body. This is a basic and important statement." 275

Source: Esoteric Healing (TSR IV)


AAB: "Both my parents died before I was nine years old and both died of tuberculosis (consumption, as it was called in those days). The fear of tuberculosis lay like an imminent threat over both of us in our early years and also our father's resentment over our existence, particularly, for some reason, over mine. He probably felt my mother would be alive if having two children had not drained her physical resources. -UA 16

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