I. I desire birth.
II. I am ready to be burned and consumed;
for that is what birth is.
III. I am ready to be naked and
and to suffer from my nakedness;
for that is what life is.
IV. I am ready to make the pilgrimage
through matter in darkness and in
so that the circle of the uncreate
become one with the circle of the
Source: When the Sun Moves Northward by
Mabel Collins
Aquarian Mantram of Synthesis
May the liberating Light of Lord
The infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace,
And the unfathomable Power of the Avatar of Synthesis
Restore the Plan on Earth.
Source: Healing Service Activity by VBA
GLA 198: It is interesting to note that the most ancient prayer in the world refers to the three aspects of glamour, and it is for these that the three techniques must be used to make release and progress possible. As you know, this prayer runs as follows (Brihadaranyaki Upanishad I, 3, 28):"Lead us, O Lord, from darkness to light; from the unreal to the real; from death to immortality.""Lead us from darkness to light" refers to the mind as it becomes eventually illumined by the light of the intuition; this illumination is brought about by the means of the Technique of the Presence from Whom the light shines. This is the mediating factor producing the Transfiguration of the personality, and a centre of radiant light upon the mental plane. This statement is true whether one is speaking of an individual or of that focal point of light which is formed by the mental unity and the clear thinking of advanced humanity. These, through the power of their unified minds, will succeed in ridding the world of some aspects of the Great Illusion."Lead us from the unreal to the Real" has specific relation to the astral plane and its all-encompassing glamours. These glamours embody the unreal and present them to the prisoners of the astral plane, leading them to mistake them for the Reality. This imprisonment by glamour can be ended by the activity of the Technique of Light, utilised by those who work—in group formation—for the dissipation of glamour and for the emergence in the consciousness of men of a clear conception and recognition of the nature of Reality.
[Salvador Dalí. The Last Supper]
The HEART of the Dodecahedron:
the Star of the New Age
The Glory of the One
EA: The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere, "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalisation must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate [Page 329] (for each sign )this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light. This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.
01. Aries.—The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the "searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used" for divine expression.
02. Taurus.—The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.
03. Gemini.—The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. It is the conscious light of that relationship.
04. Cancer.—The Light within the form. This is the diffused light of substance itself, the "dark light" of matter, referred to in The Secret Doctrine. It is the light awaiting the stimulation coming from the soul light.
05. Leo.—The Light of the Soul. A reflected point of light logoic, or divine. The light diffused in Cancer focusses and reveals eventually a point.
06. Virgo.—The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen—bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini. [Page 330]
07. Libra.—The Light that moves to rest. This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down.
08. Scorpio.—The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet—the light of form, the light of soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.
09. Sagittarius.—A beam of directed, focussed Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the centre of the light.
10. Capricorn.—The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.
11. Aquarius.—The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone.
12. Pisces—The Light of the World. This is the light, revealing the light of life itself. It ends for ever the darkness of matter.
A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos.
Twelve Petals of the HEART (according to VBA):
Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12
02. Taurus.—The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.
Sixth Rule of White Magic:
The eye opens.
The devas of the lower four feel the force when the eye
they are driven forth and lose their master.
The dual vortex is the medium through which this can work in several important ways. Energy or force first starts its movement from one level or plane to another by fiery lines of descending force. These connecting lines are then triangulated as energy now flows down and contacts three different levels of spiritual life. When the rotating force between these 3 points reaches a certain speed the vortex is created. The vortex is the crossover point between initial rotary motion and more advanced spiral-cyclic. One expresses the 3rd aspect of deity the other the second.
When the vortex or rotating center goes 4th dimensional and becomes "a wheel turning upon itself" the highest and lowest are connected and the divine initiatory experience take place. The triangle and the subsequent vortex design that emerges from this movement of energy forms the basis for all energy contact and distribution through the many of God's inner dimensions. It is this dual vortex dynamic that allows, when fully built and energized, energy to travel from the center to the periphery of any organism and then back again unimpeded.
3. Gemini.—The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. It is the conscious light of that relationship.
4. Cancer—The Light within the form. This is the diffused light of substance itself, the "dark light" of matter, referred to in The Secret Doctrine. It is the light awaiting the stimulation coming from the soul light.
VBA: To contemplate is to recreate by similarity.
1. Aries-Cancer: ruling from the plane of the abstract mind ==> building a lighted house (diffused light of substance).2. Leo-Scorpio: concentrated light within the circle of matter ==> triumphantly emerging light.3. Sagittarius-Pisces: piercing through the intuitive mind ==> building the synthetic bridge (weaving in the light).
1. Leo—Concentration—Soul life focussed in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.2. Virgo—Meditation—Soul life, as sensed in man, the gestation period. The stage of the hidden Christ. Intelligent man. Personality, as hiding the Christ life.3. Libra—Contemplation—Life of soul and form is balanced. Neither dominates. Equilibrium. An interlude wherein the soul organises itself for battle and the personality waits. This is the probationary path. Duality known.4. Scorpio—Illumination—The soul triumphs. Experience in Taurus consummated. Astral glamour dissipated. [Page 229] Soul light pours in. The Path of Discipleship. The Disciple.5. Sagittarius—Inspiration—Preparation for initiation. Soul inspires personality life. Soul expresses itself through personality. The Initiate.
5. Leo—The Light of the Soul. A reflected point of Logoic Light, or Divine. The light diffused in Cancer focusses and reveals eventually a point.
TWM 214: Force flows through the focused human eye.
EA, 288: ...the only truly self-conscious person is the man who is aware of purpose, of a self-directed life and of a developed and definite life plan and program…
Virgo.—The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen—bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini.
EA: In this world period we have the division of the sign of the Sphinx into two signs (the Lion and the Virgin, soul and form) because the state of human evolution and conscious realisation is that of a recognised duality; it is only at what is called the "final judgment" that another fusion [Page 231] will take place and Virgo-Libra will form one sign, for then man's sense of antagonistic dualism will be ended and the scales will have been turned finally in favour of that which the Virgin-Mother has hidden from expression for aeons.
7. Libra.—The Light that moves to rest. This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down.
Sometimes when you vibrate a string, it's possible to get it to vibrate in a manner such that you're generating a wave, but the wave doesn't propagate. It just sits there vibrating up and down in place. Such a wave is called a standing wave. The points of no displacement are called nodes (N).
(musical overtones)
2014 New Year’s Eve
8. Scorpio.—The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet—the light of form, the light of soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.
Rising in brightness
9. Sagittarius.—A beam of directed, focussed Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the centre of the light.
1. The Ashram pulsates with life. Its radiation penetrates the outer gloom and dark; waiting aspirants, one by one, and all alone, appear within the beam of light.2. Along that beam the chela travels towards the central [Page 561] point of light, the Master in His Ashram. The Master waits. He moves not forth but quietly radiates.3. The chela enters through the door into the Ashram and stands before the Master of his life. He knows himself to be a soul. He knows that now his mind and all the lower natural forces must radiate the light he has attained.4. As one by one the chelas find their way into the Ashram and to the central Light, the light therein intensifies. The radiation of the Ashram waxes to a great intensity. The tiny beam of light focussed within the chela's heart, directed by his eye, penetrates in turn the outer gloom and is seen by those who wait.5. Within the Ashram I have taken my place. My little light is merged and blended with the greater light, for thus I best can serve. I face the Master and know His light and mine to be the same. I turn and send my light into the dark, to guide some wanderer home.6. Grant me the light that I may shine. Let me throughout the world of time and space radiate light, create a light, transmit the light, and treading thus the Lighted Way (which is my Lighted Self), enter the light and so return the light to those who need, to Those likewise from whence it came.
I am a point of light within a greater Light.
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.
I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focussed within the fiery Will of
And thus I stand.
I am a way by which men may achieve.
I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of light,
shining upon their way.
And thus I stand.
And standing thus revolve
And tread this way the ways of men,
And know the ways of God.
And thus I stand.
"They come and stand. Within the midst of whirling forms—some of beauty rare and some of [Page 151] horror and despair—they stand. They look not here or there but, with their faces turned towards the light, they stand. Thus through their minds the pure light streams to dissipate the fogs."They come and rest. They cease their outer labours, pausing to do a different work. Within their hearts is rest. They run not here and there, but constitute a point of peace and rest. That which upon the surface veils and hides the real begins to disappear and from the heart at rest a beam of dissipating force projects, blends with the shining light and then the mists of man's creation disappear."They come and they observe. They own the eye of vision; likewise they own the right direction of the needed force. They see the glamour of the world, and seeing, they note behind it all the true, the beautiful, the real. Thus through the eye of Buddhi comes the power to drive away the veiling, swirling glamours of that glamorous world."They stand, they rest, and they observe. Such are their lives and such the service that they render to the souls of men."
a. Recognition of the glamour to be dissipated.b. The stage of focussing the light of the personality, a dual light.c. The stage of meditation and the recognition of the greater light.d. The unification of the dual light of matter and the light of the soul, creating thus the searchlight of the mind. [Page 220]
A beam of directed, focussed Light
10. Capricorn.—The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.
TCF 478: Radiation is transmutation in process of accomplishment. Transmutation being the liberation of the essence in order that it may seek a new centre, the process may be recognised as radioactivity technically understood and applied to all atomic bodies without exception.
1. Emanating, evocative and magnetic energies are the three types of energy, flowing from the "superior triangle."2. Receptive, distributing and critical force are the three types of energy distributed by the "inferior or reflected triangle."3. Two points of energy are shared by both triangles along the base line. When the work is completed, the base line is formed by two blended streams of energy, which embody the energies of both triangles.4. One point of energy (the magnetic point) produces involution and outgoing during the process of forming the lower triangle. In a later stage it -as a blend of energies- induces return of all the energies to the emanating source.
5. It must be noted by the student that:a. The masses of men express down-pouring energy from the magnetic centre. Their rightful trend is at present downward into physical manifestation and experience. [Page 464]
b. Aspirants and probationers express responsiveness to the pull of the evocative centre. Their urge is towards the path of return.c. Accepted disciples and initiates express the interplay along the base line between the evocative and magnetic points.d. Higher initiates and Masters utilise and express the energy blended in the magnetic centre. They are returning or responding to the emanating centre.
The Sea Goat
11. Aquarius.—The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone.
The power of the light prevents the
appearance of the glamour of
The power of the light negates the quality of the
glamour from affecting me.
The power of the light destroys the life behind the
So let it be, and help me in my own life to end all glamour and untruth.
a. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.b. The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.c. The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the entire world.
12. Pisces—The Light of the World. This is the light, revealing the light of life itself. It ends for ever the darkness of matter.
R&I: Rule XII.For Applicants: Let the disciple learn to use the hand in service; let him seek the mark of the Messenger in his feet and let him learn to see with the eye which looks out from between the two.For Disciples and Initiates: Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward Way and let Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour, as the group toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group.
"Flying Mercury"
by G. da Bologna - Art Bronze
An epiphany (from the ancient Greek epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is the sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something.
Joyous Epiphany!
"May the Christ Mass make possible an increase of Lighted Love for groups such as ours (and others you may be a part of) to benefit Humanity and all life on and for our blessed earth." -HBH
VBA Study Center
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