The Mystery of the Holy Spirit and the Mother
by D.K.
TCF 4: This triple solar system can be described in terms of three aspects, or (as the Christian theology puts it) in terms of three Persons.
1st Person    Father.  Life.  Will.  Purpose.  Positive energy.
2nd Person    Son.  Consciousness.  Love-Wisdom.  Equilibrised energy.
FIRE BY FRICTION, or Body, or Matter.
3rd Person    Holy Spirit.  Form.  Active Intelligence.  Negative energy.
TCF 160: The Circle divided into four.  This is the true circle of matter, the equal armed cross of the Holy Spirit, Who is the personification of active intelligent matter.
TCF 458: The animal kingdom is the third of the kingdoms and is (from the esoteric point of view and as regards its relation to mankind) the mother aspect, prior to the overshadowing by the Holy Spirit, the manas aspect.  Think out this resemblance, and trace the analogy between the cosmic mother, the systemic mother, and the same mother aspect as seen in the animal kingdom as a basis for the evolution of man.
TCF 617: From the Christian standpoint, the greater Builders are the Holy Spirit, or force overshadowing and fecundating matter, whilst the negative or lesser Builders correspond to the Virgin Mary.
TCF: The Father in [Page 711] Heaven is to be revealed through the Christ, the Son, by the method of incarnation made possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. 
TCF 916: ... the mystery of the Holy Spirit and the Mother.
TCF: The Holy Spirit, the One Who overshadows and Who implants the germ of life in the waiting acquiescent Virgin Mother or matter (causing her to awaken and to commence her great work of producing the divine incarnation) is a primary factor from the standpoint of the second solar system.
In a way incomprehensible to modern thinkers, the Mother, or the divine Aspirant to the mysteries of the cosmic marriage, was (in a previous system) the dominant factor.  In this system in connection with substance it is the Holy Spirit.  The work, therefore, on etheric levels, and the energy and activity originating therefrom, are the factors that primarily are responsible on the physical [Page 917] plane for all that is tangible, objective, and manifested.  The accretion of matter around the vital body, and the densification of substance around the vital etheric nucleus are in themselves the result of interaction, and the final interchange of vibration between that which might be called the residue from an earlier manifestation, and the vibration of this present one.
TCF 918: Much time is spent in speculating upon the sources of life, upon the springs of action, and upon the impulses which underlie the creative processes.  Hitherto science has worked somewhat blindly and has spent much time investigating the lower three planes.  It has dealt principally with the Mother, with the negative receptive matter, and is only now becoming aware of the Holy Spirit aspect, or of the energy which enables that Mother to fulfill her function, and to carry on her work.
TCF 922: The Transmitter of the Word on the first plane of Adi is the embodiment of the throat centre of a cosmic entity.  From this statement will come a just realisation of our place in the cosmic scheme, and the fundamentally physical nature of the seven planes of the solar system is also here demonstrated, the nature of Brahma, or the Holy Spirit, becoming apparent.
The old Commentary says:
"Brahma is One, yet includes His brother.  Vishnu is One, yet existeth not apart from His brother, younger in point of time yet older far.  Shiva is One, and antedates Them both, yet He appeareth not nor is He seen, until They both have cycled through Their courses."
TCF: There is no contradiction here to the occult teaching that Father and Mother, or Spirit and Matter, when brought into contact, produce the Son.  The difficulty which students have to surmount consists in the true interpretation of the three terms:  Mother—Matter—Moisture (or the waters).
In creation, the three vibratory spheres:
1. The dense physical.....Mother......Matter,
2. The etheric.................Matter.......Holy Spirit,
3. The astral...................Moisture...Water,
work as a unit, and in the occult teaching, during the earlier stages of creation, must not be separated or distinguished apart.  On the path of involution, if the subject may be approached from a different angle, and thus [Page 1020] somewhat clarify, distinctions are made, and on the path of evolution, or of return, they are, as we well know, surmounted; on the middle point of equilibrium, as on our globe, for instance, confusion ensues in the mind of the student owing to the occult fact that the various formulas are being employed simultaneously, the thought-forms are at all stages of construction, and the ensuing chaos is terrible.
TCF 1034: Rotary activity....The internal activity of every atom viewed as a unity, the activity of Brahma or the Holy Spirit, perfected in the first solar system.  It is unified individual consciousness..."I am."
TCF 1167: The Law of Economy is the governing principle of Brahma or the Holy Spirit
EA 156: Capricorn: the mystery of God the Holy Spirit. Liberation.
EA 245: ... the three divine aspects of the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, the Creator—law, sex and money—.
EA 248: Saturn.—3rd Ray of Intelligence. God the Holy Spirit. He who knows. Mind. Human Consciousness. Instinct to Intellect.
EA: Virgo is, therefore, the cosmic mother because she represents cosmically the negative pole to positive spirit; she is the receptive agent where the Father aspect is concerned. In a previous solar system, this matter aspect was the supreme controlling factor, just as in this solar system it is the soul or the Christ principle which is of paramount importance. Virgo is, from certain angles, quite the oldest of all the signs, which is a statement I am quite unable to prove to you. In that first system, the faint symptoms (if I may use such a word) of the duality which is a proven fact in this system are to be found, and this truth is preserved for us in the words that "the Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary." The life of the third divine aspect played then upon the ocean of quiescent matter and prepared that substance (over untold aeons) for its work in this solar system. It is in this system that the Christ Child, the expression [Page 256] of the divine consciousness and the result of the relationship of Father-Spirit and Mother-Matter, must he brought to the birth.
EA 558: 1. The Mutable Cross is the Cross of the Holy Spirit, of the third Person of the Christian Trinity, as it organises substance and evokes sensitive response from substance itself.
2. The Fixed Cross is the Cross of the Son of God, of the second Person of the Trinity, driven through love to incarnate in matter and to be consciously crucified upon the Cross of matter.
3. The Cardinal Cross is the Cross of the Father, the first aspect of the sacred Trinity, Who sent forth the Holy Spirit (the Breath) because the Mind of God visioned a destiny for matter which had been long in coming. [Page 559] Now that the "time was at hand," the Son fulfilled the law in cooperation with the Holy Spirit and this in response to the fiat of the Father.
EA 560: This Cross of the personality dedicates the man who is crucified thereon to material ends in order that he may learn eventually their divine use. It is in the lower aspect of this Cross that the Nazis chose this symbol as theirs; they were expressing, at the close of the material cycle of human existence, the false and evil use of matter, of which separativeness, cruelty and selfishness is the key. The misuse of substance and the prostitution of matter and form to evil ends is the sin against the Holy Spirit.
EA 629: This third aspect of the divine expression is the result or outcome of the activity of the other two major rays. You must, with care, distinguish in your minds between matter or the Mother and substance or the "Holy Spirit overshadowing the Mother"; it is with this latter we are concerned, for we are regarding all these rays in terms of will, of spirit, and of life.
EA 643:  "The Trinity was represented by the Sun (the Father), Mercury (the Son), and Venus (the Holy Spirit)." (S.D. II. 569.)
EA 644: God the Holy Spirit—3rd Logos—Fire by friction—Pleiades. Saturn (C.F. 96.)
EA 670:  "The Trinity is symbolised by the sun:
a. The central spiritual sun—God the Father.
b. The heart of the sun—God the son.
c. The physical sun—God the Holy Spirit."
EH 180: The Centre at the Base of the Spine.  This centre is, above everything else, controlled and governed by the Law of Being, above referred to, and is established where spirit and matter meet and where matter, the Virgin Mary—under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the energy of the etheric vehicle—is translated "into Heaven," there (as the Christian phraseology puts it) "to be seated beside her Son in the house of the Father."
EH: It must be remembered that the life of the centres is founded, in the initial stage, upon the inherent life of the organism itself, with the focus of the emanating life to be found in the centre at the base of the spine.  This is a point oft forgotten by esotericists.  This basic centre is the one through which the life of matter itself works; this is the life or energy of the Holy Spirit aspect, the third aspect.  Through its life each atom in the body is fed.  This process of animating the substance of the physical form is started in the prenatal stage; after birth, this type of force is aided and paralleled by the inflow of planetary prana or vital energy from the planetary life itself, via the spleen. [Page 210] This is the essential relating organ between the inherent life of matter itself, as present in the microcosm, and the inherent life in the planet.
R&I: As we strive to arrive at some dim comprehension of the nature of the work to be done in building the antahkarana it might be wise, as a preliminary step, to consider the nature [Page 464] of the substance out of which the "bridge of shining mind stuff" has to be built by the conscious aspirant.  The oriental term for this "mind stuff" is chitta; it exists in three types of substance, all basically identical but all qualified or conditioned differently.  It is a fundamental law in this solar system, and therefore in our planetary life experience, that the substance through which divinity (in time and space) expresses itself is karmically conditioned; it is impregnated by those qualities and aspects which are the product of earlier manifestations of that Being in Whom we live and move and have our being.  This is the basic fact lying behind the expression of that Trinity or Triad of Aspects with which all the world religions have made us familiar.  This trinity is as follows:
1. The Father Aspect       This is the underlying Plan of God.
   The Will Aspect.            The essential Cause of Being.
   Purpose.                        Life purpose, motivating evolution.
                                            The note of synthetic sound.
        Utilises the sutratma
2. The Son Aspect.                  The quality of sensitivity.
   The Love Aspect.                The nature of relationship.
   Wisdom.  Understanding.       The method of evolution.
   Consciousness.  Soul.           The note of attractive sound.
    Utilises the consciousness thread
3. The Mother Aspect             The intelligence of substance.
   The Intelligence Aspect.      The nature of form.
   The Holy Spirit.                Response to evolution.
                                           The note of Nature.
    Develops the creative thread
IHS xv: The Monad, or pure Spirit, the Father in Heaven. This aspect reflects the three aspects of the Godhead:
1. Will or Power.................The Father.
2. Love-wisdom.................The Son.
3. Active Intelligence...........The Holy Spirit.
and is only contacted at the final initiations, when man is nearing the end of his journey and is perfected.



Q: Are the etheric subplanes (of the Holy Spirit) at a "higher" or “greater” level than the dense physical subplanes (of the Mother)?
RI 403: ... all the planes are interpenetrating.  This has been somewhat easy to understand in connection with our seven planes, as the rarer substances could be visualised as interpenetrating the denser.
RI 480: The physical plane is a complete reflection of the mental; the lowest three subplanes reflect the abstract subplanes, and the four etheric subplanes reflect the four mental concrete planes. [...]  ... units of force, ..., pile up according to the energy direction around and within the etheric sheath till it is hidden and concealed, yet interpenetrating.
A: We need to think less in terms of the old model of the atom, with layers of substance "above and below," and more in terms of the modern and scientifically valid model of quantum physics.
The terms "higher" and "lower" are fallacious, illusive figures of speech.The concept of "interpenetration" dispels the illusion of separating the "higher" or "greater" from the "lesser" or "lower."  
The "highest" dimension, is not "up there" but everywhere, within every atom of life. Even single and isolated atoms are an illusion created by the wave structure of matter. The "highest" is the innermost, everywhere.
The Father, the First Prime, is the One (the Masculine Point) and the (unredeemed) Mother is the First Feminine, the Virginal Two, drawing a "ring-pass-not" around the Point in two-dimensional space.
The Two becomes the Four, the Cross of the Holy Spirit, the basis of Three-dimensional space (the Holy Tetrahedron) after the (redeemed) Mother gives birth to the Son, the Androgynous Two (the Square Root of Four), and She becomes the Second Prime, the Three.
The Holy Trinity is, in fact, a Holy Tetrahedron reduced to two dimensions by the finite, concrete mind.The third vertex in each triangular face of the tetrahedron is the Mother redeemed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the swirling Equal-Armed Cross within Tetrahedron itself.


True, the Virgin Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Still, "highest" to Them all, the Innermost, is the Zero, the Unfathomable Cosmic Womb, the true Cosmic Mother: the (veiled) Mystery of Space. 


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